Beware of the Electric car powered using batteries

Your profile says that you were born in 1970. So you were in Jr. High school four or five years before you were even born?
I am not going to put PII in a public internet profile. I certainly hope no one here does.
I am not going to put PII in a public internet profile. I certainly hope no one here does.

So, you're either lying about your age, or you're lying about when you were in Jr,. High School. Probably both.

Either way, you have proven yourself to be a liar. You're almost certainly lying about the experiment that you claim to have observed, several years before you claim to have been born.

Why should anyone believe anything that you have to say?
So, you're either lying about your age, or you're lying about when you were in Jr,. High School. Probably both.
All the information in my profile here is a lie and, as I said, I hope that everyone here has done the same thing. With your name and your birthday, someone could access all your medical records Bob. Was that your intent?
Either way, you have proven yourself to be a liar. You're almost certainly lying about the experiment that you claim to have observed, several years before you claim to have been born.

Why should anyone believe anything that you have to say?
I guess they shouldn't Bob. I must have made it all up. But, while you're here, why don't you explain what you meant about capacitors?
All the information in my profile here is a lie and, as I said, I hope that everyone here has done the same thing. With your name and your birthday, someone could access all your medical records Bob. Was that your intent?

I guess they shouldn't Bob. I must have made it all up. But, while you're here, why don't you explain what you meant about capacitors?

At this point, you're an admitted liar.

I have no reason to assume that anything that you say is true.

It is rather obvious that even if you did observe the experiment that you claim to have seen before you claim to have been born; that you don't know enough about electronics to understand what that experiment demonstrated; nor how it relates to the rate at which a battery or a capacitor can discharge across a load.
At this point, you're an admitted liar.

I have no reason to assume that anything that you say is true.

It is rather obvious that even if you did observe the experiment that you claim to have seen before you claim to have been born; that you don't know enough about electronics to understand what that experiment demonstrated; nor how it relates to the rate at which a battery or a capacitor can discharge across a load.
Why don't we make certain we're on the same page here Bob. Poster Robert W was talking purely about capacitors, not capacitors in a circuit with a load. His statement in that context is correct. You brought in that the discharge rate would be load dependent which of course is also correct. After that I think the two of you were talking past each other and I joined in only seeing Robert's contention and you citing Ohm. Now I know absolutely diddly squat about that nano-flow-cell thing-a-ma-jig that has Robert's panties in a bind but it looks a trifle dubious to me on first sight. After that, I don't think we have any points of contention unless you want to argue that batteries lack internal resistance or that capacitors don't (at least in the discharge direction). I have told you that my profile here is BS and why it is BS and that it will continue to be BS and I think anyone whose profile here ISN'T BS is taking an enormous risk. If you want to conclude from that, that I'm just a sociopathic liar, it's a free country.
Your profile says that you were born in 1970. So you were in Jr. High school four or five years before you were even born?
Crick has been caught lying several times on this forum.

He is a certified card carrying Environmental Wacko but he says he doesn't own an EV. He also lives in a home with the typical American carbon foot print but he says he is afraid of man made global warming.

In other words the typical Environmental Wacko fraud.
Crick has been caught lying several times on this forum.

He is a certified card carrying Environmental Wacko but he says he doesn't own an EV. He also lives in a home with the typical American carbon foot print but he says he is afraid of man made global warming.

In other words the typical Environmental Wacko fraud.
Is this supposed to have something to do with the thread topic?
Obviously there is a real demand. I see dozens every time I go to the store.

OOH dozens out of tens of thousands or more in the same area.

Anecdotal and meaningless.

You are dreaming. Never going to happen. Do the math.
Do the proper math. CO2 is driving AGW. If we keep burning fossil fuels, we'll suffer catastrophic warming. Intolerable heatwaves. Picture the casualties from Phoenix spending a few days at 120 after a power failure. Or the same thing in Uttar Pradesh or Wuhan.
Do the proper math. CO2 is driving AGW. If we keep burning fossil fuels, we'll suffer catastrophic warming. Intolerable heatwaves. Picture the casualties from Phoenix spending a few days at 120 after a power failure. Or the same thing in Uttar Pradesh or Wuhan.
One math problem at a time. Calculate the lithium required to replace all ICE vehicles. Do that math and then we can tackle the next math problem.
One math problem at a time. Calculate the lithium required to replace all ICE vehicles. Do that math and then we can tackle the next math problem.
All done. Looks good. What doesn't look good is what happens if we keep burning fossil fuels. I said up above that the only thing that matters is that we stop burning fossil fuels but you've decided to stay where you were and attack lithium batteries. I see Toyota and some other company announced today a solid state sulfur battery that will give a car a range of 1500 km (932 miles) and charge in ten minutes. No fire hazard. Dramatically reduced rare earth requirements. Its the answer to your prayers.

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