Biden admits, “I sold a lot of State secrets and a lot of very important things”

This idiot's brain is barely functional. Once again, he says "end of quote" while reading the teleprompter. :laughing0301:

Biden’s dementia is so advanced now that he's accidentally admitted to doing what he’s being credibly accused of, which is mishandling classified national security information and accepting bribes from foreign entities. People with dementia have a tendency to just blurt out things they shouldn’t, like when he was searching the room for a deceased congresswoman at an event set to honor her. Or when he loudly proclaimed "My butt's been wiped."

Dementia tends to remove a person's filter that prevents them from saying things they've kept hidden for years. I wouldn't be surprised if any day now, he starts muttering about those showers he took with his own daughter Ashley.

LOL Who can forget

What took you so long? You waited until the 4th post to mention TRUMP!.
LOL Who can forget

Asking for documents isnt illegal. If youre next suggestion is that he is asking them to hack her emails, that would have been impossible because she had already destroyed the evidence by then. Russia was accused of hacking her at that time, so Trump asked them to send the emails to him if they did. Not illegal. Hell, its not even unethical.
Asking for documents isnt illegal. If youre next suggestion is that he is asking them to hack her emails, that would have been impossible because she had already destroyed the evidence by then. Russia was accused of hacking her at that time, so Trump asked them to send the emails to him if they did. Not illegal. Hell, its not even unethical.

Putz, Russia tried hacking her just hours after Trump said he hoped they would.
Her home server with the 30,000 emails was already destroyed by that time. Youre fuckin stupid. :cuckoo:


Retard, who said it was her home email server that they attempted to hack??


Retard, who said it was her home email server that they attempted to hack??

Which one wasTrump referring to, retard? Your dumb example or the Hillary server scandal? :laugh:
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Finding her emails. Moron, emails don't reside on one single server. They attempted to hack her right after he said that. How dumb are you to deny it??

So? Why would i care if someone dug up the emails that she illegally destroyed? I want to see those emails too.
So? Why would i care if someone dug up the emails that she illegally destroyed? I want to see those emails too.

It has nothing to do with what you want. The fact of the matter is he expressed an interest in a foreign government to hack his political rival -- and they complied.
It has nothing to do with what you want. The fact of the matter is he expressed an interest in a foreign government to hack his political rival -- and they complied.
Who cares about Hillary getting hacked? I sure as fuck dont. :dunno:
It has nothing to do with what you want. The fact of the matter is he expressed an interest in a foreign government to hack his political rival -- and they complied.
Do i need to remind you what HILLARY did to Trump? Youre worried about a funny throw away joke on stage, when she framed him to be a russian agent and used the US intelligence community to do it, so spare me your fake outrage you fucking hypocrite.

You've now gone from denying she was hacked to not caring Russia tried to hack her. Next up, stage 3 of your abject denial.
I never denied she was hacked. In fact it is presumed that she was hacked by multiple nations.
Do i need to remind you what HILLARY did to Trump? Youre worried about a funny throw away joke on stage, when she framed him to be a russian agent and used the US intelligence community to do it, so spare me your fake outrage you fucking hypocrite.

You're beyond crazy. :cuckoo:

When did Hillary share the dossier with the FBI?

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