Biden continues to add lots of jobs. May report "very healthy", economists say

A "job" is a private company hiring and paying for the job to grow revenue. Your jobs are not jobs, they are taxpayer funded welfare for people who show up and hold signs
Once again you ignore the private jobs statistics. Struth got embarrassed. Now it's your turn.
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Once again you ignore the private jobs statistics. Struth got embarrassed. Now if your turn.
Private jobs where...McDonalds, Burger King, certainly not its either public taxpayer funded, private fast food, or what? Besides Dimmers wont work.
I didn't know this thread was about the March ADP report....but as far as March, payroll, came in lower then expected.

lower expectations seems to be a tread with this regime
Hey struth. I searched your username "ADP" in December and I didn't even see you considering Biden. That's a lot of months you've been missing.
Great news for Biden and well, everyone who has a favorable view of having a job. 438000 jobs created in April.

This is great news for the President and I applaud him. His problem is his gains are being negated by inflation and high energy prices. If they were making efforts to reign in inflation and gas prices, Democrats would be shoe-ins for ‘22 and ‘24.
This is great news for the President and I applaud him. His problem is his gains are being negated by inflation and high energy prices. If they were making efforts to reign in inflation and gas prices, Democrats would be shoe-ins for ‘22 and ‘24.
Where are the jobs?
That's the May report, which has data for the month of April. Dumbass.
You're just playing word games, so you don't have to talk about the private jobs added in March (April report) and February and previous months. Here's a chart you will hate:
um it's the April Jobs report.....we haven't gotten even 6 days into we have no May jobs report.

I know this is hard....but you know...look at a calendar
Very healthy? Is that a political phrase? The DOW went down more than a thousand points the other day. Energy prices are rising and shelves in stores are empty.
we've had one month in this qtr...April....and the jobs report from April highlighted, it's lower then expected.....

ADP: Employers Added Only 247,000 Jobs in April, Below Expectations​


For the year the BLS shows an average of 512,000 jobs added per month. ADP shows an average of 460,000 jobs added per month. Either way you go they are outstanding numbers and by the end of the year the two will be closer than they are now.
For the year the BLS shows an average of 512,000 jobs added per month. ADP shows an average of 460,000 jobs added per month. Either way you go they are outstanding numbers and by the end of the year the two will be closer than they are now.
Struts regrets bringing up the .ADP
Hey struth. I searched your username "ADP" in December and I didn't even see you considering Biden. That's a lot of months you've been missing.
great...xmas season hiring typically is a boom.

5 months later.....and Xiden is still preforming below expectations.

Did you see the April jobs report?

ADP: Employers Added Only 247,000 Jobs in April, Below Expectations​

"Notably, employment among small businesses fell by 120,000, while large businesses added 321,000 workers. Small businesses are typically less resilient to economic forces than larger companies."

Xiden and the Dems....building back big business better...or at least their policies don't harm them as much...

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