Benghazi terrorist captured

Actually, he blamed the attacks on extremest. Thanks for clearing that up.

Actually, he claimed it was a spontaneous attack caused by an internet video.

But hey, you have your party, that leaves you no room for integrity.

Here's exactly what he said on Letterman:

"extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the one, the consulate in Libya."
Hey liar, was the attack caused by a video like Obama claimed on Letterman?

Actually, he blamed the attacks on extremest. Thanks for clearing that up.

Obama went on Letterman a week after the attack and blamed a guy who made a movie, knowing that it was a planned attack, not spontaneous. That's a lie.

"extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the one, the consulate in Libya."

His exact quote.
The NY Times got an interview with him, but Obama couldn't get him. You might want to try that one on naive college kids first, but it's likely even they won't swallow that crap.

The reporter who interviewed him was a Libyan. He said that Khattala was traveling with an armed team of security personal.

So? You think all our special forces are faggots now or what?

No, it's just that a reporter can get interviews with people because they are reporters and not Special Forces.

I'm glad they took their time and grabbed him without firing a shot.
Actually, he blamed the attacks on extremest. Thanks for clearing that up.

Obama went on Letterman a week after the attack and blamed a guy who made a movie, knowing that it was a planned attack, not spontaneous. That's a lie.

"extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the one, the consulate in Libya."

His exact quote.

So? They are going to attack and kill regardless. They always have an excuse. What if they say bacon made them do it? Are the Americans at the consulate supposed to stop eating pork?
The reporter who interviewed him was a Libyan. He said that Khattala was traveling with an armed team of security personal.

So? You think all our special forces are faggots now or what?

No, it's just that a reporter can get interviews with people because they are reporters and not Special Forces.

I'm glad they took their time and grabbed him without firing a shot.

That's inconsequential. Why are you concerned about that? You think he's entitled to our court system and constitutional rights?
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And even if he were there, the fact remains that no ‘crimes’ were committed by Administration officials, that there are no ‘cover ups,’ and that no ‘scandal’ exists concerning ‘Benghazi.’

Just the FACT that the REGIME LIED about Benghazi being started by a video!

On Oct. 18, 2012, the New York Times published an interview from “two leisurely hours” with Khattala, who declared he was not a member of Al Qaeda but said he’d be proud to be associated with the organization’s zeal for Islamic law. He also blamed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the United States’ foreign policy.
Hey dumbass, Benghazi was 2012 not 2001. :asshole:

Notice how the pathological liar did not link to the Times story, obviously the liar did not want people to see this:

Mr. Abu Khattala, 41, wearing a red fez and sandals, added his own spin. Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.

I've already shown you that General Ham, the General in charge said there was NO demonstration Ed, are you retarded?
According to the terrorist just caught, he reported to the media that the protest STARTED over the video. He should know, unlike you he was there and he was a leader.

Mr. Abu Khattala, 41, wearing a red fez and sandals, added his own spin. Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.

According to the General in charge there was no demonstration over a video you lying prick.

The General, like you, was NOT there.

Just so we are clear, YOU are going to believe a Terrorist over the General in charge, who was informed within MINUTES of the unfolding situation by his people on the ground.

The General was in front of Panetta within minutes who was then in font of Obama with minutes.

There was no demonstration ED...why is that so hard fo you to admit.

The General in charge of the Lybia theatre said that there was NO demonstration, and he said it under oath.
For what it's worth, I heard on a radio news report a few minutes ago that said some Libyan 'authority' said they didn't know the guy was connected to the Benghazi incident, and now they want him back.

Wouldn't hold by breath if I were them.
OK, wingnuts:

  • How is this fake?
  • How is Obama using sleight of hand with this?
  • What's the conspiracy du jour?
  • Who doesn't believe this guy had anything to do with Benghazi?

Hurry up before any actual facts are reported!!!!! :lol:

It's all timing you know. According to the fair and balanced folks everything the Obama Administration does is a distraction from something else.
Just the FACT that the REGIME LIED about Benghazi being started by a video!

On Oct. 18, 2012, the New York Times published an interview from “two leisurely hours” with Khattala, who declared he was not a member of Al Qaeda but said he’d be proud to be associated with the organization’s zeal for Islamic law. He also blamed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, on the United States’ foreign policy.
Hey dumbass, Benghazi was 2012 not 2001. :asshole:

Notice how the pathological liar did not link to the Times story, obviously the liar did not want people to see this:

Mr. Abu Khattala, 41, wearing a red fez and sandals, added his own spin. Contradicting the accounts of many witnesses and the most recent account of the Obama administration, he contended that the attack had grown out of a peaceful protest against a video made in the United States that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.


NO, :asshole: "ALSO" means .... the same DECLARATION!!!!!
Learn to read, MORON!
According to the General in charge there was no demonstration over a video you lying prick.

The General, like you, was NOT there.

Just so we are clear, YOU are going to believe a Terrorist over the General in charge, who was informed within MINUTES of the unfolding situation by his people on the ground.

The General was in front of Panetta within minutes who was then in font of Obama with minutes.

There was no demonstration ED...why is that so hard fo you to admit.

The General in charge of the Lybia theatre said that there was NO demonstration, and he said it under oath.
Which means Ham was in the US NOT Libya!!!!!
Just saw it on the news. Being held on a ship.

And he says it was revenge for the video…

LOL well that settles it then---cancel the hearings. :lol:
Can't do that, raising money from the blood of dead Amewricans is the GOP's number one fundraiser!


So? You think all our special forces are faggots now or what?

No, it's just that a reporter can get interviews with people because they are reporters and not Special Forces.

I'm glad they took their time and grabbed him without firing a shot.

That's inconsequential. Why are you concerned about that? You think he's entitled to our court system and constitutional rights?

The lives of our special forces are not inconsequential.

I absolutely believe he deserves his day in court and if found guilty, he should face the maximum penalty, which of course I hope is a death sentence.
Sorry for asking this but wasn't Khattala arrested in front of a shuttered BlockBuster video store trying to return an overdue copy of "The Last Temptation of Christ"?

No, it's just that a reporter can get interviews with people because they are reporters and not Special Forces.

I'm glad they took their time and grabbed him without firing a shot.

That's inconsequential. Why are you concerned about that? You think he's entitled to our court system and constitutional rights?

The lives of our special forces are not inconsequential.

I absolutely believe he deserves his day in court and if found guilty, he should face the maximum penalty, which of course I hope is a death sentence.

He is at war against my country. Tell me why he is entitled to the same rights as me.

Now when Obama gets four more He'll have enough to trade for one more missing American who hasn't even been taken yet. Gotta admire His foresight in knowing He's going to need bargaining chips after having set the precedent.

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