Beyoncé's "Black Power" is okay and celebrated; Panteras "White Power"....isnt?

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Hey, say what you will about Beyonce, but you gotta admit, her halftime show during the Superbowl ROCKED! I liked the Jets vs. Rockets dance off she did with that other dude.

I think that part was even better than Coldplay's songs.
Okay. She looks like a whore when she entertains.
maybe because blacks being proud of their heritage doesn't have a history of lynching white people
Are you fucking kidding me? They lynch white people every day, except instead of a rope, they use the stomping feet of giggling black criminals.

Black power -- except the hair has to be Caucasian.
Ok. So exclaiming pride and power of your own race is ok for militant blacks and hispanics...but not whites. And Asians don't even do it I think.
Beyonce's "black power" deal is because she thinks that blacks should be equal to whites.

Pantera's "white power" deal is that they want to keep the races separate, with the whites on top.
You mean she thinks n!ggers should be allowed to riot,murder,rape and assault without consequence.
One of the first steps in guarding our race from such a catastrophic abomination is to have the correct attitude towards the n!ggers. Webster’s dictionary defines “n!gger” as “a vulgar, offensive term of hostility and contempt for the blackman.” Very good. We’ll accept that. That is exactly how we feel about n!ggers and it describes precisely what the White Man’s proper attitude should be towards these animals. Our attitude towards n!ggers at all times must be one of hostility, contempt and derision. We must think in terms of: to hell with the n!ggers, to hell with the Jews.

Ben Klassen founder of the white man's religion!
well...that Black Panthers moment ...was a bit over the top...wasn't it?

after all...what has that to do with sports.

then many things don't make sense in these last years..
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