Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn’t Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40 Then Wormed His Way Into

He just fantasizes about them

Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101
Oh, a degree in economics? Wow, why don't you tell me what the national debt is? Let's see how much your "degree" is worth. Also, Please provide evidence that federal taxes fund federal spending.
Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101

even someone in high school should be able to figure that one out. but the voters of today, I just don't know
Yes, most people in high school probably believe that federal taxes are needed to fund federal spending. It's simply not true.
He just fantasizes about them

Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101
But he could bury us in debt. That's good for the private sector!
Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101
Oh, a degree in economics? Wow, why don't you tell me what the national debt is? Let's see how much your "degree" is worth. Also, Please provide evidence that federal taxes fund federal spending.

Are you some sort of idiot. Google National debt, I don't do loon's work, it's easily available and where exactly do you think the government gets the money? Does it grow on trees? Unicorns shit it out? The government actually produces a product and sells it? You're insane
Economically clueless.....

Liberal Economists Pour Cold Water On Bernie’s Plans For Education And Healthcare

Several left-leaning economists have declared 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders’s plans for free healthcare and education unrealistic and unaffordable in light of recent analyzations of Sanders’s proposals.

“The numbers don’t remotely add up,” Austan Goolsbee, the former chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, told The New York Times. Referring to an early criticism of Sanders’s plans as “puppies and rainbows,” Goolsbee continued to say Sanders’s plans have “evolved into magic flying puppies with winning Lotto tickets tied to their collars.”

Read more: Liberal Economists Pour Cold Water On Bernie’s Plans For Education And Healthcare

They need to drown this socialist.

It looks like Donald Trump is well on his way to win the nomination. He is leading in S.C. by double digits, and he run the south and carry momentum into Super Tuesday.

But the real question is? Can Donald Trump defeat Hillary Clinton, The answer to that is a solid NO. Trump and his supporters have chased off 17% of the population when the GOP nominee has historically needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House. This year they need 46% of this block.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point lead as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the majority voting block. In fact it was they that secured Obama's second term in office--due to the right wing of the party continually campaigning on abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legal legitimate rape questions.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

So this math and election history is indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on election night.

Republicans ONLY hope in this race is that BERNIE SANDERS is the nominee for the Democrat party--who would get creamed in a National Election by any GOP candidate. He's a socialist--and this country would never vote for any candidate that was out there campaigning on free college tuition. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left or far right candidates. A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump.

There's nothing like a failure deciding how you should spend your money.
The national debt is a private sector surplus. Bernie is a true capitalist who knows how to get the private sector out of debt.
No wonder you are an owl. Wise beyond your years. Socialist is good capitalist. Must toke on that.
Please tell me what is wrong with my statement? The national debt is literally a private sector surplus. Bernie sanders will be running massive deficits, which he should, and this will help the private sector. All these idiots wanting to balance the budget and lower the deficit need to learn from history:
Mmmmmm yes ...yes ...I see. Spending 19 trillion more dollars we don't have will surely make us all filthy rich! Fuck it. Let's do 30!
When you use hyperbole and throw out raw numbers like you're doing, it's hard to have a discussion.
We live in a fiat regime, the us govt can spend without having to raise money. The debt is simply the measure of outstanding bonds, liabilities also include MB (Cash/reserves.)
I can use more than hyperbole, give me something to go on. So far you are cartoonish with no concept of what's going on.

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
January $21,310,629,685.82
December 86,649,956,614.54
November 23,107,464,608.89
October 16,789,489,434.74
Fiscal Year Total $147,857,540,343.99
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101

even someone in high school should be able to figure that one out. but the voters of today, I just don't know
Yes, most people in high school probably believe that federal taxes are needed to fund federal spending. It's simply not true.

ok we'll play, where will this money come from to pay for federal spending? magic MONEY Trees? the federal Government does not have it's own MONEY.
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101
Oh, a degree in economics? Wow, why don't you tell me what the national debt is? Let's see how much your "degree" is worth. Also, Please provide evidence that federal taxes fund federal spending.

Are you some sort of idiot. Google National debt, I don't do loon's work, it's easily available and where exactly do you think the government gets the money? Does it grow on trees? Unicorns shit it out? The government actually produces a product and sells it? You're insane
I already know what the national debt is. Hmm, for someone with an "econ degree" it shouldn't take you longer then 2 minutes to explain the national debt. The national debt is all the dollars ever issued by the US govt that have yet to be taxed away, I like to call it the national savings ;)

Hell, I'd hardly call it a "real debt." We issue our own currency that floats on an exchange, and the currency is non-convertible. All us dollars come from the us government, so the government gets it money.. from itself. Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but let's look at history:
When was the US dollar first issued? Answer me that, and this will make sense.
The us dollar isn't a commodity, it's issued by the US government, created out of thin air. This is reality. It's literally a number with a $ in front of it. It's worthless, and it comes in these forms:
Cash (Paper/coins)
#'s in reserve accounts at the fed reserve
#'s in securities accounts (treasury bonds)
So why the hell does the government need to tax to spend? It doesn't. This is one of the most widespread lies today.
Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101
But he could bury us in debt. That's good for the private sector!

Look--if Bernie Sanders wins the nomination, Donald Trump will be the next POTUS This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far left, or far right candidates. Sanders is so far left he might as well be from Mars. Democrats and Republicans would UNITE to make certain he never got close to the White House.

If Bernie Sanders is the nominee of the Democrat party, just move the blue over to New Hampshire and Vermont and color the rest of the country RED. A vote for Bernie Sanders is a vote for Donald Trump.


Reagan V Mondale--1984

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101

even someone in high school should be able to figure that one out. but the voters of today, I just don't know
Yes, most people in high school probably believe that federal taxes are needed to fund federal spending. It's simply not true.

ok we'll play, where will this money come from to pay for federal spending? magic MONEY Trees? the federal Government does not have it's own MONEY.
The us government creates dollars out of thin air. The gold standard no longer exists.
Bernie is never going to be allowed to win. He is there to make the race appear legit. That's all.
You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101
Oh, a degree in economics? Wow, why don't you tell me what the national debt is? Let's see how much your "degree" is worth. Also, Please provide evidence that federal taxes fund federal spending.

Are you some sort of idiot. Google National debt, I don't do loon's work, it's easily available and where exactly do you think the government gets the money? Does it grow on trees? Unicorns shit it out? The government actually produces a product and sells it? You're insane
I already know what the national debt is. Hmm, for someone with an "econ degree" it shouldn't take you longer then 2 minutes to explain the national debt. The national debt is all the dollars ever issued by the US govt that have yet to be taxed away, I like to call it the national savings ;)

Hell, I'd hardly call it a "real debt." We issue our own currency that floats on an exchange, and the currency is non-convertible. All us dollars come from the us government, so the government gets it money.. from itself. Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but let's look at history:
When was the US dollar first issued? Answer me that, and this will make sense.
The us dollar isn't a commodity, it's issued by the US government, created out of thin air. This is reality. It's literally a number with a $ in front of it. It's worthless, and it comes in these forms:
Cash (Paper/coins)
#'s in reserve accounts at the fed reserve
#'s in securities accounts (treasury bonds)
So why the hell does the government need to tax to spend? It doesn't. This is one of the most widespread lies today.

You're a nut
The national debt is a private sector surplus. Bernie is a true capitalist who knows how to get the private sector out of debt.
No wonder you are an owl. Wise beyond your years. Socialist is good capitalist. Must toke on that.
Please tell me what is wrong with my statement? The national debt is literally a private sector surplus. Bernie sanders will be running massive deficits, which he should, and this will help the private sector. All these idiots wanting to balance the budget and lower the deficit need to learn from history:
Mmmmmm yes ...yes ...I see. Spending 19 trillion more dollars we don't have will surely make us all filthy rich! Fuck it. Let's do 30!
When you use hyperbole and throw out raw numbers like you're doing, it's hard to have a discussion.
We live in a fiat regime, the us govt can spend without having to raise money. The debt is simply the measure of outstanding bonds, liabilities also include MB (Cash/reserves.)
I can use more than hyperbole, give me something to go on. So far you are cartoonish with no concept of what's going on.

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
January $21,310,629,685.82
December 86,649,956,614.54
November 23,107,464,608.89
October 16,789,489,434.74
Fiscal Year Total $147,857,540,343.99
Yes, numbers are scary when they look big, let's give you some perspective:
Let's take china, for example.
China does not issue US dollars.
China must find a way to earn our dollars if it wishes to net save in our dollars.
How does it do this? Go to walmart and see for yourself.
Same thing with Japan.
China sells stuff to us in exchange for US dollars.
I really hope you aren't one of those people who think china is "loaning" us anything. Oh god..
The next step in all of this is china putting money in a bank account at the reserve. This account doesn't pay interest. So, china decides: "Hey, I should get some treasury bonds and earn some interest on my HARD EARNED UNITED STATES DOLLARS."
We accommodate them and other countries for one obvious reason, and you should be able to figure it out.
(Oh, we can never default on the debt by the way, it's impossible for a nation that can create dollars from thin air ;) )
So here's the reality: For all of the benefits we get from china/japan/etc, they get a PAPER BANK STATEMENT. Yes, my friend, this is what the politicians are claiming is going to kill us all. IT'S NOT EVEN DENOMINATED IN A CURRENCY that most of these nations can even spend in their own country. They have to either spend the dollars here in the US, which helps us out, or where someone will accept our dollars. They can leave them in savings, or they can convert at their own expense. You bring up a valid point: "How the hell do we pay the interest? Our kids are going to die!"
When the dreaded doomsday scenario finally happens, the federal reserve will move china's hard earned dollars from their "savings" account back to their "checking account." It will go into the "checking account" with the number raised a bit. Boom, we're done. Problem solved. The federal reserve types a number and it's done. It's an accounting record. That's all the national debt is.
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101
Oh, a degree in economics? Wow, why don't you tell me what the national debt is? Let's see how much your "degree" is worth. Also, Please provide evidence that federal taxes fund federal spending.

Are you some sort of idiot. Google National debt, I don't do loon's work, it's easily available and where exactly do you think the government gets the money? Does it grow on trees? Unicorns shit it out? The government actually produces a product and sells it? You're insane
I already know what the national debt is. Hmm, for someone with an "econ degree" it shouldn't take you longer then 2 minutes to explain the national debt. The national debt is all the dollars ever issued by the US govt that have yet to be taxed away, I like to call it the national savings ;)

Hell, I'd hardly call it a "real debt." We issue our own currency that floats on an exchange, and the currency is non-convertible. All us dollars come from the us government, so the government gets it money.. from itself. Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but let's look at history:
When was the US dollar first issued? Answer me that, and this will make sense.
The us dollar isn't a commodity, it's issued by the US government, created out of thin air. This is reality. It's literally a number with a $ in front of it. It's worthless, and it comes in these forms:
Cash (Paper/coins)
#'s in reserve accounts at the fed reserve
#'s in securities accounts (treasury bonds)
So why the hell does the government need to tax to spend? It doesn't. This is one of the most widespread lies today.

You're a nut
I find it hard to believe you have an 'econ degree' if that's your response. Please, tell me what I got wrong.
Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101
Oh, a degree in economics? Wow, why don't you tell me what the national debt is? Let's see how much your "degree" is worth. Also, Please provide evidence that federal taxes fund federal spending.

Are you some sort of idiot. Google National debt, I don't do loon's work, it's easily available and where exactly do you think the government gets the money? Does it grow on trees? Unicorns shit it out? The government actually produces a product and sells it? You're insane
I already know what the national debt is. Hmm, for someone with an "econ degree" it shouldn't take you longer then 2 minutes to explain the national debt. The national debt is all the dollars ever issued by the US govt that have yet to be taxed away, I like to call it the national savings ;)

Hell, I'd hardly call it a "real debt." We issue our own currency that floats on an exchange, and the currency is non-convertible. All us dollars come from the us government, so the government gets it money.. from itself. Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but let's look at history:
When was the US dollar first issued? Answer me that, and this will make sense.
The us dollar isn't a commodity, it's issued by the US government, created out of thin air. This is reality. It's literally a number with a $ in front of it. It's worthless, and it comes in these forms:
Cash (Paper/coins)
#'s in reserve accounts at the fed reserve
#'s in securities accounts (treasury bonds)
So why the hell does the government need to tax to spend? It doesn't. This is one of the most widespread lies today.

You're a nut
I find it hard to believe you have an 'econ degree' if that's your response. Please, tell me what I got wrong.

I stopped reading your're a nut. But yeah Indiana U...Go Big Red!!!
Oh, a degree in economics? Wow, why don't you tell me what the national debt is? Let's see how much your "degree" is worth. Also, Please provide evidence that federal taxes fund federal spending.

Are you some sort of idiot. Google National debt, I don't do loon's work, it's easily available and where exactly do you think the government gets the money? Does it grow on trees? Unicorns shit it out? The government actually produces a product and sells it? You're insane
I already know what the national debt is. Hmm, for someone with an "econ degree" it shouldn't take you longer then 2 minutes to explain the national debt. The national debt is all the dollars ever issued by the US govt that have yet to be taxed away, I like to call it the national savings ;)

Hell, I'd hardly call it a "real debt." We issue our own currency that floats on an exchange, and the currency is non-convertible. All us dollars come from the us government, so the government gets it money.. from itself. Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but let's look at history:
When was the US dollar first issued? Answer me that, and this will make sense.
The us dollar isn't a commodity, it's issued by the US government, created out of thin air. This is reality. It's literally a number with a $ in front of it. It's worthless, and it comes in these forms:
Cash (Paper/coins)
#'s in reserve accounts at the fed reserve
#'s in securities accounts (treasury bonds)
So why the hell does the government need to tax to spend? It doesn't. This is one of the most widespread lies today.

You're a nut
I find it hard to believe you have an 'econ degree' if that's your response. Please, tell me what I got wrong.

I stopped reading your're a nut. But yeah Indiana U...Go Big Red!!!
I'm sorry that the reality of the modern economy scares you.
That this man , "leech" is more like it, as his only REAL JOB has been finding ways of sucking a living off us taxpayers. That he even has a following: God help us all.


What a shock.
Bernie Sanders was a bum who didn’t earn a steady paycheck until he was 40 years old. He was a slob who lived in a shack with a dirt floor. He later wrote about masturbation and rape for left-wing rags for $50 a story. The Socialist then wormed his way into politics.

Bernie had his electricity cut off a lot so he’d run an extension cord down to the basement. He couldn’t pay his bills.

And today he’s running for president so he can take your money and redistribute it.
Investor’s Business Daily reported:

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”

One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.

The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off. “The whole quality of life in America is based on greed,” the bitter layabout said. “I believe in the redistribution of wealth in this nation.”

So he tried politics, starting his own socialist party. Four times he ran for Vermont public office, and four times he lost — badly. He never attracted more than single-digit support — even in the People’s Republic of Vermont. In his 1971 bid for U.S. Senate, the local press said the 30-year-old “Sanders describes himself as a carpenter who has worked with ‘disturbed children.’ ” In other words, a real winner.

He finally wormed his way into the Senate in 2006, where he still ranks as one of the poorest members of Congress. Save for a municipal pension, Sanders lists no assets in his name. All the assets provided in his financial disclosure form are his second wife’s. He does, however, have as much as $65,000 in credit-card debt.

all of it here:
Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn't Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40 Then Wormed His Way Into Politics - The Gateway Pundit

False...please fact check before you get all of your little agreeing followers a organism

After finishing college in 1964, Sanders lived on a kibbutz in Israel before settling in Vermont. He worked a number of jobs, including filmmaker and freelance writer, while his interest in politics grew.

Employment in New York and Vermont
After college graduation, Sanders initially worked in New York City in a variety of jobs, including Head Start teacher, psychiatric aide and carpenter. [34]In 1968 Sanders moved to Vermont because he had been "captivated by rural life." After his arrival there he worked as a carpenter, filmmaker and writer[35] who created and sold “radical film strips” and other educational materials to schools.[36]

She said a steady job.
The guy was an obvious shiftless loser who had no real skills so he became a weaselly socialist and learned how to live off the government.

First she didn't say study job...and second the article is a bunch of biased lies.
Are you some sort of idiot. Google National debt, I don't do loon's work, it's easily available and where exactly do you think the government gets the money? Does it grow on trees? Unicorns shit it out? The government actually produces a product and sells it? You're insane
I already know what the national debt is. Hmm, for someone with an "econ degree" it shouldn't take you longer then 2 minutes to explain the national debt. The national debt is all the dollars ever issued by the US govt that have yet to be taxed away, I like to call it the national savings ;)

Hell, I'd hardly call it a "real debt." We issue our own currency that floats on an exchange, and the currency is non-convertible. All us dollars come from the us government, so the government gets it money.. from itself. Yes, I know, it's hard to believe, but let's look at history:
When was the US dollar first issued? Answer me that, and this will make sense.
The us dollar isn't a commodity, it's issued by the US government, created out of thin air. This is reality. It's literally a number with a $ in front of it. It's worthless, and it comes in these forms:
Cash (Paper/coins)
#'s in reserve accounts at the fed reserve
#'s in securities accounts (treasury bonds)
So why the hell does the government need to tax to spend? It doesn't. This is one of the most widespread lies today.

You're a nut
I find it hard to believe you have an 'econ degree' if that's your response. Please, tell me what I got wrong.

I stopped reading your're a nut. But yeah Indiana U...Go Big Red!!!
I'm sorry that the reality of the modern economy scares you.

They don't like reality, and factual things about what is really going on. They just believe there beloved Ted is telling them the truth.
Seriously who would they support on the right besides Trump.


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