Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn’t Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40 Then Wormed His Way Into

And what is democratic about socialism?
You seem to believe democratic socialism is related to the socialism practiced by the USSR. I'd hardly call that "socialism" either.
You didn't answer the question.
Democratic socialists advocate utilizing the government to increase the well being of the people. Most are misguided, well, the ones in countries without a government that controls the currency, because they believe they have to tax to "fund" things.
All countries have governments, and they all tax to fund things so you are as clear as mud. Socialism is the state controlling the means of production, that isn't democratic in any way. Democratic socialism is just a way to soft peddle socialism. Once the state gains enough power the citizens lose theirs. Then you have socialism.
I wasn't aware bernie wants to control the means of production.
what are you aware of beside rambling on and on in a thread? are you working to get your post count up or what?
Libs do like sex offenders don't they?
Bernie isn't a sex offender.
He just writes stories about rape and masterbation for 50.00 a pop.
That doesn't make him a sex offender.
He just fantasizes about them

Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.
Bernie isn't a sex offender.
He just writes stories about rape and masterbation for 50.00 a pop.
That doesn't make him a sex offender.
He just fantasizes about them

Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
You seem to believe democratic socialism is related to the socialism practiced by the USSR. I'd hardly call that "socialism" either.
You didn't answer the question.
Democratic socialists advocate utilizing the government to increase the well being of the people. Most are misguided, well, the ones in countries without a government that controls the currency, because they believe they have to tax to "fund" things.
All countries have governments, and they all tax to fund things so you are as clear as mud. Socialism is the state controlling the means of production, that isn't democratic in any way. Democratic socialism is just a way to soft peddle socialism. Once the state gains enough power the citizens lose theirs. Then you have socialism.
I wasn't aware bernie wants to control the means of production.
what are you aware of beside rambling on and on in a thread? are you working to get your post count up or what?
Yes. Looks like the new socks have hit USMB today in mass.
Libs do like sex offenders don't they?
Bernie isn't a sex offender.
He just writes stories about rape and masterbation for 50.00 a pop.
That doesn't make him a sex offender.
He just fantasizes about them
The Bernie Sanders 'Rape Fantasy' Essay, Explained
It's a commentary on gender roles.

HAHAHAHAHA It's rank sexism and an insult to women
Did anyone notice the link he posted about explaining Bernie's twisted thinking was from NPR? and when did they become a political mouthpiece for Democrats?

something else I noticed earlier. I was using Google to look up the racial make up of Vermont and it was page after page of vote for Bernie, Bernie is the cool old grandpa, Bernie this, Bernie that. they even had a place where you can go to Donate to him. I'm like how so impartial and not biased there. oh no.
He just writes stories about rape and masterbation for 50.00 a pop.
That doesn't make him a sex offender.
He just fantasizes about them

Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.
You didn't answer the question.
Democratic socialists advocate utilizing the government to increase the well being of the people. Most are misguided, well, the ones in countries without a government that controls the currency, because they believe they have to tax to "fund" things.
All countries have governments, and they all tax to fund things so you are as clear as mud. Socialism is the state controlling the means of production, that isn't democratic in any way. Democratic socialism is just a way to soft peddle socialism. Once the state gains enough power the citizens lose theirs. Then you have socialism.
I wasn't aware bernie wants to control the means of production.
what are you aware of beside rambling on and on in a thread? are you working to get your post count up or what?
Yes. Looks like the new socks have hit USMB today in mass.
I wasn't aware bernie supporters were against raising taxes..
You didn't answer the question.
Democratic socialists advocate utilizing the government to increase the well being of the people. Most are misguided, well, the ones in countries without a government that controls the currency, because they believe they have to tax to "fund" things.
All countries have governments, and they all tax to fund things so you are as clear as mud. Socialism is the state controlling the means of production, that isn't democratic in any way. Democratic socialism is just a way to soft peddle socialism. Once the state gains enough power the citizens lose theirs. Then you have socialism.
I wasn't aware bernie wants to control the means of production.
what are you aware of beside rambling on and on in a thread? are you working to get your post count up or what?
Yes. Looks like the new socks have hit USMB today in mass.
Yes unfortunately. they will need a bigger ignore place on here soon. Mine has never been so filled, even while here under Bush. but this place went nuts when Obama was crowned the Messiah of all mankind and it hasn't let up since. shame really, a lot of them bring the board down in my book
She doesn't get to me at all :cuckoo:


That certainly doesn't mean I won't call her out for being a nasty lying hypocrite. I suggest if that troubles go call 1800waaaaaah

You need to look in the mirror...

Dearie I have way more than her. You're an idiot.

And how would you know that? You're a narcissist...

Now be a good boy and stop projecting your own petty resentments onto others

Resentment is not my problem, it is obviously yours though...
That doesn't make him a sex offender.
He just fantasizes about them

Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101
He just fantasizes about them

Sanders is a loon, just some old hippie spewing fantasy. He can never pay for his pie in the sky BS
Actually, yes, he can. He doesn't even need to raise taxes to due so, something me and others want him to realize.

You're as loony as Sanders. There is no way to pay the current 19 trillion let alone another 20 trillion. Get your head out of your ass, you're fooling nobody
What makes you think federal taxes fund federal spending? That's where you come up with that assumption.
We're a sovereign currency issuing government, there is no question of "money" scarcity. Money can be scarce for those who use it, you, me, the mcdonalds down the street.. these places can run out of US currency. We issue our own currency, (The us government.) The value of the currency is determined by the supply of and demand for the currency on an exchange. The main point of this basic lesson in this: We have a fiat currency, and the supply of our currency is equal to infinity.

Save it, loon. I have a degree in economics and you're way out in left field, in fact you might not even be in the stadium. Sander's grand plan can't be funded without implementing taxes on a massive level. That's Econ 101

even someone in high school should be able to figure that one out. but the voters of today, I just don't know
One really GOOD THING about the Bern is what it causes in the Hildebeast....

Democratic socialists advocate utilizing the government to increase the well being of the people. Most are misguided, well, the ones in countries without a government that controls the currency, because they believe they have to tax to "fund" things.
All countries have governments, and they all tax to fund things so you are as clear as mud. Socialism is the state controlling the means of production, that isn't democratic in any way. Democratic socialism is just a way to soft peddle socialism. Once the state gains enough power the citizens lose theirs. Then you have socialism.
I wasn't aware bernie wants to control the means of production.
what are you aware of beside rambling on and on in a thread? are you working to get your post count up or what?
Yes. Looks like the new socks have hit USMB today in mass.
Yes unfortunately. they will need a bigger ignore place on here soon. Mine has never been so filled, even while here under Bush. but this place went nuts when Obama was crowned the Messiah of all mankind and it hasn't let up since. shame really, a lot of them bring the board down in my book
Yep. I usually put the new socks on ignore after a few days. Not interested.
That this man , "leech" is more like it, as his only REAL JOB has been finding ways of sucking a living off us taxpayers. That he even has a following: God help us all.


What a shock.
Bernie Sanders was a bum who didn’t earn a steady paycheck until he was 40 years old. He was a slob who lived in a shack with a dirt floor. He later wrote about masturbation and rape for left-wing rags for $50 a story. The Socialist then wormed his way into politics.

Bernie had his electricity cut off a lot so he’d run an extension cord down to the basement. He couldn’t pay his bills.

And today he’s running for president so he can take your money and redistribute it.
Investor’s Business Daily reported:

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”

One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.

Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.

The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off. “The whole quality of life in America is based on greed,” the bitter layabout said. “I believe in the redistribution of wealth in this nation.”

So he tried politics, starting his own socialist party. Four times he ran for Vermont public office, and four times he lost — badly. He never attracted more than single-digit support — even in the People’s Republic of Vermont. In his 1971 bid for U.S. Senate, the local press said the 30-year-old “Sanders describes himself as a carpenter who has worked with ‘disturbed children.’ ” In other words, a real winner.

He finally wormed his way into the Senate in 2006, where he still ranks as one of the poorest members of Congress. Save for a municipal pension, Sanders lists no assets in his name. All the assets provided in his financial disclosure form are his second wife’s. He does, however, have as much as $65,000 in credit-card debt.

all of it here:
Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn't Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40 Then Wormed His Way Into Politics - The Gateway Pundit

It's clear this guy never earned a paycheck in his entire life. All he is about is taking everyone's else's money and then to re-distribute it.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."Winston Churchill


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