Beyoncé's racist dance crew is all black. Why no diversity??

I am very much concerned. I haven't slept a wink since I came across thread fifteen minutes ago. lol
Well I am glad to see this. Anti white worker ass hats like you will help balance off the GOP's ham handedness in responding to workers for a while

That is good to hear.
Awwwwww, poor white workers...

So discrimination against white workers is funny to you?

You enjoy BDSM flicks too?

No it is not.

It is just that; there is no such thing as "racism against whites" in general
And in this particular case, it wouldn't be "racism against blacks" if all dancers were whites either
This is entertainment business above all

They would put a donkey on that stage, if they thought it would market their products better...
So maybe next year they'll have a tribute to the old Democrat KKK, with all white dancers. Apparently you wouldn't have a problem with that.
No one would do that. Why would anyone honor those losers?

Why would anyone want to honor the Black Panther racist losers?
If you're a white loser you wouldn't understand.

I understand blacks have to live in a fantasy that they were once slaves and/or oppressed, and to "fight back" against this imagined oppression makes them feel good. Anything to distract them from their obvious shortcomings.
You just proved you are a white loser. Thanks.
LOL. I'll take being a "white loser" over being a wannabe thug that is actually paranoid of being terrorized by whites.
No one would do that. Why would anyone honor those losers?

Why would anyone want to honor the Black Panther racist losers?
If you're a white loser you wouldn't understand.

I understand blacks have to live in a fantasy that they were once slaves and/or oppressed, and to "fight back" against this imagined oppression makes them feel good. Anything to distract them from their obvious shortcomings.
You just proved you are a white loser. Thanks.
LOL. I'll take being a "white loser" over being a wannabe thug that is actually paranoid of being terrorized by whites.
You dont have an option. You are a white loser that is paranoid over being terrorized by Blacks.
I am very much concerned. I haven't slept a wink since I came across thread fifteen minutes ago. lol
Well I am glad to see this. Anti white worker ass hats like you will help balance off the GOP's ham handedness in responding to workers for a while

That is good to hear.

When will white workers in America get a fair shake? We shall overcome!

Also, unwad your panties.
I am very much concerned. I haven't slept a wink since I came across thread fifteen minutes ago. lol
Well I am glad to see this. Anti white worker ass hats like you will help balance off the GOP's ham handedness in responding to workers for a while

That is good to hear.

When will white workers in America get a fair shake? We shall overcome!

Also, unwad your panties.
We had a Black Panther Party. We even have a Dalit Panther Party in India. We need a White Panther party. :laugh:
Why wasn't there any aquatic diversity in the dance crew this year? :mad:

What are the stats there? How many employees and what is the racial breakdown?

This isnt rocket science.

I cant tell you how many times I have seen, for example, a fast food place in the middle of a neighborhood that is 90%+ white suddenly go from being all white to being all black or all Hispanic. I used to think that it was because the management decided to reduce labor costs. But I learned of cases where it had nothing to do with wages as the whites who applied there were asking for minimum wage.

I know this one white young man who filed work applications with over a thousand work places from May through August as he wanted to save up money for college. He got not a single interview.

But that is funny because he is white? oh and male too?

Could the rejections be because of that swastika tattooed on his forehead?
When will white workers in America get a fair shake? We shall overcome!

Lol, it wasnt that long ago when white workers or workers of any race could not get a fair shake. US workers had to work under hellaceous conditions i unsafe work environments making barely enough to live on.

Then workers unionized more and more until finally the corporations had to give in increasingly and workers got better conditions, pay etc.

Then we had the libtard take over of the Democratic Party with the McGovernites in 1972. Then things started getting worse for workers again. The deterioration got a new assist from the Bush administration in 1989 when Bush opened up the guest worker program to be abused.

And Democrats supported this undermining of American workers, why? Because it made Americans more desperate and ready to support more extreme change like we are seeing with Sanders? Maybe, who knows?

All I know is that today libtards like you wont give a white worker the sweat off his balls and spits in their face at every opportunity.
It is just that; there is no such thing as "racism against whites" in general

And we have the winner! A libtard finally says the real truth about libtards; they think that there is no racism against whites.

Racist hacks that will give the GOP enough time to adapt to the growth of socialism among the Democrats.
It is just that; there is no such thing as "racism against whites" in general

And we have the winner! A libtard finally says the real truth about libtards; they think that there is no racism against whites.

Racist hacks that will give the GOP enough time to adapt to the growth of socialism among the Democrats.

We have a winner! There is no racism against whites and the proof lies in your lack of presenting anything besides your used tampon as proof
It is just that; there is no such thing as "racism against whites" in general

And we have the winner! A libtard finally says the real truth about libtards; they think that there is no racism against whites.

Racist hacks that will give the GOP enough time to adapt to the growth of socialism among the Democrats.
Of course there is no racism against whites. Why would whites support racism against themselves?
We have a winner! There is no racism against whites and the proof lies in your lack of presenting anything besides your used tampon as proof

Even if you were willing to admit that hypothetically there could be racism against whites, you would not assert that 'there is no racism against whites' therefore you are denying by definition which is RACIST, bubba in and of itself.

What are you fools going to do when your GOP accomodaters are no longer in power?

When will white workers in America get a fair shake? We shall overcome!

Lol, it wasnt that long ago when white workers or workers of any race could not get a fair shake. US workers had to work under hellaceous conditions i unsafe work environments making barely enough to live on.

Then workers unionized more and more until finally the corporations had to give in increasingly and workers got better conditions, pay etc.

Then we had the libtard take over of the Democratic Party with the McGovernites in 1972. Then things started getting worse for workers again. The deterioration got a new assist from the Bush administration in 1989 when Bush opened up the guest worker program to be abused.

And Democrats supported this undermining of American workers, why? Because it made Americans more desperate and ready to support more extreme change like we are seeing with Sanders? Maybe, who knows?

All I know is that today libtards like you wont give a white worker the sweat off his balls and spits in their face at every opportunity.

If not buying into the whiny bullshit that is the premise of this thread makes me a libtard than so be it. Please don't make the mistake in believing that I care what you think of me. I really don't.

Oh, and the reason both parties have been fucking the American worker has nothing to do with race but with avarice.
If not buying into the whiny bullshit that is the premise of this thread makes me a libtard than so be it.

So you did see diversity in Beyonce's dance team? Where was it? Light chocolate to dark?

Please don't make the mistake in believing that I care what you think of me. I really don't.

Lol, oh, I am certain you couldnt care less; you are that arrogant. You follow neither evidence that is right under your nose nor any moral system that exists outside of social Marxist agitator bullshit. and that is an amoral system entirely.

Oh, and the reason both parties have been fucking the American worker has nothing to do with race but with avarice.

It has to do with BOTH as white workers were the ones who successfully organised and so the Oligarchs are decimating our numbers, idiot.
We have a winner! There is no racism against whites and the proof lies in your lack of presenting anything besides your used tampon as proof

Even if you were willing to admit that hypothetically there could be racism against whites, you would not assert that 'there is no racism against whites' therefore you are denying by definition which is RACIST, bubba in and of itself.

What are you fools going to do when your GOP accomodaters are no longer in power?


See? No proof! Just waving around your bloody pad and screaming Look at it
It is just that; there is no such thing as "racism against whites" in general

And we have the winner! A libtard finally says the real truth about libtards; they think that there is no racism against whites.

Racist hacks that will give the GOP enough time to adapt to the growth of socialism among the Democrats.

Did you just call me a libtard???

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