Benghazi terrorist captured

Why should he get credit for suddenly (few months before election) catching one of the 3 terrorists whose pictures we've been seeing on Fox News for 2 years ? He should get blame for taking 2 years to get the guy, + the other 2 are still out there scott free.

Credit ? Give us a break.

Rear Admiral Kirby explained the time period today, and the amount of people that it took to organize the capture ... if Obama deserves credit for the attack then he deserves credit for the capture

Hey liar, was the attack caused by a video like Obama claimed on Letterman?

Actually, he blamed the attacks on extremest. Thanks for clearing that up.
It is suspicious. The guy hasn't been hiding. He's been giving interviews. Looks to me the movie story was not working so Obama had to do something. It stinks, just like Obama.

Bullshit. The only thing suspicious is the Right's support of the terrorists. He was protected by the "authorities" in Benghazi. Whenever the US would notify the leadership of Benghazi they were going to nab him, he would be tipped off. This time Obama did not seek permission and made a unilateral attack to get him. For that the GOP attack Obama.

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post

But senior administration officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that they had not informed the Libyan government until after the operation was completed and that it was “a unilateral U.S. operation.”

In October, the administration notified the Libyans prior to the raid in which Ruqai was captured. But violent reaction to that operation led to postponement of plans to capture Abu Khattala days later. At the time, it led to deep frustration within the FBI, which thought it had perhaps lost its best chance to apprehend him.

This time, with Libya still in a state of turmoil, a decision was made not to tell the government in advance. “We have made clear to successive Libyan governments our intention to bring to justice the perpetrators of the attack on our facilities in Benghazi,” one official said. “So it should come as no surprise to the Libyan government that we would take advantage of an opportunity to bring Abu Khattala to face justice.”

The NY Times got an interview with him, but Obama couldn't get him. You might want to try that one on naive college kids first, but it's likely even they won't swallow that crap.

The reporter who interviewed him was a Libyan. He said that Khattala was traveling with an armed team of security personal.
Obama Administration still has not told us who gave the order not to attempt a military rescue.
Obviously because there was no such order given.

Are you that ignorant? The military was asking to attempt a rescue. An order had to be given by the Chain of Command that begins with Potus to stand down.

Nope, not ignorant or misinformed like you. The Republican led House Armed Services Committee hearing concluded there was NO stand down order.

Officer: No Libya stand-down order

June 27, 2013 12:00 am • Donna Cassata The Associated Press0
WASHINGTON - The former commander of a four-member Army Special Forces unit in Tripoli, Libya, denied Wednesday that he was told to stand down during last year's deadly assault on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi.

In a closed-door session with the House Armed Services Committee, Lt. Col. S.E. Gibson said his commanders told him to remain in the capital of Tripoli to defend Americans in the event of additional attacks and to help survivors being evacuated from Benghazi.

"Contrary to news reports, Gibson was not ordered to 'stand down' by higher command authorities in response to his understandable desire to lead a group of three other special forces soldiers to Benghazi," the Republican-led committee said in a summary of its classified briefing with military officials, including Gibson.
According to the General in charge there was no demonstration over a video you lying prick.

The General, like you, was NOT there.

And even if he were there, the fact remains that no ‘crimes’ were committed by Administration officials, that there are no ‘cover ups,’ and that no ‘scandal’ exists concerning ‘Benghazi.’

Just the FACT that the REGIME LIED about Benghazi being started by a video!

On Oct. 18, 2012, the New York Times published an interview from “two leisurely hours” with Khattala, who declared he was not a member of Al Qaeda but said he’d be proud to be associated with the organization’s zeal for Islamic law. He also blamed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the United States’ foreign policy.
Obama Administration still has not told us who gave the order not to attempt a military rescue.
Obviously because there was no such order given.

Are you that ignorant? The military was asking to attempt a rescue. An order had to be given by the Chain of Command that begins with Potus to stand down.

The president ordered his commanders to use every available DoD asset to save American lives. Of course by that time the CIA had coordinated a counter-assault team of CIA men and Libyan militia and retook the consulate building and rescued everyone still alive and recovered Smith's body. They were all taken to the CIA Annex.
The General, like you, was NOT there.

And even if he were there, the fact remains that no ‘crimes’ were committed by Administration officials, that there are no ‘cover ups,’ and that no ‘scandal’ exists concerning ‘Benghazi.’

Just the FACT that the REGIME LIED about Benghazi being started by a video!

On Oct. 18, 2012, the New York Times published an interview from “two leisurely hours” with Khattala, who declared he was not a member of Al Qaeda but said he’d be proud to be associated with the organization’s zeal for Islamic law. He also blamed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the United States’ foreign policy.
Hey dumbass, Benghazi was 2012 not 2001. :asshole:

Notice how the pathological liar did not link to the Times story, obviously the liar did not want people to see this:

Mr. Abu Khattala, 41, wearing a red fez and sandals, added his own spin. Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.
Rear Admiral Kirby explained the time period today, and the amount of people that it took to organize the capture ... if Obama deserves credit for the attack then he deserves credit for the capture

Hey liar, was the attack caused by a video like Obama claimed on Letterman?

Actually, he blamed the attacks on extremest. Thanks for clearing that up.

Obama went on Letterman a week after the attack and blamed a guy who made a movie, knowing that it was a planned attack, not spontaneous. That's a lie.
And even if he were there, the fact remains that no ‘crimes’ were committed by Administration officials, that there are no ‘cover ups,’ and that no ‘scandal’ exists concerning ‘Benghazi.’

When Obama spoke at the UN and on Letterman he knew it was a planned attack, yet he blamed the video and the guy who made it. His story is a lie. He knows that his story fell apart so he had no choice but to arrest the guy who planned it. Perhaps you can tell us what the Obama Doctrine is regarding terrorists. One is arrested, five are released. Fascinating.

Per the Obama Doctrine, 'terrorists' do not exist. Only incidents of 'workplace violence' and 'human disasters' or whatever... :eusa_whistle:

Bullshit. The only thing suspicious is the Right's support of the terrorists. He was protected by the "authorities" in Benghazi. Whenever the US would notify the leadership of Benghazi they were going to nab him, he would be tipped off. This time Obama did not seek permission and made a unilateral attack to get him. For that the GOP attack Obama.

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post

But senior administration officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that they had not informed the Libyan government until after the operation was completed and that it was “a unilateral U.S. operation.”

In October, the administration notified the Libyans prior to the raid in which Ruqai was captured. But violent reaction to that operation led to postponement of plans to capture Abu Khattala days later. At the time, it led to deep frustration within the FBI, which thought it had perhaps lost its best chance to apprehend him.

This time, with Libya still in a state of turmoil, a decision was made not to tell the government in advance. “We have made clear to successive Libyan governments our intention to bring to justice the perpetrators of the attack on our facilities in Benghazi,” one official said. “So it should come as no surprise to the Libyan government that we would take advantage of an opportunity to bring Abu Khattala to face justice.”

The NY Times got an interview with him, but Obama couldn't get him. You might want to try that one on naive college kids first, but it's likely even they won't swallow that crap.

The reporter who interviewed him was a Libyan. He said that Khattala was traveling with an armed team of security personal.

So? You think all our special forces are faggots now or what?
When Obama spoke at the UN and on Letterman he knew it was a planned attack, yet he blamed the video and the guy who made it. His story is a lie. He knows that his story fell apart so he had no choice but to arrest the guy who planned it. Perhaps you can tell us what the Obama Doctrine is regarding terrorists. One is arrested, five are released. Fascinating.

Per the Obama Doctrine, 'terrorists' do not exist. Only incidents of 'workplace violence' and 'human disasters' or whatever... :eusa_whistle:


It's the truth. What is an "Overseas Contingency"?
Terrorist scum have no right to our justice system. They should be exterminated.
McCain is such a fool. Tonight MSNBC showed video of him saying the captured terrorist should go to GITMO. They also showed McCain saying, during his run for president in 2008, that we should close GITMO and send the prisoners to one of our very secure prisons here in the US.

That old fart has always contradicted himself.

I can remember watching him on local Tucson TV and he'd contradict himself in the same speech.

And he has always wanted war - just like now. Doesn't matter who, what, where or why as long as it costs us a lot of money and a lot of lives, it lines his pockets.
And even if he were there, the fact remains that no ‘crimes’ were committed by Administration officials, that there are no ‘cover ups,’ and that no ‘scandal’ exists concerning ‘Benghazi.’

Just the FACT that the REGIME LIED about Benghazi being started by a video!

On Oct. 18, 2012, the New York Times published an interview from “two leisurely hours” with Khattala, who declared he was not a member of Al Qaeda but said he’d be proud to be associated with the organization’s zeal for Islamic law. He also blamed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the United States’ foreign policy.
Hey dumbass, Benghazi was 2012 not 2001. :asshole:

Notice how the pathological liar did not link to the Times story, obviously the liar did not want people to see this:

Mr. Abu Khattala, 41, wearing a red fez and sandals, added his own spin. Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.


Bullshit. The only thing suspicious is the Right's support of the terrorists. He was protected by the "authorities" in Benghazi. Whenever the US would notify the leadership of Benghazi they were going to nab him, he would be tipped off. This time Obama did not seek permission and made a unilateral attack to get him. For that the GOP attack Obama.

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid - The Washington Post

But senior administration officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that they had not informed the Libyan government until after the operation was completed and that it was “a unilateral U.S. operation.”

In October, the administration notified the Libyans prior to the raid in which Ruqai was captured. But violent reaction to that operation led to postponement of plans to capture Abu Khattala days later. At the time, it led to deep frustration within the FBI, which thought it had perhaps lost its best chance to apprehend him.

This time, with Libya still in a state of turmoil, a decision was made not to tell the government in advance. “We have made clear to successive Libyan governments our intention to bring to justice the perpetrators of the attack on our facilities in Benghazi,” one official said. “So it should come as no surprise to the Libyan government that we would take advantage of an opportunity to bring Abu Khattala to face justice.”

The NY Times got an interview with him, but Obama couldn't get him. You might want to try that one on naive college kids first, but it's likely even they won't swallow that crap.

The reporter who interviewed him was a Libyan. He said that Khattala was traveling with an armed team of security personal.
Personal what? And why does that matter? What difference does that make Blind Boob?
Just the FACT that the REGIME LIED about Benghazi being started by a video!

On Oct. 18, 2012, the New York Times published an interview from “two leisurely hours” with Khattala, who declared he was not a member of Al Qaeda but said he’d be proud to be associated with the organization’s zeal for Islamic law. He also blamed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the United States’ foreign policy.
Hey dumbass, Benghazi was 2012 not 2001. :asshole:

Notice how the pathological liar did not link to the Times story, obviously the liar did not want people to see this:

Mr. Abu Khattala, 41, wearing a red fez and sandals, added his own spin. Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.



I'll bet some folks even know the difference between Ansar al shariah and al Qaeda.

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