Biden continues to add lots of jobs. May report "very healthy", economists say

You really have to love the low IQ of Biden’s supporters. They fail to understand that the jobs are from those due to reopening an economy that was shut down due to the virus. The train wreck that is this administration has done nothing but close down jobs. They have not done anything to increase them
What happened to all those cargo ships sitting off the california coast?
Question: If you take $1000 from my desk, then return it, do you get credit for giving me $1000?
Well, that's exactly what these incompetent leftwing covid shutdown morons are doing.

My state is controlled completely by rightwing nutters and the shutdown.
It was a fine jobs report the problem for Biden is inflation overrides it. People are more impacted and motivated by the prices they are paying at the gas pump grocery store and pretty much everywhere else than they are by reports like these. I paid over $60.00 dollars to fill my gas tank yesterday stuff like that gets and keeps peoples attention way more than the jobs report will.
You made that up. If that were the case, the net

You made that up:
Great job by our President
8 million jobs and counting

That is a lot of McDonalds workers Republicans
Just a bunch of fucking whiners.
A percentage of people on fixed incomes are being forced to downsize in their living. Apartment rates in many areas are increasing in double digits. And not low double digits. Some of the ornerier ones, especially if older if given a handgun and you spoke those words you typed, would put a round into your skull. The Progs are already starting the process of considering limiting medicines of some types with HS Bill 3. They have been suggesting medical limits for many years. But no one listened. Like the latest pedo and what is a woman agendas this is one to keep an eye on.
They hate job growth under Biden. And of course they make every excuse in the book for Trumps poor COVID proformence.
The lesson is that great leaders overcome great obstacles, they don't rely on a perfect world to have good times.
we havent seen a great leader yet.......
I didn't know this thread was about the March ADP report....but as far as March, payroll, came in lower then expected.

lower expectations seems to be a tread with this regime
Now you're lying. No wonder you never said anything about the March report. It was above expectations.
Right, jobs that grow revenue not taxpayer funded government jobs

It was a fine jobs report the problem for Biden is inflation overrides it. People are more impacted and motivated by the prices they are paying at the gas pump grocery store and pretty much everywhere else than they are by reports like these. I paid over $60.00 dollars to fill my gas tank yesterday stuff like that gets and keeps peoples attention way more than the jobs report will.
No. Inflation doesn't override it.
we've had one month in this qtr...April....and the jobs report from April highlighted, it's lower then expected.....

ADP: Employers Added Only 247,000 Jobs in April, Below Expectations​

That's the May report, which has data for the month of April. Dumbass.
You're just playing word games, so you don't have to talk about the private jobs added in March (April report) and February and previous months. Here's a chart you will hate:
we've had one month in this qtr...April....and the jobs report from April highlighted, it's lower then expected.....

ADP: Employers Added Only 247,000 Jobs in April, Below Expectations​


I like how you all take turns posting either the ADP or the DOL numbers depending upon which is worse.

Not too obvious or anything
I didn't know this thread was about the March ADP report....but as far as March, payroll, came in lower then expected.

lower expectations seems to be a tread with this regime
And mind you, this guy is losing the debate even when I allowed him to pretend that public employees don't exist.
I thought weatherman was the dumbest member of USMB. I may have been wrong.
That's the May report, which has data for the month of April. Dumbass.
You're just playing word games, so you don't have to talk about the private jobs added in March (April report) and February and previous months. Here's a chart you will hate:
All Poopeypants numbers are worth hating
And mind you, this guy is losing the debate even when I allowed him to pretend that public employees don't exist.
I thought weatherman was the dumbest member of USMB. I may have been wrong.
Whats a public employee?

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