Ben Franklin Said It Best

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Large groups of people aren't that essential for a few weeks if the alternative is unchecked spread of the virus. Getting past the curve is more than just a little temporary safety.
The payment from each of us from getting paid by the government even though it is ours is the loss of freedoms. When we were a Republic though, we were crude with each other. We then became a Democracy with all people elegable to vote and elected men and women who promised goodies. Embedded in many bills and laws enacted were losses of rights and executive orders to corral men and women in dire times. Some were in the front of us. The police are authoritarian as we see them now in many areas. It is not a laughing matter. And people who have been empowered now can and many will lose that if things get bad enough. New leadership will have to train the best of us to compete in a new world with other nations having more power then now.

Who told you that we are a democracy?
The political class every chance they get. We are a democracy because we will vote people out that do not give us the goodies. Its to late. People running for office are called every vile name possible for not being compassionate. Just keeping the social programs where the are is not acceptable. We have people on these boards who demean people who make a point of telling them we are spending to much about taking any money from government at all. Are we supposed to be total suckers?

Thank you for demonstrating the difference between a normal person, and another dumb ass right winger. Get a grownup to help you lookup the difference between our type of democratic republic and a democracy.
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference
It doesn't matter how it's transmitted when it found it's way to people who did not live that lifestyle it was a pandemic that no one tried to stop the spread like they have this pandemic
Why is that? because it singles out specific people? lol
No it wasn't a pandemic and avoiding getting HIV is very easy. And the vast majority of people didn't need to worry about getting it

And before you start calling me a homophobe I'll tell you IDGAF if people are gay, never did never will. I even support gay marriage
Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
So yes aids was a pandemic
No it failed on the exceptionally high proportion of the population metric
According to the WHO, 32 million people have died of HIV since the beginning of the epidemic out of the 74.9 million who have been infected (roughly 43 percent).1 Moreover, of the 37.9 million people living with HIV today, just over 770,000 died in 2018.
So now you're saying it's an epidemic not a pandemic.

Make up your mind
What was the very last word I used?

So why are you quoting stats that call it an epidemic?

FYI The WHO has always called it an epidemic so I'll take their word for it over yours
The WHO? LOL the voice of China LOL
World Health Organization, Moron
Moron maybe you ignored the part where I said they were the voice of China

Not surprising. Most people ignore what you say. I don't, because I find it so funny.
If people were only hurting themselves by violating the social distancing guidelines then I would say enjoy your liberty, but it’s not only about them
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference
It doesn't matter how it's transmitted when it found it's way to people who did not live that lifestyle it was a pandemic that no one tried to stop the spread like they have this pandemic
Why is that? because it singles out specific people? lol
No it wasn't a pandemic and avoiding getting HIV is very easy. And the vast majority of people didn't need to worry about getting it

And before you start calling me a homophobe I'll tell you IDGAF if people are gay, never did never will. I even support gay marriage
Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
So yes aids was a pandemic
No it failed on the exceptionally high proportion of the population metric
According to the WHO, 32 million people have died of HIV since the beginning of the epidemic out of the 74.9 million who have been infected (roughly 43 percent).1 Moreover, of the 37.9 million people living with HIV today, just over 770,000 died in 2018.
So now you're saying it's an epidemic not a pandemic.

Make up your mind
What was the very last word I used?

So why are you quoting stats that call it an epidemic?

FYI The WHO has always called it an epidemic so I'll take their word for it over yours
The WHO? LOL the voice of China LOL
World Health Organization, Moron
Moron maybe you ignored the part where I said they were the voice of China

Not surprising. Most people ignore what you say. I don't, because I find it so funny.
So a dumbass thinks they speak for everyone? You're just a hack that is not impressive
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Large groups of people aren't that essential for a few weeks if the alternative is unchecked spread of the virus. Getting past the curve is more than just a little temporary safety.
The payment from each of us from getting paid by the government even though it is ours is the loss of freedoms. When we were a Republic though, we were crude with each other. We then became a Democracy with all people elegable to vote and elected men and women who promised goodies. Embedded in many bills and laws enacted were losses of rights and executive orders to corral men and women in dire times. Some were in the front of us. The police are authoritarian as we see them now in many areas. It is not a laughing matter. And people who have been empowered now can and many will lose that if things get bad enough. New leadership will have to train the best of us to compete in a new world with other nations having more power then now.

Who told you that we are a democracy?
The political class every chance they get. We are a democracy because we will vote people out that do not give us the goodies. Its to late. People running for office are called every vile name possible for not being compassionate. Just keeping the social programs where the are is not acceptable. We have people on these boards who demean people who make a point of telling them we are spending to much about taking any money from government at all. Are we supposed to be total suckers?

Thank you for demonstrating the difference between a normal person, and another dumb ass right winger. Get a grownup to help you lookup the difference between our type of democratic republic and a democracy.
Says the dumbass who believes America is a Democratic Republic we aren't we are a Republic with a Republican form of Government.
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference
It doesn't matter how it's transmitted when it found it's way to people who did not live that lifestyle it was a pandemic that no one tried to stop the spread like they have this pandemic
Why is that? because it singles out specific people? lol
No it wasn't a pandemic and avoiding getting HIV is very easy. And the vast majority of people didn't need to worry about getting it

And before you start calling me a homophobe I'll tell you IDGAF if people are gay, never did never will. I even support gay marriage
Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
So yes aids was a pandemic
No it failed on the exceptionally high proportion of the population metric
According to the WHO, 32 million people have died of HIV since the beginning of the epidemic out of the 74.9 million who have been infected (roughly 43 percent).1 Moreover, of the 37.9 million people living with HIV today, just over 770,000 died in 2018.
So now you're saying it's an epidemic not a pandemic.

Make up your mind
What was the very last word I used?

So why are you quoting stats that call it an epidemic?

FYI The WHO has always called it an epidemic so I'll take their word for it over yours
The WHO? LOL the voice of China LOL
World Health Organization, Moron
Moron maybe you ignored the part where I said they were the voice of China

And that makes you more credible ?

I don't think so
You referencing the the organization that has protected China makes you less than credible
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference
It doesn't matter how it's transmitted when it found it's way to people who did not live that lifestyle it was a pandemic that no one tried to stop the spread like they have this pandemic
Why is that? because it singles out specific people? lol
No it wasn't a pandemic and avoiding getting HIV is very easy. And the vast majority of people didn't need to worry about getting it

And before you start calling me a homophobe I'll tell you IDGAF if people are gay, never did never will. I even support gay marriage
Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
So yes aids was a pandemic
No it failed on the exceptionally high proportion of the population metric
According to the WHO, 32 million people have died of HIV since the beginning of the epidemic out of the 74.9 million who have been infected (roughly 43 percent).1 Moreover, of the 37.9 million people living with HIV today, just over 770,000 died in 2018.
So now you're saying it's an epidemic not a pandemic.

Make up your mind
What was the very last word I used?

So why are you quoting stats that call it an epidemic?

FYI The WHO has always called it an epidemic so I'll take their word for it over yours
The WHO? LOL the voice of China LOL
World Health Organization, Moron
Moron maybe you ignored the part where I said they were the voice of China

And that makes you more credible ?

I don't think so
You referencing the the organization that has protected China makes you less than credible

This coming from someone with absolutely no credibility
Here's the good news: lawsuits are being filed against the unlawful acts of governors. These will run up the courts quickly and straight to a conservative Supreme Court. Then we will see what the Constitution says about quarantining a free people.
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference
It doesn't matter how it's transmitted when it found it's way to people who did not live that lifestyle it was a pandemic that no one tried to stop the spread like they have this pandemic
Why is that? because it singles out specific people? lol
No it wasn't a pandemic and avoiding getting HIV is very easy. And the vast majority of people didn't need to worry about getting it

And before you start calling me a homophobe I'll tell you IDGAF if people are gay, never did never will. I even support gay marriage
Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
So yes aids was a pandemic
No it failed on the exceptionally high proportion of the population metric
According to the WHO, 32 million people have died of HIV since the beginning of the epidemic out of the 74.9 million who have been infected (roughly 43 percent).1 Moreover, of the 37.9 million people living with HIV today, just over 770,000 died in 2018.
So now you're saying it's an epidemic not a pandemic.

Make up your mind
What was the very last word I used?

So why are you quoting stats that call it an epidemic?

FYI The WHO has always called it an epidemic so I'll take their word for it over yours
The WHO? LOL the voice of China LOL
World Health Organization, Moron
Moron maybe you ignored the part where I said they were the voice of China

And that makes you more credible ?

I don't think so
You referencing the the organization that has protected China makes you less than credible

This coming from someone with absolutely no credibility
Weak response so stop projecting.
I realize facts are not your friend but that's not my fault
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference
It doesn't matter how it's transmitted when it found it's way to people who did not live that lifestyle it was a pandemic that no one tried to stop the spread like they have this pandemic
Why is that? because it singles out specific people? lol
No it wasn't a pandemic and avoiding getting HIV is very easy. And the vast majority of people didn't need to worry about getting it

And before you start calling me a homophobe I'll tell you IDGAF if people are gay, never did never will. I even support gay marriage
Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
So yes aids was a pandemic
No it failed on the exceptionally high proportion of the population metric
According to the WHO, 32 million people have died of HIV since the beginning of the epidemic out of the 74.9 million who have been infected (roughly 43 percent).1 Moreover, of the 37.9 million people living with HIV today, just over 770,000 died in 2018.
So now you're saying it's an epidemic not a pandemic.

Make up your mind
What was the very last word I used?

So why are you quoting stats that call it an epidemic?

FYI The WHO has always called it an epidemic so I'll take their word for it over yours
The WHO? LOL the voice of China LOL
World Health Organization, Moron
Moron maybe you ignored the part where I said they were the voice of China

And that makes you more credible ?

I don't think so
You referencing the the organization that has protected China makes you less than credible

This coming from someone with absolutely no credibility
Weak response so stop projecting.
I realize facts are not your friend but that's not my fault

Who is projecting here?
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference
It doesn't matter how it's transmitted when it found it's way to people who did not live that lifestyle it was a pandemic that no one tried to stop the spread like they have this pandemic
Why is that? because it singles out specific people? lol
No it wasn't a pandemic and avoiding getting HIV is very easy. And the vast majority of people didn't need to worry about getting it

And before you start calling me a homophobe I'll tell you IDGAF if people are gay, never did never will. I even support gay marriage
Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
So yes aids was a pandemic
No it failed on the exceptionally high proportion of the population metric
According to the WHO, 32 million people have died of HIV since the beginning of the epidemic out of the 74.9 million who have been infected (roughly 43 percent).1 Moreover, of the 37.9 million people living with HIV today, just over 770,000 died in 2018.
So now you're saying it's an epidemic not a pandemic.

Make up your mind
What was the very last word I used?

So why are you quoting stats that call it an epidemic?

FYI The WHO has always called it an epidemic so I'll take their word for it over yours
The WHO? LOL the voice of China LOL
World Health Organization, Moron
Moron maybe you ignored the part where I said they were the voice of China

And that makes you more credible ?

I don't think so
You referencing the the organization that has protected China makes you less than credible

This coming from someone with absolutely no credibility
Weak response so stop projecting.
I realize facts are not your friend but that's not my fault

Who is projecting here?
I take it you don't know what projection is.
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference
It doesn't matter how it's transmitted when it found it's way to people who did not live that lifestyle it was a pandemic that no one tried to stop the spread like they have this pandemic
Why is that? because it singles out specific people? lol
No it wasn't a pandemic and avoiding getting HIV is very easy. And the vast majority of people didn't need to worry about getting it

And before you start calling me a homophobe I'll tell you IDGAF if people are gay, never did never will. I even support gay marriage
Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
So yes aids was a pandemic
No it failed on the exceptionally high proportion of the population metric
According to the WHO, 32 million people have died of HIV since the beginning of the epidemic out of the 74.9 million who have been infected (roughly 43 percent).1 Moreover, of the 37.9 million people living with HIV today, just over 770,000 died in 2018.
So now you're saying it's an epidemic not a pandemic.

Make up your mind
What was the very last word I used?

So why are you quoting stats that call it an epidemic?

FYI The WHO has always called it an epidemic so I'll take their word for it over yours
The WHO? LOL the voice of China LOL
World Health Organization, Moron
Moron maybe you ignored the part where I said they were the voice of China

And that makes you more credible ?

I don't think so
You referencing the the organization that has protected China makes you less than credible

This coming from someone with absolutely no credibility
Weak response so stop projecting.
I realize facts are not your friend but that's not my fault

Who is projecting here?
I take it you don't know what projection is.
Better than you do Fuckstick
Large groups of people aren't that essential
That's your opinion- those large groups people (and the Individuals in them) are the ones who have the right to determine essential.
Just imagine back in the '80s if the federal government would have treated AIDS like the same way they have treated covid 19 shut down every gay hotspot their would not have been any spread of aids
AIDS is nothing like this coronavirus.

HIV is transmitted via a completely different vector and is nowhere near as contagious
Aids is passed through Human to human interaction Aids has killed more humans than covid 19 has
I never said it didn't.

The transmission vector is vastly different.

You can get COVID if someone sneezes on you but you have to intimately share bodily fluids in order to get AIDS

Don't tell me you can't understand the difference
It doesn't matter how it's transmitted when it found it's way to people who did not live that lifestyle it was a pandemic that no one tried to stop the spread like they have this pandemic
Why is that? because it singles out specific people? lol
No it wasn't a pandemic and avoiding getting HIV is very easy. And the vast majority of people didn't need to worry about getting it

And before you start calling me a homophobe I'll tell you IDGAF if people are gay, never did never will. I even support gay marriage
Merriam-Webster reports that "pandemic" is the seventh most frequently looked-up word in its online dictionary this year. The definition: "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population."
So yes aids was a pandemic
No it failed on the exceptionally high proportion of the population metric
According to the WHO, 32 million people have died of HIV since the beginning of the epidemic out of the 74.9 million who have been infected (roughly 43 percent).1 Moreover, of the 37.9 million people living with HIV today, just over 770,000 died in 2018.
So now you're saying it's an epidemic not a pandemic.

Make up your mind
What was the very last word I used?

So why are you quoting stats that call it an epidemic?

FYI The WHO has always called it an epidemic so I'll take their word for it over yours
The WHO? LOL the voice of China LOL
World Health Organization, Moron
Moron maybe you ignored the part where I said they were the voice of China

And that makes you more credible ?

I don't think so
You referencing the the organization that has protected China makes you less than credible

This coming from someone with absolutely no credibility
Weak response so stop projecting.
I realize facts are not your friend but that's not my fault

Who is projecting here?
I take it you don't know what projection is.
Better than you do Fuckstick
No you really don't
He also said
The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.[1]
Ah, yes. The old "he-also-said-this-completely-irrelevant-shit-and-is-therefore-not-credible" argument.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Keywords and phrases are "essential Liberty" and "a little temporary Safety". Both are subjective and open to interpretation.
Given that we endured more stringent quarantines in 1918 and remained a republic, the OP is hyperbole. LOL
Great point! They never shutdown liberty for smallpox and as a result America became the greatest nation in human history.
That's the winner of the most idiotic post of the week. And among Trumpette's the competition was stiff so congrats.
It's a high bar you set there, but the history of smallpox treatement is really more of the vaccine
Great point! They never shutdown liberty for smallpox and as a result America became the greatest nation in human history.
That's the winner of the most idiotic post of the week. And among Trumpette's the competition was stiff so congrats.
No, idiotic is the response to this ChiCom bug. Nations that kept their economies going have the exact same curve as nations who shot their own kneecaps by shutting everything down.
But you just hide under your pillow, we’ll tell you when it’s safe.
Our medical system has some glaring flaws which i have spoken of before. The worst being that the entire system is designed to be run at or near 100% capacity at all times.
Do you have any idea how much more healthcare would cost if it only ran at 75% of capacity with 25% of the staff idle and 25% of facilities unused despite overhead costs?
No, idiotic is the response to this ChiCom bug. Nations that kept their economies going have the exact same curve as nations who shot their own kneecaps by shutting everything down.
But you just hide under your pillow, we’ll tell you when it’s safe.
You can't possibly be that stupid. A lack of social distancing and population density has a direct correlation to the magnitude of the outbreak. Who dresses you in the morning?

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