Biden Administration & US Liberal Fake News Media Gives Putin Opportunity to Ask If Ashli Babbitt Was 'Assassinated'

Lafayette Park? There Trump had protesters attacked to make way for his Bible photo-op. Totally contrived scenario.

The woman killed by Capitol Police deserved what she got, as she was a traitor, and engaged in treason at the time. Real patriots wish they'd mowed down the lot of them.

That is silly.
Ashli Babbett was foolish to support Trump or believe the election was stolen, but she certainly had the right to believe what she did, and then her actions were not even illegal at all.
It is those who shot her and devalued inherent human rights who was the traitor.
A nonviolent protest, even if wrong, is NOT treason.
Deliberately shooting someone who is unarmed and just expressing a political opinion, IS a traitor.

Liberal extremists and politicians berated, rebuked, and attacked the police for shooting a criminal black man holing a gun and refusing to follow the police's orders...Democrats supported / support terrorists who looted, pillaged destroyed, burned, attempted to burn police officers alive in a federal building and demanded justice and accountability of the police....

Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

WTF. Biden, his administration, and the fake news media provided Putin with the plate of shit Putin just served Biden (and the US) prior to their meeting.
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.
Here's how shit works in PROG-land, these people are snowflakes, creeps, hypocrites, intellectually dishonest & totalitarian, am I right? Fuck yeah I am, and even PROGS know it though they lack the spines to admit it. They'll just cling to their separate victim roles to suggest this is normal & square.

Cop kills white: Happens more often than black, but that's an inconvenient truth interfering with progressive power, so silence.

White cop kills black: Oh the racism, in PROG. Tear everything down, the inmates are to run the prison. It's especially soothing to PROG the "victim" is a thug, you know it & I know it too, the more the thug the greater the martyr.

Black cop kills white: Oh shucks MFers, can't even provide a name for the cop, how does that work? Just know the victim doesn't count due they're white and the shooter doesn't count due they're black.

A big fuck you to leftists, something is twisted and it's not the right.
Being right or wrong is not supposed to make a difference in political freedom.
The occupation of Congress for political protest, is not at all illegal in any way, if you really believe there was election fraud.
Being wrong changes nothing.
All shootings in America have become low interest news events.
What's the big fuss over this Babbitt loser?
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
All shootings in America have become low interest news events.
What's the big fuss over this Babbitt loser?
The Fake News Media rushes to the scene hoping for a white conservative 2nd-Amendmengt supporter. they have completely chosen to ignore the mass shootings that happen in in Chicago, New York, and other Democrat-run shitholes all over the country.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.

Why are you defending Putin? Putin is a killer. You’re praising Putin m, trashing Biden, and generally behaving like a Russian bot. You claim your American but you’ve never once criticized Putin and you always praise him lavishly.

Putin has destroyed Russia, the economies in the toilet and the water is swirling, and his regime is weak at home.

If the economy doesn’t improve soon, it doesn’t matter how brutally Putin tries to suppress opposition, people will rise up and throw him from office.
All shootings in America have become low interest news events.
What's the big fuss over this Babbitt loser?

Because it was the government that did the shooting as well as failing to investigate or prosecute, and it was over an obvious protected political protest.
It only would have been irrelevant if over a drug deal or mask wearing.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
Running point for Putin now?!?!
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.

The Capitol may be the “People’s House” but she wasn’t there as one of the people she was there is an insurrectionist, with the intention of disrupting the people’s business and preventing the certification of the election. She was there illegally, and she was attacking the police who were protecting those who were attempting to do the peoples business.

Just with as with any assault, the police had no way of knowing whether or not she was armed, and her refusal to obey police orders left them no alternative but to stop her by whatever means necessary.

Her shooting stopped the rest of the insurrectionists in their tracks, allowing the elected representatives and leaders of Congress to escape safely.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
Shouldn't sleazy be welcoming this.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.

Why are you defending Putin? Putin is a killer. You’re praising Putin m, trashing Biden, and generally behaving like a Russian bot. You claim your American but you’ve never once criticized Putin and you always praise him lavishly.

Putin has destroyed Russia, the economies in the toilet and the water is swirling, and his regime is weak at home.

If the economy doesn’t improve soon, it doesn’t matter how brutally Putin tries to suppress opposition, people will rise up and throw him from office.

There is something I like about Putin.
It is bad he is above the law and he has been known to authorize illegal acts, but he has always told people ahead of time.
There is a surprising sort of honesty about him, in that he does not lie about what he has done or is going to do.
He is not a hypocrite.

I also do not blame Putin for Russia's economic problems.
I think they are a combination of illegal US economic sanctions, oil/gas price fluctuations, and the virus.

While I think Putin is corrupt, I am not sure anyone else would do any better?
All shootings in America have become low interest news events.
What's the big fuss over this Babbitt loser?

Because it was the government that did the shooting as well as failing to investigate or prosecute, and it was over an obvious protected political protest.
It only would have been irrelevant if over a drug deal or mask wearing.
That which is 'irrelevant' is which American does the shooting. And Babbitt is only one of thousands of Americans who are cut down by bullets every year..

The next big attempt to overthrow America's corrupt government needs to drop the R or D label, double in size, and become serious.
All shootings in America have become low interest news events.
What's the big fuss over this Babbitt loser?
The Fake News Media rushes to the scene hoping for a white conservative 2nd-Amendmengt supporter. they have completely chosen to ignore the mass shootings that happen in in Chicago, New York, and other Democrat-run shitholes all over the country.
Your mention of shitholes all over America is getting to the point. The shooting of Babbitt is just one of thousands of incidents that demonstrate your 2nd. amendment right to slaughter each other indiiscriminately.
Right in the face of the senile CCP sock puppet.

Oh that Joe!..He's really going to give that bully Putin the ole what-for! :laughing0301:
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
More bullshit from an insurrectionist supporter. Babbitt attempted to attack officers defending the capital from Trump led insurrectionists bent on overthrowing the government of the United States.

She got just what she deserved, with the side benefit of not having to waste time and money prosecuting her sorry ass! Bigly!!!

No she didn't. She was assassinated in Nancy's Reichstag Fire Event

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