Biden claimed the border patrol endorsed him

When did democrats realize there was a problem at the border?

In 2006, when Kennedy, McCain and Bush Jr. created a bi-partisan bill to fix immigration.

Which has been killed by the Nativist faction, as has every sensible attempt to reform our broken immigration system.

It's not the border that's broken, it's the immigration system.
In 2006, when Kennedy, McCain and Bush Jr. created a bi-partisan bill to fix immigration.

Which has been killed by the Nativist faction, as has every sensible attempt to reform our broken immigration system.

It's not the border that's broken, it's the immigration system.
No doubt the immigrantion system has needed some repairs, but xiden broke the border

Don’t worry trump will fix it
Xiden lied, once again the fraud in chief got caught lying

The agents want trump back
Trump lied over 30 times in that debate. Biden 8-9. The border patrol agents did support the border bill trump shot down. The border patrol agents want to be able to infict their racism on the people on the border with immunity. That is why they want trump back.

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