Bible criticism

Once again a pea brain puts limits on the creator of the universe.

As far as I can see, God does not intervene in human affairs. Which probably means he never has. Therefore most of the bible is bunk.

God obviously does not listen to the prayers of women who's babies have brain damage because of the zika virus.

If I were given the power of God, I would wipe out most dangerous viruses with a wave of my hand.
Since God does not bother he either does not care. Or his plan does not involve intervention in human affairs.
Your syllogism/aphorism combo is mostly a fallacy of argument from ignorance.

You can look it up below.

I don't get paid like a Sophist to teach sophistry nor logic either.

So look it up yourself please.

List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The biggest question is if there is anything that would make you believe?

If the answer is yes, what?
If the answer is no, you have a closed mind and are a waste of time.

Believe what, the bunk in the old testament? That says the world is flat and its six thousand years old and Jonah was swallowed by a whale, etc, etc. I hardly think so.
Feel free to quote the verses about the world being flat.
And I've seen a whale swallow a 500 pound seal, so......

no question----a WHALE and even a shark can swallow a man. As to Jonah-----what word ---in the original Hebrew is
used in the book of Jonah to describe the big fish SWALLOWING him. To be honest-----I do not know the word
TO SWALLOW (as in down the esophagus) in hebrew
BALA is swallow in HBRW.

you got the shoresh and some examples of its use ?-----just name the three letters if you can. In English one can say----HE WAS SWALLOWED BY THE DARKNESS-----or even ---the THE SEA SWALLOWED HIM. Korach was swallowed by the earth--------that means he fell into a hole
The fish swallowed him.
Anyone who takes a 3000 year old "book" and dissects it like a lab experiment has missed the boat.

Egyptian documentation has nothing about slaves being used to build the pyramids. In fact there is evidence the workers were well cared for, and they were probably Egyptian farmers who worked on the pyramids out of season. The story of Moses appears no where in all the Egyptian writings.
The Tenakh says they were building cities NOT pyramids.

The clue that you missed is about the straw.

Pyramids are not built with straw. Straw goes into mud-brick.

You have watched too many movies with Charlton Heston in them.
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
... a pleasant fiction that you have created for yourself.
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
Another nutter.

How does one escapt from Egypt when they are in Egypt. The Egyptian empire! included Canaan.
If one believes the exodus as depicted in OT, one needs their brain examined.
You don't read the Bible much huh ? Not in any language ... poor man's English ... or Hebrew ... or even Latin or Greek I'll bet.
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
... a pleasant fiction that you have created for yourself.
Is Penelope maliciously stupid or just plain stupid?
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.

what was the language of the Canaanites? You have decided to use the bible as your source?

funny since so many of you married Canaanites, and now your jewish virtual library says they don't exist anymore, I guess Hebrews don't either. We also have the Phoenician script which Canaanites adopted.
Holy sh!t.

Now the Phoenicians came up with the script.

Sorry Penelope but you really need to go onto the ignore list asap.

Your mind is the last vestige of a honeycombed shell that some virus must have devastated.
The whole story of Moses is full of improbabilities that do not fit the facts we know. For example Deuteronomy 29.5 says the tribe wandered in the wilderness for forty years. But the whole area is of a size that could have been crossed in a matter of weeks. Did they go round in circles ?
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
... a pleasant fiction that you have created for yourself.

This is pretty well known today:

Attempts to date the Exodus to a specific century have been inconclusive.[41] 1 Kings 6:1 places the event 480 years before the construction of Solomon's Temple, implying an Exodus at c.1446 BCE, but it is widely recognised that the number in 1 Kings merely represents twelve generations of forty years each.[42][43][44] There are major archaeological obstacles to an earlier date: Canaan was part of the Egyptian empire, so that the Israelites would in effect be escaping from Egypt to Egypt, and its cities were unwalled and do not show destruction layers consistent with the Bible's account of the occupation of the land (e.g., Jericho was "small and poor, almost insignificant, and unfortified (and) [t]here was also no sign of a destruction". (Finkelstein and Silberman, 2002).[45] William F. Albright, the leading biblical archaeologist of the mid-20th century, proposed a date of around 1250–1200 BCE, but his so-called "Israelite" evidence (house-type, the collar-rimmed jars, etc) are continuations of Canaanite culture.[46] The lack of evidence has led scholars to conclude that it is difficult or even impossible to link the exodus story to any specific point in history.[47]

Attempts to date the Exodus to a specific century have been inconclusive.[41] 1 Kings 6:1 places the event

The Exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.

what was the language of the Canaanites? You have decided to use the bible as your source?

funny since so many of you married Canaanites, and now your jewish virtual library says they don't exist anymore, I guess Hebrews don't either. We also have the Phoenician script which Canaanites adopted.
Holy sh!t.

Now the Phoenicians came up with the script.

Sorry Penelope but you really need to go onto the ignore list asap.

Your mind is the last vestige of a honeycombed shell that some virus must have devastated.

Right, they brought it to Canaan.
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
Another nutter.

How does one escapt from Egypt when they are in Egypt. The Egypt empire! included Canaan.
If one believes the exodus as depicted in OT, one needs their brain examined.

Canaan was not part of the empire of Egypt------Egypt did move around the area in their ongoing fights with the Assyrians etc-----but did not occupy Canaan---EVER. Anyone who believes that CANAAN was part of Egypt-----needs to have its head examined

irosie91 you are correct thank you for pointing this out to our token idiot Penelope .

Canaan was a no man's land between Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, and Hatti (land of the Hittites).

There were even some Greek "Philistines" there. Notice the Greek name.
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The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
... a pleasant fiction that you have created for yourself.
Is Penelope maliciously stupid or just plain stupid?

No I'm a realist. I refuse to live in fantasy land.
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
Another nutter.

How does one escapt from Egypt when they are in Egypt. The Egypt empire! included Canaan.
If one believes the exodus as depicted in OT, one needs their brain examined.

Canaan was not part of the empire of Egypt------Egypt did move around the area in their ongoing fights with the Assyrians etc-----but did not occupy Canaan---EVER. Anyone who believes that CANAAN was part of Egypt-----needs to have its head examined

irosie91 you are correct thank you for pointing this out to our token idiot Penelope .

Canaan was a no man's land between Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, and Hati (land of the Hittites).

There were even some Greek "Philistines" there. Notice the Greek name.
You have to learn some history:

The Phoenician alphabet is derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs [4] and became one of the most widely used writing systems, spread by Phoenician merchants across the Mediterranean world, where it evolved and was assimilated by many other cultures. The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet was directly derived from Phoenician. Another derivative script is the Aramaic alphabet, which was the ancestor of the modern Arabic script. The Modern Hebrew script is a stylistic variant of the Aramaic script. The Greek alphabet (and by extension its descendants such as the Latin, the Cyrillic, and the Coptic) was also derived from Phoenician.

Phoenician alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The whole story of Moses is full of improbabilities that do not fit the facts we know. For example Deuteronomy 29.5 says the tribe wandered in the wilderness for forty years. But the whole area is of a size that could have been crossed in a matter of weeks. Did they go round in circles ?
If you read the Torah you would know that God told them where to camp.
Years are defined by kings, not by the solar year; secular historians are driven crazy by this.
The whole story of Moses is full of improbabilities that do not fit the facts we know. For example Deuteronomy 29.5 says the tribe wandered in the wilderness for forty years. But the whole area is of a size that could have been crossed in a matter of weeks. Did they go round in circles ?
You don't get it.

Moses' new God YHVH had already decided to kill them all.

Moses only was able to talk YHVH out of how to kill them.

They wandered from water hole to water hole led by the reluctant tyrant Moses until they were all dead and their kids had grown up and taken their place.
The whole story of Moses is full of improbabilities that do not fit the facts we know. For example Deuteronomy 29.5 says the tribe wandered in the wilderness for forty years. But the whole area is of a size that could have been crossed in a matter of weeks. Did they go round in circles ?
You don't get it.

Moses' new God YHVH had already decided to kill them all.

Moses only was able to talk YHVH out of how to kill them.

They wandered from water hole to water hole led by the reluctant tyrant Moses until they were all dead and their kids had grown up and taken their place.
You really expect dalligenius to know anything?
The whole story of Moses is full of improbabilities that do not fit the facts we know. For example Deuteronomy 29.5 says the tribe wandered in the wilderness for forty years. But the whole area is of a size that could have been crossed in a matter of weeks. Did they go round in circles ?

They wandered in the wilderness of Sin....

Jesus was in the wilderness living among the wild beasts for forty days and forty nights which just means a very long time.

Wilderness is a figurative expression for lawless areas......non Jewish cities, towns, etc.
The whole story of Moses is full of improbabilities that do not fit the facts we know. For example Deuteronomy 29.5 says the tribe wandered in the wilderness for forty years. But the whole area is of a size that could have been crossed in a matter of weeks. Did they go round in circles ?

They wandered in the wilderness of Sin....

Jesus was in the wilderness living among the wild beasts for forty days and forty nights which just means a very long time.

Wilderness is a figurative expression for lawless areas......non Jewish cities, towns, etc.
Can't TNT do ANYTHING original?
The Hebrews took over the language of the Canaanites, well they mainly are the Canaanites. They were not slaves the there never was an exodus like described in the bible. There were lots of different sects in the land of canaan, says so in the bible and history.
Another nutter.

How does one escapt from Egypt when they are in Egypt. The Egypt empire! included Canaan.
If one believes the exodus as depicted in OT, one needs their brain examined.

Canaan was not part of the empire of Egypt------Egypt did move around the area in their ongoing fights with the Assyrians etc-----but did not occupy Canaan---EVER. Anyone who believes that CANAAN was part of Egypt-----needs to have its head examined

irosie91 you are correct thank you for pointing this out to our token idiot Penelope .

Canaan was a no man's land between Egypt, Babylonia, Assyria, and Hati (land of the Hittites).

There were even some Greek "Philistines" there. Notice the Greek name.
You have to learn some history:

The Phoenician alphabet is derived from Egyptian hieroglyphs [4] and became one of the most widely used writing systems, spread by Phoenician merchants across the Mediterranean world, where it evolved and was assimilated by many other cultures. The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet was directly derived from Phoenician. Another derivative script is the Aramaic alphabet, which was the ancestor of the modern Arabic script. The Modern Hebrew script is a stylistic variant of the Aramaic script. The Greek alphabet (and by extension its descendants such as the Latin, the Cyrillic, and the Coptic) was also derived from Phoenician.

Phoenician alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The information which you got from wiki is so incorrect
that I have been laughing for three minutes. ---the one correct
statement is the Hebrew script adapted to what amounts to a stylized form of the Aramaic form of writing-----that situation developed over time ------there was a prior script-----a bit more similar to Phonecian than the Aramaic influenced latter thing. The Arabic script was developed from farsi script---but like Hebrew (and all the other scripts) it also went thru permutations----with a bit of influence from phonecian Aramaic.. I did not read your idiot citation but I am guessing that what it actually (and correctly) states is that the phonecian script developed from
primitive PICTOGRAPHS which are LIKE HIEROGLYPHICS-----not specifically the Egyptian Hieroglyphics------gee you is dim. The phonecian alphabet was not developed from Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Arabic has gone thru all sorts of permutations-----Aramaic being a minor 'contributor'---the major one being FARSI

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