Beto to Trump: "22 people in my hometown are dead after an act of terror inspired by your racism"

Has Elizabeth Warren denounced her Satan-worshipping Antifa assassin supporter's terrorist act yet ... Or apologize for fund raising on his victim's dead bodies?
It’s Never Enough: Trump Denounces White Supremacists, Dems Balk

Whatever President Donald Trump said to the nation in the wake of the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, it was never going to be enough for the Dems. In fact, his remarks only fueled their rabid hatred precisely because he used the exact words his opponents have long demanded, thus undermining a favorite leftist talking point – that the president refuses to denounce white supremacists.

“In one voice,” the president said on Aug. 5 in a televised statement from the White House, “our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America.”

What a racist bastards, right, snowflakes?!


This, absolutely.

Twitter is melting down as they feed off each other. As the days go by and turn into weeks and longer, they will seem increasingly demented and out of touch, but it won't matter. The new narrative is set and is even more unhinged than the last, because it's much more personal.

It's one thing to call all of us "Russian bots".

It's another to call all off us racist terrorists.

But that's where it's going. They won't like the results on election day. At all.
Trump Denounces White Supremacy, Media Responds Exactly As You'd Expect

"After the horrific shootings that took place over the weekend, there have been lots of calls for the President to denounce white supremacy. It should be noted he’s done that multiple times over the course of his administration and I’m not sure why someone who’s not a white supremacist is expected to constantly condemn it. It should also be noted that the Dayton shooter was a radical left-wing socialist.

No matter what Trump or Republicans do, it will never be enough. The only thing CNN, et al would have accepted here is Trump blaming the right directly for violence, personally blaming himself, and then endorsing every liberal gun control measure. Even then, maybe not
Has Elizabeth Warren denounced her Satan-worshipping Antifa assassin supporter's terrorist act yet ... Or apologize for fund raising on his victim's dead bodies?
Trump Denounces White Supremacy, Media Responds Exactly As You'd Expect

"After the horrific shootings that took place over the weekend, there have been lots of calls for the President to denounce white supremacy. It should be noted he’s done that multiple times over the course of his administration and I’m not sure why someone who’s not a white supremacist is expected to constantly condemn it. It should also be noted that the Dayton shooter was a radical left-wing socialist.

No matter what Trump or Republicans do, it will never be enough. The only thing CNN, et al would have accepted here is Trump blaming the right directly for violence, personally blaming himself, and then endorsing every liberal gun control measure. Even then, maybe not
Rush addressed this yesterday on his show.. President Trump fucked up.. he caved believing the leftist rage thermometer would ease... He needs to learn it's not about anything other than this: You must conform to leftist ideology PERIOD if not you will be destroyed.
Beto and idiots like him give the killer exactly what he wanted.

A voice.

The demented killer should only be given one thing.
A prompt swinging by a rope.

There is no "inspiration" to murder.
The killer lost any right to comment on society the moment he picked up the gun and left the civilized world.
Democrats and snowflakes have said, "Silence Is Complicity".... especially when falsely attacking the President with their continuous false narrative that Trump is a 'racist' and supporter of white supremacy.

'Silence' may very well be 'comicity'; however, once again, Democrats and snowflakes are just accusing others of what THEY have done / do and of being who THEY are!

President Trump has repeatedly condemned and denounced white supremacists ... While Democrat Elizabeth Warren refuses to denounce the terrorist act committed by her Satan-worshipping Antifa mass murdering supporter.

Such extremely public, obvious, hypocritical bullshit from the Left:

On white supremacists and guns, silence is complicity –

Has Elizabeth Warren denounced her Satan-worshipping Antifa assassin supporter's terrorist act yet ... Or apologize for fund raising on his victim's dead bodies?
What are the chances Beto causes a confrontation with SS or police today?

I wonder if Vegas has odds on it...
Beto claimed Trump create the hate that helped result in Satuday's shooting. Evidence shows the shooter was, in part, against the massive number of illegals in this country and so many more the Democrats keep helping come in.

Democrats are intentionally ignoring / distracting from the fact that this gunman was incited into violence in large part because Democrats have engaged in treason by refusing to ensure our national sovereignty, refuse to secure our borders, refuse to protect US citizens, refuse to stop the illegal invasion, stop running illegal Sanctuary cities, and refuse to stop giving away US citizen tax payer dollars to reward criminals who intentionally violate US Law...which Democrats have shown they have no respect for either!

Frustration over millions of illegals being here and still coming with Democrat support helped cause this national anger, frustration, and shooting on Saturday...

I can play that game also
3000 died on 9/11 and hundreds more the following years after the acts of terrorism inspired by a murders book followed by a murderous religion


Not all Muslims!!!

Watch out for your Muslim neighbors, make sure they're safe!!

and not all whites or even white supremacist go out and commit murder
White nationalism is the biggest domestic threat to the United States—it doesn’t belong in our country. We cannot ignore this any longer. We have to call it out like we see it.
Beto just proved he is an ignorant POS by attempting to use another 'Nazi' comparison to the President. To paraphrase CNN's Cuomo when he told Lemon to STFU with the 'Nazi' crap:

Every time some Leftist douche bag attempts to compare Trump and his supporters to Hitler and Nazis intelligent people stop listening because those doing so have just identified themselves as ignorant, over-emotional partisans and they damage any real criticism of legitimate complaints about the President.

trump has savagely frayed the bonds of our nation by speaking consistently words of hatred

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