Bible criticism

Believe what, the bunk in the old testament? That says the world is flat and its six thousand years old and Jonah was swallowed by a whale, etc, etc. I hardly think so.
Feel free to quote the verses about the world being flat.
And I've seen a whale swallow a 500 pound seal, so......

no question----a WHALE and even a shark can swallow a man. As to Jonah-----what word ---in the original Hebrew is
used in the book of Jonah to describe the big fish SWALLOWING him. To be honest-----I do not know the word
TO SWALLOW (as in down the esophagus) in hebrew
BALA is swallow in HBRW.

you got the shoresh and some examples of its use ?-----just name the three letters if you can. In English one can say----HE WAS SWALLOWED BY THE DARKNESS-----or even ---the THE SEA SWALLOWED HIM. Korach was swallowed by the earth--------that means he fell into a hole
LEBLOAI in Jonah 1:17

עַ1 לִבְ



yis baby-----LEBLOA would be the infinitive of a verb----of which the shoresh is probably bet lamed ayin ???? can you do it a little better-----you did not come close in Hebrew to "LEBLOA" you wrote an AYIN ---(then a one) then a Lamed then a Bet---<<<< that is gibberish -----what sort of weird source are you doing-----fret not-----the genius is home----I will ask him-----but he is now doing something "important" on the phone.
Anyone who takes a 3000 year old "book" and dissects it like a lab experiment has missed the boat.

Egyptian documentation has nothing about slaves being used to build the pyramids. In fact there is evidence the workers were well cared for, and they were probably Egyptian farmers who worked on the pyramids out of season. The story of Moses appears no where in all the Egyptian writings.

there is not all that much documentation on WHO did the menial work-----there is no question that the Egyptians had LOTS OF SLAVES------arab slave traders were heavy into the
business of exporting slaves to Egypt----SUDAN exists as an arab slave storage area
not to mention the absurdity of "Moses" destroying etchings entrusted to him by their deity then making the claim of their relevance afterall by providing an unverifiable list of what supposedly was written and then choosing those as a cornerstone for their religion.

The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
Believe what, the bunk in the old testament? That says the world is flat and its six thousand years old and Jonah was swallowed by a whale, etc, etc. I hardly think so.
Feel free to quote the verses about the world being flat.
And I've seen a whale swallow a 500 pound seal, so......

no question----a WHALE and even a shark can swallow a man. As to Jonah-----what word ---in the original Hebrew is
used in the book of Jonah to describe the big fish SWALLOWING him. To be honest-----I do not know the word
TO SWALLOW (as in down the esophagus) in hebrew
BALA is swallow in HBRW.

you got the shoresh and some examples of its use ?-----just name the three letters if you can. In English one can say----HE WAS SWALLOWED BY THE DARKNESS-----or even ---the THE SEA SWALLOWED HIM. Korach was swallowed by the earth--------that means he fell into a hole
The word for swallow, ba'al, actually means owner. Many Hebrew words do not conceptualize well into English.

oh-----well----it is sorta a logical manipulation-- Ba'al kinda means ----something more like CONTROLER (I think) as in person who HAS CONTROL------'swallow', 'own' are kinda related. I'll ask ba'ali----SHEEESH, he swallowed me too????? Getting back to Jonah----so a fish took control of
Jonah-----or something in the water took control of him-----ok
Once again a pea brain puts limits on the creator of the universe.

As far as I can see, God does not intervene in human affairs. Which probably means he never has. Therefore most of the bible is bunk.

God obviously does not listen to the prayers of women who's babies have brain damage because of the zika virus.

If I were given the power of God, I would wipe out most dangerous viruses with a wave of my hand.
Since God does not bother he either does not care. Or his plan does not involve intervention in human affairs.
Well Moses intervened on behalf of the Hebrew slaves of Egypt.

If Moses was delusional then that would be an even bigger miracle if he did it all alone without help from (a) God(s).

I am of the view that Moses was probably a fictional character who never actually existed.
You sure spend a lot of time and effort fighting things that you say don't exist. :cuckoo:
not to mention the absurdity of "Moses" destroying etchings entrusted to him by their deity then making the claim of their relevance afterall by providing an unverifiable list of what supposedly was written and then choosing those as a cornerstone for their religion.

Deut 13.7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;

A round earth does not have ends.

ugh..You really need to expand your mind.

The 'ends of the earth' just means the furthest bounds of what was then the known world.

To save you some time,

Elijah being 'Taken up' into heaven is just a euphemism for his being killed by a lynch mob.

Jesus giving sight to the blind was a healing of perception not sight.

The resurrection and bodily ascension of Jesus is about the evolution of his soul after he left the tomb of false religious beliefs and degrading practices.

You should take a break from questioning scripture, go and read some poetry, learn about metaphors etc., and then try again
Elijah flew away in a golden chariot of fire.

There was no lynch mob.

Elijah being 'taken up' into heaven in a whirlwind is just a euphemism for him being killed by an angry swirling mob. People do not fly up into the sky.

The chariots of fire and the horsemen of Israel are just a different descriptions of the same thing that each prophet perceives in his mind before a divine visitation.

The burning bush, the glory of God, The one like unto a son of man, the living beasts, the hayot, ophanim, erelim, hashmallim, seraphim, malakim, elohim, cherubum, etc., are all descriptions of the same thing. Each prophet described what they saw and heard in their own words according to their ability to relate what they perceived in their mind as they stood in the presence of the living God..

Thats why Elijah told Elisha that he would be given the spirit of prophecy IF he "saw" the chariots of fire after he was killed, taken up.
Yet another pea brain putting limits upon the creator of the universe.
Jeremiah 7:23
Are you EVER embarrassed by how the RCC pulled the wool over your eyes picking and choosing verses?

No, I'm sure they did it right. We can surely figure it out.
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.

what was the language of the Canaanites? You have decided to use the bible as your source?
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
Another nutter.

How does one escapt from Egypt when they are in Egypt. The Egyptian empire! included Canaan.
If one believes the exodus as depicted in OT, one needs their brain examined.
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.

what was the language of the Canaanites? You have decided to use the bible as your source?

funny since so many of you married Canaanites, and now your jewish virtual library says they don't exist anymore, I guess Hebrews don't either. We also have the Phoenician script which Canaanites adopted.
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
Another nutter.

How does one escapt from Egypt when they are in Egypt. The Egypt empire! included Canaan.
If one believes the exodus as depicted in OT, one needs their brain examined.

Canaan was not part of the empire of Egypt------Egypt did move around the area in their ongoing fights with the Assyrians etc-----but did not occupy Canaan---EVER. Anyone who believes that CANAAN was part of Egypt-----needs to have its head examined
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.

what was the language of the Canaanites? You have decided to use the bible as your source?

funny since so many of you married Canaanites, and now your jewish virtual library says they don't exist anymore, I guess Hebrews don't either. We also have the Phoenician script which Canaanites adopted.

you seem delirious-------whole NATIONS do become extinct -----there are no Mayans anymore either------no doubt mayans do have some catholic descendants in south America----but there
are no MAYANS today. The Mayan culture, its language and its religion ----no longer exists-----I fail to see the humor in it.
There are no TROJANS either. The people and culture and religion of TROY became ----extinct. Whole languages also
become extinct. Whole species of animals also become extinct
not to mention the absurdity of "Moses" destroying etchings entrusted to him by their deity then making the claim of their relevance afterall by providing an unverifiable list of what supposedly was written and then choosing those as a cornerstone for their religion.

the ten commandments ...


what about the ten commandments?
what about the ten commandments?

the etchings were destroyed ... again a contravention of the true religion.

The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
Another nutter.

How does one escapt from Egypt when they are in Egypt. The Egyptian empire! included Canaan.
If one believes the exodus as depicted in OT, one needs their brain examined.
You are the LAST person to want to examine a brain.
Unless you do word for word and one word at a time your translation is subject to too much literary license.

- your translation is subject to too much literary license.

for a written document that does not exist as an original copy your concern may be the reason the veracity of those followers of the demi publications without physical verification's is at best self ingratiating and needlessly burdensome to society as a whole.

particularly the demagoguery.

I suppose you tried to say something in the English language but you were not too concerned about being cryptically vague.

I know Germans like you who in German can speak and not be understood for a single word.

I though until now that this character flaw was strictly Aryan but apparently not ... unless you too are Aryan ?!

Deut 13.7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;

A round earth does not have ends.

what word is used for 'earth'? --------the word in Hebrew usually translated to "earth" is ADOM-----which really sorta
means ---ground.-------like the stuff you stand on----and where the grass grows-------from one end to the other could mean-----
as the sheep go-------on long treks
What happened to "Eretz" -- I suppose you think that means "lands" not "Earth" ?

Eretz CERTAINLY DOES NOT MEAN ----the planet-----it means this or that country or ---yes---LAND as in LAND OF _______
Good. I would never confuse "dirt" (adom) with "land of" (eretz) on purpose.

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