Biden a heartbeat away from the presidency


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
should Obama die in office.

Be afraid - be very afraid...... If Obama/Bidens wins another 4 years.
yeah...that is scary as hell...this guy is a moron...I cant wait to see him on the campaign trail some more......?He said he burried the middle class too much....what a guy
could be the difference in a close election - the thought Biden could become president in the next 4 years.

Could start WW3 with one of his gaffes.
Ryan came off as a calm reasoned person who could be the president.

Biden came up as someone who could blow up the world.
With all of the grinning and interrupting, I soon became alarmed if Biden knew the seriousness of the issues invilved. American problems are no laughing matter, yet he has smiles, sometimes laughs about our most dire issues. It makes me wonder if the man understood anything he was talking about.

This gleeful Vice President was rude, condescending and would not be able to listen to others with the oppositie persuasion, the same of that of the president himself. It's as if he got the memo from the president, "don't put your head down, smile and laugh at your opponent regardless of the issue and its seriousness.

No wonder this administration has not gone very far with Congress. It does not listen, but is antagonistic and demeaning to others and can't work across t The attitude came out last night.
Picture Biden in some negotiation with Vladimir Putin or Jintao Hu. That's frightening. As old as Biden is, obama would ordinarily outlive him, but we have the possibility of a cocaine induced heart attack or marijuana stroke with obama.

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