Bernie Sanders' illegitimate son...

If he diverted campaign funds to pay for his illegitimate child, he defrauded his contributors.

Sorry that's not correct. There are at least 40 or 50 politicians who do that regularly and I'm sure you remember Tom DeLay, he paid his family almost a half million and was never charged for that.

If you want to beat Bernie Sanders up over anything, it's the fact that he is always demanding that we get big money out of politics and then does this. But it's not illegal.
So, if you give your candidate $2500 because you want him/her to get elected, then find out he/she used that money to support his love child, you wouldn't feel like your money has been used inappropriately? Sorry, but that's fraud (whether it gets prosecuted or not).

Nope. Here's a ten year old article that reported it. Sanders campaign paid family members : Times Argus Online
So, you're ok with your money being used to support your candidate's love child, even though you gave the money for the purpose of getting that person elected?

You tell me. It's been around forever and the incident we are discussing is ten years old. I can't recall that this has ever been brought up in the last ten years and that gives me a clue no one gives a shit.
You want me to answer the question for you? Can't you think for yourself? Never mind, you're a Democrat, I already know the answer. It's "no".
Sorry that's not correct. There are at least 40 or 50 politicians who do that regularly and I'm sure you remember Tom DeLay, he paid his family almost a half million and was never charged for that.

If you want to beat Bernie Sanders up over anything, it's the fact that he is always demanding that we get big money out of politics and then does this. But it's not illegal.
So, if you give your candidate $2500 because you want him/her to get elected, then find out he/she used that money to support his love child, you wouldn't feel like your money has been used inappropriately? Sorry, but that's fraud (whether it gets prosecuted or not).

Nope. Here's a ten year old article that reported it. Sanders campaign paid family members : Times Argus Online
So, you're ok with your money being used to support your candidate's love child, even though you gave the money for the purpose of getting that person elected?

You tell me. It's been around forever and the incident we are discussing is ten years old. I can't recall that this has ever been brought up in the last ten years and that gives me a clue no one gives a shit.
You want me to answer the question for you? Can't you think for yourself? Never mind, you're a Democrat, I already know the answer. It's "no".

I was just trying to get you to accept the logic. It's not a big deal anywhere except your head and unless you own a newspaper that's the way it remains.
This is the worst thing I've ever heard. I can't believe it. It absolutely disqualifies him from becoming POTUS.
I would advise you to wait and make sure it is true. Right wingers love to smear when they have no real argument.

Even if he did knock some gal up ... so what ... let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

I know that I was getting so much nookie, in those days, that I had a vasectomy to make sure I didn't wind up with 20 kids. One of the best things I ever did --- both for me and for society. I think the Chinese were right when they imposed family limitations.
It doesn't matter, he is a socialist.
If this is true, liberals will love him even more
Why? He's not a Palin.
Exactly. Bernie Sanders is a socialist and there is no assumption of morality or family values in the socialist world. Even democrats are exempt from the standards we set for republicans.

Fuck, that must make Bristol Palin a Communist.
& natural born... hmmm... we've seen this one.....
This is the worst thing I've ever heard. I can't believe it. It absolutely disqualifies him from becoming POTUS.
I would advise you to wait and make sure it is true. Right wingers love to smear when they have no real argument.

Even if he did knock some gal up ... so what ... let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

I know that I was getting so much nookie, in those days, that I had a vasectomy to make sure I didn't wind up with 20 kids. One of the best things I ever did --- both for me and for society. I think the Chinese were right when they imposed family limitations.

They are having a sale down at "Sarcasm Meters R Us". Don't miss out.
Yep. Left him to be raised by his mother.

From your own link:

He had partial custody of his son, and as a single father he struggled to make ends meet — he wrote freelance articles for publications and was for a time unemployed.

“He was very committed to being a parent,” Abbott said. “And he scraped together the money to take care of him.”
Yep. Left him to be raised by his mother.

From your own link:

He had partial custody of his son, and as a single father he struggled to make ends meet — he wrote freelance articles for publications and was for a time unemployed.

“He was very committed to being a parent,” Abbott said. “And he scraped together the money to take care of him.”
Scrapped together money? Struggled to make ends meet? Unemployed?

Freelance articles? He couldn't make money so he became a politician then used campaign money to pay his family. Scumbag loser.
Yep. Left him to be raised by his mother.

From your own link:

He had partial custody of his son, and as a single father he struggled to make ends meet — he wrote freelance articles for publications and was for a time unemployed.

“He was very committed to being a parent,” Abbott said. “And he scraped together the money to take care of him.”
Abbott is not the mother of his love child.
Yep. Left him to be raised by his mother.

From your own link:

He had partial custody of his son, and as a single father he struggled to make ends meet — he wrote freelance articles for publications and was for a time unemployed.

“He was very committed to being a parent,” Abbott said. “And he scraped together the money to take care of him.”
Scrapped together money? Struggled to make ends meet? Unemployed?

Freelance articles? He couldn't make money so he became a politician then used campaign money to pay his family. Scumbag loser.
So you admit you lied when you said Sanders abandoned his child.

That's twice in one day you have been debunked by your own links!!!
i've already seen the sorkin script guys, bernie is the distraction, hillary is obama this time. joe gets to B sos. wasserman shultz is positioning for the convention keynote speech.
just a theory. :)
Yep. Left him to be raised by his mother.

From your own link:

He had partial custody of his son, and as a single father he struggled to make ends meet — he wrote freelance articles for publications and was for a time unemployed.

“He was very committed to being a parent,” Abbott said. “And he scraped together the money to take care of him.”
Abbott is not the mother of his love child.

There is nothing to back up your lie that he abandoned his child.

The mother doesn't say it. No one says it.

You made it up, because that's what you do.
It doesn't matter, he is a socialist.
If this is true, liberals will love him even more
Why? He's not a Palin.
Exactly. Bernie Sanders is a socialist and there is no assumption of morality or family values in the socialist world. Even democrats are exempt from the standards we set for republicans.
Morality and family values like the Palin's have demonstrated?
Levi has always been an integral part of Bernie Sanders' life, as have his stepchildren, Heather, Carina, and David.


Why do so many Rightists feel compelled to lie?
If this is true, liberals will love him even more
Why? He's not a Palin.
He couldn't even take care of his son. How can he run a country.
Has he neglected his son?
That's appalling!
Yep. Left him to be raised by his mother.
Did you not bother to read the article you provided a link to? Where this appeared:

"Martha Abbott, a founder of the Liberty Union party and longtime political ally, recalls that Sanders was devoted to Levi. He had partial custody of his son, and as a single father he struggled to make ends meet — he wrote freelance articles for publications and was for a time unemployed.

“He was very committed to being a parent,” Abbott said. “And he scraped together the money to take care of him.”

Sanders was very employable at the time, she says, but for a few years “he was trying out different things.”

How does "devoted father" with "partial custody" become "left to be raised by his mother."
If he diverted campaign funds to pay for his illegitimate child, he defrauded his contributors.

Sorry that's not correct. There are at least 40 or 50 politicians who do that regularly and I'm sure you remember Tom DeLay, he paid his family almost a half million and was never charged for that.

If you want to beat Bernie Sanders up over anything, it's the fact that he is always demanding that we get big money out of politics and then does this. But it's not illegal.
So, if you give your candidate $2500 because you want him/her to get elected, then find out he/she used that money to support his love child, you wouldn't feel like your money has been used inappropriately? Sorry, but that's fraud (whether it gets prosecuted or not).

Nope. Here's a ten year old article that reported it. Sanders campaign paid family members : Times Argus Online
So, you're ok with your money being used to support your candidate's love child, even though you gave the money for the purpose of getting that person elected?
So, you missed the part where they were employed by the campaign; were paid for working for the campaign? No, you did not miss that. You would prefer to lie.

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