Ben Carson refers to himself as a "scientist".

Al Gore also invented the internet.
While the Right credits Gore with "inventing" the internet, his influence in the creation is undeniable, Gore himself modestly takes credit for nothing more than arranging the funding of its development while he served in Congress.

He's actually defending Gore's claim to be the father of the internet!
As I have shown so many times before, when lying scum Right-wingers get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

As you well know, Gore NEVER said he was the father of the internet, that lie was coined by a lying scum Right-winger named Declan McCullagh.

Al Gore had seen what happened with the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956, which his father introduced as a military bill. It was very powerful. Housing went up, suburban boom happened, everybody became mobile. Al was attuned to the power of networking much more than any of his elective colleagues. His initiatives led directly to the commercialization of the Internet. So he really does deserve credit.
- Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet

Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Al Gore: Former U.S. vice president and senator who championed the funding and development of the Internet in Congress Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say

Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say


Vice President Al Gore. (AP File Photo)
By John Schwartz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 21, 1999; Page A4
So -- did he do it?

Did Al Gore create the Internet?

The vice president's recent comment that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" opened Gore up for wide derision, because the global computer network had its beginnings more than 25 years ago.

Former vice president Dan Quayle (R) scoffed to a reporter that "if Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell-check." Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) countered that he had invented the paper clip. Despite the partisan mirth, many of the researchers and venerated propeller-heads who did have a hand in the Internet's creation said Gore deserves substantial credit for passing a number of bills that boosted supercomputing and high-speed communications networks, which in turn helped create the Internet as it exists today.

David J. Farber, a professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the early players in the Internet, said that along with the importance of his legislative initiatives, Gore popularized the emerging medium worldwide. Gore aligned himself with high tech long before every lawmaker boasted of his or her personal Web site. He helped popularize the term "information superhighway," drawing on the symbolism of his father's hand in creating the interstate highway system.

Vinton G. Cerf, a senior vice president at MCI Worldcom and the person most often called "the father of the Internet" for his part in designing the network's common computer language, said in an e-mail interview yesterday, "I think it is very fair to say that the Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the vice president in his current role and in his earlier role as senator."

The co-author of a history of the online world, "Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet," agreed. Katie Hafner said people have been haggling over the true beginnings of the network for decades. "As we all know, there are many paternity claims on the Internet. That's a given, because it's so successful. But there are so many people who did at least one pivotal thing in either creating the network, or encouraging the use of the network, or bringing the network to the public -- and Gore was one of those people."

When lying scum Left-wingers get caught lying, you just keep on lying.

Al Gore: "I took the initiative in creating the internet"

Created is a synonym of invented, dumb ass.

And what's even funnier is that the father of the internet doesn't know the difference between the internet and the web. The internet has been around since circa 1960, he meant to take credit for inventing the web.

You and Gore are a couple of dumb asses
And INITIATIVE is NOT a synonym for invented!

Another pathological liar taking the quote out of context even after I posted the entire quote, proving the lying scum Right will always lie in the face of the truth.

I didn't say "initiative" was a synonym for invented, I said "created" is a synonym for invented.

WTF? What is wrong with you? It was a simple sentence, EdTheLemur, what is wrong with you? Seriously?
Al Gore also invented the internet.
While the Right credits Gore with "inventing" the internet, his influence in the creation is undeniable, Gore himself modestly takes credit for nothing more than arranging the funding of its development while he served in Congress.

He's actually defending Gore's claim to be the father of the internet!
As I have shown so many times before, when lying scum Right-wingers get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

As you well know, Gore NEVER said he was the father of the internet, that lie was coined by a lying scum Right-winger named Declan McCullagh.

Al Gore had seen what happened with the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956, which his father introduced as a military bill. It was very powerful. Housing went up, suburban boom happened, everybody became mobile. Al was attuned to the power of networking much more than any of his elective colleagues. His initiatives led directly to the commercialization of the Internet. So he really does deserve credit.
- Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet

Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Al Gore: Former U.S. vice president and senator who championed the funding and development of the Internet in Congress Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say

Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say


Vice President Al Gore. (AP File Photo)
By John Schwartz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 21, 1999; Page A4
So -- did he do it?

Did Al Gore create the Internet?

The vice president's recent comment that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" opened Gore up for wide derision, because the global computer network had its beginnings more than 25 years ago.

Former vice president Dan Quayle (R) scoffed to a reporter that "if Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell-check." Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) countered that he had invented the paper clip. Despite the partisan mirth, many of the researchers and venerated propeller-heads who did have a hand in the Internet's creation said Gore deserves substantial credit for passing a number of bills that boosted supercomputing and high-speed communications networks, which in turn helped create the Internet as it exists today.

David J. Farber, a professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the early players in the Internet, said that along with the importance of his legislative initiatives, Gore popularized the emerging medium worldwide. Gore aligned himself with high tech long before every lawmaker boasted of his or her personal Web site. He helped popularize the term "information superhighway," drawing on the symbolism of his father's hand in creating the interstate highway system.

Vinton G. Cerf, a senior vice president at MCI Worldcom and the person most often called "the father of the Internet" for his part in designing the network's common computer language, said in an e-mail interview yesterday, "I think it is very fair to say that the Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the vice president in his current role and in his earlier role as senator."

The co-author of a history of the online world, "Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet," agreed. Katie Hafner said people have been haggling over the true beginnings of the network for decades. "As we all know, there are many paternity claims on the Internet. That's a given, because it's so successful. But there are so many people who did at least one pivotal thing in either creating the network, or encouraging the use of the network, or bringing the network to the public -- and Gore was one of those people."

When lying scum Left-wingers get caught lying, you just keep on lying.

Al Gore: "I took the initiative in creating the internet"

Created is a synonym of invented, dumb ass.

And what's even funnier is that the father of the internet doesn't know the difference between the internet and the web. The internet has been around since circa 1960, he meant to take credit for inventing the web.

You and Gore are a couple of dumb asses
And INITIATIVE is NOT a synonym for invented!

Another pathological liar taking the quote out of context even after I posted the entire quote, proving the lying scum Right will always lie in the face of the truth.

Weasel words. Gore tried to take credit for the internet, but he obviously couldn't claim he invented it. Gore couldn't invent a rubber band.
While the Right credits Gore with "inventing" the internet, his influence in the creation is undeniable, Gore himself modestly takes credit for nothing more than arranging the funding of its development while he served in Congress.

He's actually defending Gore's claim to be the father of the internet!
As I have shown so many times before, when lying scum Right-wingers get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

As you well know, Gore NEVER said he was the father of the internet, that lie was coined by a lying scum Right-winger named Declan McCullagh.

Al Gore had seen what happened with the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956, which his father introduced as a military bill. It was very powerful. Housing went up, suburban boom happened, everybody became mobile. Al was attuned to the power of networking much more than any of his elective colleagues. His initiatives led directly to the commercialization of the Internet. So he really does deserve credit.
- Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet

Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Al Gore: Former U.S. vice president and senator who championed the funding and development of the Internet in Congress Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say

Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say


Vice President Al Gore. (AP File Photo)
By John Schwartz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 21, 1999; Page A4
So -- did he do it?

Did Al Gore create the Internet?

The vice president's recent comment that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" opened Gore up for wide derision, because the global computer network had its beginnings more than 25 years ago.

Former vice president Dan Quayle (R) scoffed to a reporter that "if Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell-check." Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) countered that he had invented the paper clip. Despite the partisan mirth, many of the researchers and venerated propeller-heads who did have a hand in the Internet's creation said Gore deserves substantial credit for passing a number of bills that boosted supercomputing and high-speed communications networks, which in turn helped create the Internet as it exists today.

David J. Farber, a professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the early players in the Internet, said that along with the importance of his legislative initiatives, Gore popularized the emerging medium worldwide. Gore aligned himself with high tech long before every lawmaker boasted of his or her personal Web site. He helped popularize the term "information superhighway," drawing on the symbolism of his father's hand in creating the interstate highway system.

Vinton G. Cerf, a senior vice president at MCI Worldcom and the person most often called "the father of the Internet" for his part in designing the network's common computer language, said in an e-mail interview yesterday, "I think it is very fair to say that the Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the vice president in his current role and in his earlier role as senator."

The co-author of a history of the online world, "Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet," agreed. Katie Hafner said people have been haggling over the true beginnings of the network for decades. "As we all know, there are many paternity claims on the Internet. That's a given, because it's so successful. But there are so many people who did at least one pivotal thing in either creating the network, or encouraging the use of the network, or bringing the network to the public -- and Gore was one of those people."

When lying scum Left-wingers get caught lying, you just keep on lying.

Al Gore: "I took the initiative in creating the internet"

Created is a synonym of invented, dumb ass.

And what's even funnier is that the father of the internet doesn't know the difference between the internet and the web. The internet has been around since circa 1960, he meant to take credit for inventing the web.

You and Gore are a couple of dumb asses
And INITIATIVE is NOT a synonym for invented!

Another pathological liar taking the quote out of context even after I posted the entire quote, proving the lying scum Right will always lie in the face of the truth.

I didn't say "initiative" was a synonym for invented, I said "created" is a synonym for invented.

WTF? What is wrong with you? It was a simple sentence, EdTheLemur, what is wrong with you? Seriously?

He's a lying hosebag leftwing scumbag. What do you expect?
While the Right credits Gore with "inventing" the internet, his influence in the creation is undeniable, Gore himself modestly takes credit for nothing more than arranging the funding of its development while he served in Congress.

He's actually defending Gore's claim to be the father of the internet!
As I have shown so many times before, when lying scum Right-wingers get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

As you well know, Gore NEVER said he was the father of the internet, that lie was coined by a lying scum Right-winger named Declan McCullagh.

Al Gore had seen what happened with the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956, which his father introduced as a military bill. It was very powerful. Housing went up, suburban boom happened, everybody became mobile. Al was attuned to the power of networking much more than any of his elective colleagues. His initiatives led directly to the commercialization of the Internet. So he really does deserve credit.
- Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet

Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Al Gore: Former U.S. vice president and senator who championed the funding and development of the Internet in Congress Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say

Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say


Vice President Al Gore. (AP File Photo)
By John Schwartz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 21, 1999; Page A4
So -- did he do it?

Did Al Gore create the Internet?

The vice president's recent comment that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" opened Gore up for wide derision, because the global computer network had its beginnings more than 25 years ago.

Former vice president Dan Quayle (R) scoffed to a reporter that "if Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell-check." Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) countered that he had invented the paper clip. Despite the partisan mirth, many of the researchers and venerated propeller-heads who did have a hand in the Internet's creation said Gore deserves substantial credit for passing a number of bills that boosted supercomputing and high-speed communications networks, which in turn helped create the Internet as it exists today.

David J. Farber, a professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the early players in the Internet, said that along with the importance of his legislative initiatives, Gore popularized the emerging medium worldwide. Gore aligned himself with high tech long before every lawmaker boasted of his or her personal Web site. He helped popularize the term "information superhighway," drawing on the symbolism of his father's hand in creating the interstate highway system.

Vinton G. Cerf, a senior vice president at MCI Worldcom and the person most often called "the father of the Internet" for his part in designing the network's common computer language, said in an e-mail interview yesterday, "I think it is very fair to say that the Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the vice president in his current role and in his earlier role as senator."

The co-author of a history of the online world, "Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet," agreed. Katie Hafner said people have been haggling over the true beginnings of the network for decades. "As we all know, there are many paternity claims on the Internet. That's a given, because it's so successful. But there are so many people who did at least one pivotal thing in either creating the network, or encouraging the use of the network, or bringing the network to the public -- and Gore was one of those people."

When lying scum Left-wingers get caught lying, you just keep on lying.

Al Gore: "I took the initiative in creating the internet"

Created is a synonym of invented, dumb ass.

And what's even funnier is that the father of the internet doesn't know the difference between the internet and the web. The internet has been around since circa 1960, he meant to take credit for inventing the web.

You and Gore are a couple of dumb asses
And INITIATIVE is NOT a synonym for invented!

Another pathological liar taking the quote out of context even after I posted the entire quote, proving the lying scum Right will always lie in the face of the truth.

Weasel words. Gore tried to take credit for the internet, but he obviously couldn't claim he invented it. Gore couldn't invent a rubber band.

He did say he "create(d) the internet." I don't see a difference between that and inventing it
They do, both General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, but again it a watered down version no where as demanding as what a Chemistry Major would take.

Speaking of pure baloney....

Just because someone in one major doesn't take a full spectrum of chemistry courses on par with "what a chemistry major would take" does not mean that their courses are "watered down." In case you didn't know this, colleges generally offer standard courses, which are then attended by people who need them for a wide assortment of fields of study. So, when a pre-med student is required to take Chem 101 and Chem 102, it's the same Chem 101 and Chem 102 that a chem major will be taking. As a matter of fact, the pre-med student will probably be sitting smack dab in between a bunch of chem majors.

Sure, the pre-med student might not ever bother taking Advanced Underwater Chemistry in Hyperspace. But that doesn't mean that the pre-med student has taken a "watered down" version of chemistry. They simply didn't take the advanced level classes.

Oh, and just an FYI, the most advanced classes in a chem major's portfolio are going to tend to be things like physics classes, organic chemistry, etc.
Actually the courses are watered down as proven by the fact that they are worth less credits. The freshman general chemistry a biology student might take is worth 3 credits where as the general chemistry class a chemistry major takes is worth 4 credits and generally has more no credit lab hours. A freshman physics 101 course taken by a pre med student would be 4 credits and a physics 101 course taken by a physics major would be 5 credits and more lab hours.
While the Right credits Gore with "inventing" the internet, his influence in the creation is undeniable, Gore himself modestly takes credit for nothing more than arranging the funding of its development while he served in Congress.

He's actually defending Gore's claim to be the father of the internet!
As I have shown so many times before, when lying scum Right-wingers get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

As you well know, Gore NEVER said he was the father of the internet, that lie was coined by a lying scum Right-winger named Declan McCullagh.

Al Gore had seen what happened with the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956, which his father introduced as a military bill. It was very powerful. Housing went up, suburban boom happened, everybody became mobile. Al was attuned to the power of networking much more than any of his elective colleagues. His initiatives led directly to the commercialization of the Internet. So he really does deserve credit.
- Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet

Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Al Gore: Former U.S. vice president and senator who championed the funding and development of the Internet in Congress Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say

Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say


Vice President Al Gore. (AP File Photo)
By John Schwartz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 21, 1999; Page A4
So -- did he do it?

Did Al Gore create the Internet?

The vice president's recent comment that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" opened Gore up for wide derision, because the global computer network had its beginnings more than 25 years ago.

Former vice president Dan Quayle (R) scoffed to a reporter that "if Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell-check." Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) countered that he had invented the paper clip. Despite the partisan mirth, many of the researchers and venerated propeller-heads who did have a hand in the Internet's creation said Gore deserves substantial credit for passing a number of bills that boosted supercomputing and high-speed communications networks, which in turn helped create the Internet as it exists today.

David J. Farber, a professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the early players in the Internet, said that along with the importance of his legislative initiatives, Gore popularized the emerging medium worldwide. Gore aligned himself with high tech long before every lawmaker boasted of his or her personal Web site. He helped popularize the term "information superhighway," drawing on the symbolism of his father's hand in creating the interstate highway system.

Vinton G. Cerf, a senior vice president at MCI Worldcom and the person most often called "the father of the Internet" for his part in designing the network's common computer language, said in an e-mail interview yesterday, "I think it is very fair to say that the Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the vice president in his current role and in his earlier role as senator."

The co-author of a history of the online world, "Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet," agreed. Katie Hafner said people have been haggling over the true beginnings of the network for decades. "As we all know, there are many paternity claims on the Internet. That's a given, because it's so successful. But there are so many people who did at least one pivotal thing in either creating the network, or encouraging the use of the network, or bringing the network to the public -- and Gore was one of those people."

When lying scum Left-wingers get caught lying, you just keep on lying.

Al Gore: "I took the initiative in creating the internet"

Created is a synonym of invented, dumb ass.

And what's even funnier is that the father of the internet doesn't know the difference between the internet and the web. The internet has been around since circa 1960, he meant to take credit for inventing the web.

You and Gore are a couple of dumb asses
And INITIATIVE is NOT a synonym for invented!

Another pathological liar taking the quote out of context even after I posted the entire quote, proving the lying scum Right will always lie in the face of the truth.

I didn't say "initiative" was a synonym for invented, I said "created" is a synonym for invented.

WTF? What is wrong with you? It was a simple sentence, EdTheLemur, what is wrong with you? Seriously?

But he said in Congress he "TOOK THE INITIATIVE," not that he "created" the internet, so you have to show that "taking the INITIATIVE" is synonymous with "created" BEFORE you can link created to invented.
Get it?
He did say he "create(d) the internet." I don't see a difference between that and inventing it
No, he said that IN CONGRESS he TOOK THE INITIATIVE in creating the internet.

"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”

He invented it while he was in Congress, so?

He's actually defending Gore's claim to be the father of the internet!
As I have shown so many times before, when lying scum Right-wingers get caught lying, they just keep on lying.

As you well know, Gore NEVER said he was the father of the internet, that lie was coined by a lying scum Right-winger named Declan McCullagh.

Al Gore had seen what happened with the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956, which his father introduced as a military bill. It was very powerful. Housing went up, suburban boom happened, everybody became mobile. Al was attuned to the power of networking much more than any of his elective colleagues. His initiatives led directly to the commercialization of the Internet. So he really does deserve credit.
- Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet

Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, Al Gore Among Internet Hall of Fame Inductees
Al Gore: Former U.S. vice president and senator who championed the funding and development of the Internet in Congress Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say

Gore Deserves Internet Credit, Some Say


Vice President Al Gore. (AP File Photo)
By John Schwartz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 21, 1999; Page A4
So -- did he do it?

Did Al Gore create the Internet?

The vice president's recent comment that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" opened Gore up for wide derision, because the global computer network had its beginnings more than 25 years ago.

Former vice president Dan Quayle (R) scoffed to a reporter that "if Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell-check." Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) countered that he had invented the paper clip. Despite the partisan mirth, many of the researchers and venerated propeller-heads who did have a hand in the Internet's creation said Gore deserves substantial credit for passing a number of bills that boosted supercomputing and high-speed communications networks, which in turn helped create the Internet as it exists today.

David J. Farber, a professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania and one of the early players in the Internet, said that along with the importance of his legislative initiatives, Gore popularized the emerging medium worldwide. Gore aligned himself with high tech long before every lawmaker boasted of his or her personal Web site. He helped popularize the term "information superhighway," drawing on the symbolism of his father's hand in creating the interstate highway system.

Vinton G. Cerf, a senior vice president at MCI Worldcom and the person most often called "the father of the Internet" for his part in designing the network's common computer language, said in an e-mail interview yesterday, "I think it is very fair to say that the Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the vice president in his current role and in his earlier role as senator."

The co-author of a history of the online world, "Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins of the Internet," agreed. Katie Hafner said people have been haggling over the true beginnings of the network for decades. "As we all know, there are many paternity claims on the Internet. That's a given, because it's so successful. But there are so many people who did at least one pivotal thing in either creating the network, or encouraging the use of the network, or bringing the network to the public -- and Gore was one of those people."

When lying scum Left-wingers get caught lying, you just keep on lying.

Al Gore: "I took the initiative in creating the internet"

Created is a synonym of invented, dumb ass.

And what's even funnier is that the father of the internet doesn't know the difference between the internet and the web. The internet has been around since circa 1960, he meant to take credit for inventing the web.

You and Gore are a couple of dumb asses
And INITIATIVE is NOT a synonym for invented!

Another pathological liar taking the quote out of context even after I posted the entire quote, proving the lying scum Right will always lie in the face of the truth.

I didn't say "initiative" was a synonym for invented, I said "created" is a synonym for invented.

WTF? What is wrong with you? It was a simple sentence, EdTheLemur, what is wrong with you? Seriously?

But he said in Congress he "TOOK THE INITIATIVE," not that he "created" the internet, so you have to show that "taking the INITIATIVE" is synonymous with "created" BEFORE you can link created to invented.
Get it?

Al Gore, "I took the initiative in CREATING the Internet.”

Can you read it now without your spectacles, George the third?
He did say he "create(d) the internet." I don't see a difference between that and inventing it
No, he said that IN CONGRESS he TOOK THE INITIATIVE in creating the internet.
Al Gore:
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth"

Vint Cerf (a "father" of the Internet):
"Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development" ... "No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution [to the Internet] over a longer period of time":
He did say he "create(d) the internet." I don't see a difference between that and inventing it
No, he said that IN CONGRESS he TOOK THE INITIATIVE in creating the internet.
Al Gore:
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth"

Vint Cerf (a "father" of the Internet):
"Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development" ... "No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution [to the Internet] over a longer period of time":

You are arguing a point not in contention, Holmes.

Ed disputed that he said he created it, I didn't dispute that he used the word "initiative" somewhere in his sentence.

You people are so stupid, we can't get past your inability to read simple sentences much less discuss actual content
He did say he "create(d) the internet." I don't see a difference between that and inventing it
No, he said that IN CONGRESS he TOOK THE INITIATIVE in creating the internet.
Al Gore:
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth"

Vint Cerf (a "father" of the Internet):
"Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development" ... "No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution [to the Internet] over a longer period of time":

You are arguing a point not in contention, Holmes.

Ed disputed that he said he created it, I didn't dispute that he used the word "initiative" somewhere in his sentence.

You people are so stupid, we can't get past your inability to read simple sentences much less discuss actual content
So, you admit you take words out of context and twist the overall meaning to suit your slimy political agenda?
Gee, what an asshole you are.
Did you read what Vint Cerf said?
He did say he "create(d) the internet." I don't see a difference between that and inventing it
No, he said that IN CONGRESS he TOOK THE INITIATIVE in creating the internet.
Al Gore:
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth"

Vint Cerf (a "father" of the Internet):
"Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development" ... "No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution [to the Internet] over a longer period of time":

You are arguing a point not in contention, Holmes.

Ed disputed that he said he created it, I didn't dispute that he used the word "initiative" somewhere in his sentence.

You people are so stupid, we can't get past your inability to read simple sentences much less discuss actual content
So, you admit you take words out of context and twist the overall meaning to suit your slimy political agenda?
Gee, what an asshole you are.
Did you read what Vint Cerf said?

Strawman, moron
You don't know what a straw man fallacy is, "moron".
In case you have not noticed, i cited quotes from the horses' mouths to provide context for accurate understanding of their meaning.
However, you don't care about that; you only care about cherry picking words out of context to twist their meaning.
Talk about "strawman" ... LOL.
Actually the courses are watered down as proven by the fact that they are worth less credits. The freshman general chemistry a biology student might take is worth 3 credits where as the general chemistry class a chemistry major takes is worth 4 credits and generally has more no credit lab hours. A freshman physics 101 course taken by a pre med student would be 4 credits and a physics 101 course taken by a physics major would be 5 credits and more lab hours.


Better yet, I'll do it for you.

UMBC pre-med
Chem 101
Chem 102
Chem 102 Lab
Chem 351
Chem 351 Lab
Chem 352
Chem 352 Lab

B.S. in Chemistry - Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry - UMBC
CHEM 101: Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM 102: Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM 102L: Introductory Chemistry Lab
CHEM 351: Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 352: Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 351L: Organic Laboratory I
CHEM 352L: Organic Laboratory II

Oh gee, look at that! They're the exact same classes. You'll also notice that the pre-med students have the either/or option in their physics requirements for lab classes, or calculus based classes.
I was just watching a press conference with Ben Carson. He said he's a scientist and "investigates" things.

He thinks pyramids are grain silos. He feels evolution is a Satanic conspiracy and climate change a scam.

If that's the result of his "research", can he really call himself a "scientist"?

How about Scientist, er, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

who is persecuting Exxon-Mobil in the name of Junk Science?

I guess "scientists" are the new politicians !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He did say he "create(d) the internet." I don't see a difference between that and inventing it
No, he said that IN CONGRESS he TOOK THE INITIATIVE in creating the internet.
Al Gore:
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth"

Vint Cerf (a "father" of the Internet):
"Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development" ... "No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution [to the Internet] over a longer period of time":

You are arguing a point not in contention, Holmes.

Ed disputed that he said he created it, I didn't dispute that he used the word "initiative" somewhere in his sentence.

You people are so stupid, we can't get past your inability to read simple sentences much less discuss actual content
So, you admit you take words out of context and twist the overall meaning to suit your slimy political agenda?
Gee, what an asshole you are.
Did you read what Vint Cerf said?

Spot on description of Kaz.

Another leftist joins the circle jerk. The point is simple, Gore said he created the Internet, the rest is you people spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap
Actually the courses are watered down as proven by the fact that they are worth less credits. The freshman general chemistry a biology student might take is worth 3 credits where as the general chemistry class a chemistry major takes is worth 4 credits and generally has more no credit lab hours. A freshman physics 101 course taken by a pre med student would be 4 credits and a physics 101 course taken by a physics major would be 5 credits and more lab hours.


Better yet, I'll do it for you.

UMBC pre-med
Chem 101
Chem 102
Chem 102 Lab
Chem 351
Chem 351 Lab
Chem 352
Chem 352 Lab

B.S. in Chemistry - Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry - UMBC
CHEM 101: Principles of Chemistry I
CHEM 102: Principles of Chemistry II
CHEM 102L: Introductory Chemistry Lab
CHEM 351: Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 352: Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 351L: Organic Laboratory I
CHEM 352L: Organic Laboratory II

Oh gee, look at that! They're the exact same classes. You'll also notice that the pre-med students have the either/or option in their physics requirements for lab classes, or calculus based classes.
I'll do it myself

Sample 4-Year Plan for Pre-Medicine Majors | Neuroscience Major

Sample 4-Year Plan for Pre-Medicine Majors

Sophomore Year Fall

  • Chem 2510 & 2540*
  • Physics 1200*
  • Psych 3513
Sophomore Year Spring
  • Neuro 3050
  • Chemistry 2520 & 2550*
  • Physics 1201*
* Denotes pre-med courses

Physics 1200

Algebra-based introduction to classical physics: Newtons laws, fluids, waves.
Physics 1201

Algebra-based introduction to electricity and magnetism, simple optics, overview of modern physics including special relativity and quantum mechanics.

No, he said that IN CONGRESS he TOOK THE INITIATIVE in creating the internet.
Al Gore:
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth"

Vint Cerf (a "father" of the Internet):
"Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development" ... "No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution [to the Internet] over a longer period of time":

You are arguing a point not in contention, Holmes.

Ed disputed that he said he created it, I didn't dispute that he used the word "initiative" somewhere in his sentence.

You people are so stupid, we can't get past your inability to read simple sentences much less discuss actual content
So, you admit you take words out of context and twist the overall meaning to suit your slimy political agenda?
Gee, what an asshole you are.
Did you read what Vint Cerf said?

Strawman, moron
You don't know what a straw man fallacy is, "moron".
In case you have not noticed, i cited quotes from the horses' mouths to provide context for accurate understanding of their meaning.
However, you don't care about that; you only care about cherry picking words out of context to twist their meaning.
Talk about "strawman" ... LOL.

Again, your reading skills are dreadful. that isn't what I said, I said the ridiculous crap you made up and attributed to me was a strawman.

Here's how you know that's what I meant, it's what you said in the post I responded to.

If the dog was on the table licking your plate, you wouldn't be able to figure out what happened to your dinner...
No, he said that IN CONGRESS he TOOK THE INITIATIVE in creating the internet.
Al Gore:
"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth"

Vint Cerf (a "father" of the Internet):
"Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development" ... "No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution [to the Internet] over a longer period of time":

You are arguing a point not in contention, Holmes.

Ed disputed that he said he created it, I didn't dispute that he used the word "initiative" somewhere in his sentence.

You people are so stupid, we can't get past your inability to read simple sentences much less discuss actual content
So, you admit you take words out of context and twist the overall meaning to suit your slimy political agenda?
Gee, what an asshole you are.
Did you read what Vint Cerf said?

Spot on description of Kaz.

Another leftist joins the circle jerk. The point is simple, Gore said he created the Internet, the rest is you people spewing a bunch of ridiculous crap

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