Berlin attacker is a refugee from Pakistan....ISIS claims responsibility

The fact that you clowns will use anything you can to gin up anti-Muslim hatred?
"Anything", like the cold slaughter of innocents who were just peacefully living their lives until the truck came?


The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?
How rude of you to confront a Snow Flake with un-cushioned facts.

I bet you tell your significant other that her dress makes her butt look big too.


I tell ya, they've lost their shit.
I tell ya, they've lost their shit.
No, I think shit is all they have left.

I wish they would lose that.


Seriously, do any of these Electoral College targetting idiots think that they are winning friends and influencing a damned soul to support them by trying to undermine and sabotage our democratic process?
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Pakistan is not part of the "middle east".

Whatever, you get the point.

The fact that you clowns will use anything you can to gin up anti-Muslim hatred?

Yeah, I got that point a long time ago. Carry on.

You realise that many Muslim states AREN'T in the Middle East. Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan ... just to name a few.

It's not hatred to point out that there was a religious motivation behind this attack and to identify the religion.
Berlin truck driver was refugee from Pakistan: report


I was pretty sure it was the Amish, I shouldn't have jumped to a conclusion before all the facts were in.

I thought the driver was Zsa Zsa Gabor. After all she is White, an immigrant and recently died. I never considered ISIS. Who would have thought?

The reason I was certain it was the Amish is because they are today's extreme fundamentalist Christians. They are dangerous. They'll haul you off in a quilt they made and bury your ass if you don't believe like they do.
The pro truck lobby in Europe is racist as shit. When are we going to take truck control seriously?
Pakistan is not part of the "middle east".

Whatever, you get the point.

The fact that you clowns will use anything you can to gin up anti-Muslim hatred?

Yeah, I got that point a long time ago. Carry on.

Oddly enough, it seems the greater barrier to making some initiatives for peace (be they military initiatives, or sanctions, or agreements, or ultimatums) may not be the violent Islamic factions --- it may be those of your ilk in the West.

You just want us to keep on taking mass murder hits and say "well most of these muslims are moderates so we really cannot do much about it. The real bad guys are violent extremists, not having anything to do with the religion of peace, itself."

IOW, how long shall we wait for your anti-terrorist measures to take hold, that is, if you have any?


What are your "anti-terrorism" measures? Wiping out every Muslim on the planet?

Your post doesn't make any sense. How is the fact that I don't believe my neighbors are evil a "barrier" to making "initiatives"?
So before I answer I can glean (from you refusing to answer my question) that you, yourself, have no plan to thwart these Islamic attacks on innocent people? That's what I thought.

And, secondly, you cannot answer my other question which was How many of these attacks are you willing to endure before you admit this is a grave crisis and will force you or those govts to come up with a serious plan?

German state minister says: 'We are in a state of war'
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Germany, you don't need to get your citizens killed to make up for the NAZIS.
Your avatar. Isn't that a work of art by Kurt Vonnegut Jr?
Just finishing Player Piano.....
Do you like it? He was the best America had! I read all of his books. But I think the avatar is from "Breakfast of Champions".
I have a few chapters to go but I do like his style and thinking....he's was way ahead of his time on understanding dystopia....
I agree. He has his own way of conveying ideas. He's really, really good. I think "Breakfast of Champions" is my favourite. Whatever you do, do not see the film. It is a waste of time. The book however is superb!

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