Biden continues to add lots of jobs. May report "very healthy", economists say

Really? Inflation is worldwide and ByeDon caused that? You are a silly little tRumptard. Cool Fatty's shitty response to covid caused the economy to collapse. How is that?
what sort of govt policies do you think create a virus? Just curious? Do you think a tax does that or something? hahahahha

dembot cultist
Great news for Biden and well, everyone who has a favorable view of having a job. 438000 jobs created in April.

Meanwhile, back in reality, inflation is at a 40 year high, gas prices are the highest in history, and the Stock Market dropped over 1,000 points yesterday.

But yeah, in Dim World everything is great. Idiot. :(
Productivity fell over 7%
Labor productivity published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics is based on the ratio of GDP to total hours worked in the economy. So when you have a large jump in employment, productivity will go down because it takes time for new hires to increase consumption in the the GDP formula but the increase in hours worked is used in the calculation. GDP = private consumption + gross private investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).
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Really? Inflation is worldwide and ByeDon caused that? You are a silly little tRumptard. Cool Fatty's shitty response to covid caused the economy to collapse. How is that?
I think I saw turkey is at ... SEVENTY?
It's pretty global and pandemic caused, and should be lessening

Of course, with the Trumpistas, it's impossible to discuss more or less bubble or inelastic supply issues like housing and energy. And Trump sought inflation to raise wages ... AND SO DO BERNIE AND AOC
what sort of govt policies do you think create a virus? Just curious? Do you think a tax does that or something? hahahahha

dembot cultist

What US policy created worldwide inflation? Just curious and asking for a friend? What new "tax" has ByeDon implemented? As far as I know the tax code is the 1 that The Fat Orange Idiot put in place?
Having a job may mean that you have income but Biden's tremendous inflation is eating up the buying power of any income that you get.

Family income is being devastated by Biden's policies that creates inflationary spending, high cost of energy, higher food cost and higher taxes.

Anybody that voted for this Biden clown is an idiot.
I think I saw turkey is at ... SEVENTY?
It's pretty global and pandemic caused, and should be lessening

Of course, with the Trumpistas, it's impossible to discuss more or less bubble or inelastic supply issues like housing and energy. And Trump sought inflation to raise wages ... AND SO DO BERNIE AND AOC
Trump? sorry we didn’t have these record inflation rates under trump

if i recall too, during the second half of 2020 he was pushing for people to get back to work, and demafacist govs refused … even after the vaccines were available they continued to refuse. Causing massive backlogs at the ports, shortages…and then flushed the nation with “free money” with a completely unnecessary 3rd “covid” relief bill that had little to actually do with covid over the objections of the gop

sorry this is your inflation
Of course, it's not fine. However, more people employed is certainly positive. For inflation to go down we need to increase supply and more workers will help but the supply chain bringing goods into the US has be fixed. Also the embargo of Russia oil is making the situation worse. Neither of these two problems likely to fixed before the midterm elections. So if you're hoping for high inflation till the election, you will probably get your wish. The fed expects inflation to drop only to 4.3% by the end of the year.
I don't give Biden any credit for people returning to work after the lock-downs.
Biden and Pelosi and Schumer caused the inflation with their unnecessary spending of $trillions$.
They still want to waste $trillions$ on their imaginary problem they call "climate crisis".
Their inflation is destroying people's savings and hurting poor people.
What US policy created worldwide inflation? Just curious and asking for a friend? What new "tax" has ByeDon implemented? As far as I know the tax code is the 1 that The Fat Orange Idiot put in place?
xiden and the dems keep lockdowns unnecessary, flushed the nation with unnecessary “covid” relief money, closed ports, causing backlogs etc

Inflation is local. Not international.
Seriously Housing is sort of interesting imo. My house really didn't increase much in value for years, and many of my peers can't really retire anywhere else ... if they're dems. Fla and Tex are options for me, but we may have legal weed this fall, so ... why move? LOL

But there's increasing demand, even w/o the pandemic, and falling supply. Without a single cause.

the same thing is happening all over the world...good economic numbers on paper, but people suffering in real life

Having a job may mean that you have income but Biden's tremendous inflation is eating up the buying power of any income that you get.

Family income is being devastated by Biden's policies that creates inflationary spending, high cost of energy, higher food cost and higher taxes.

Anybody that voted for this Biden clown is an idiot.
And what are those policies:
  • Embargo on Russian imported oil, which was supported by both houses of congress and 69% to 79% of the pubic.
  • Support for Ukraine, approved by both democrats and republicans in congress and 64% of the American public
  • Pin up demand by the American public after reduction in Covid restrictions.
  • Problems in the supply chain bringing goods into the US.
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what am I cherry picking? Is the ADP lying? Any proof to support your claim?

You use ADP in the months when they are below the BLS and then you use the BLS the months they are below ADP....the very epitome of cherry picking
I don't give Biden any credit for people returning to work after the lock-downs.
Biden and Pelosi and Schumer caused the inflation with their unnecessary spending of $trillions$.
They still want to waste $trillions$ on their imaginary problem they call "climate crisis".
Their inflation is destroying people's savings and hurting poor people.
There's no doubt among economists guiding private investment the primary cause of inflation is post covid supply chains. But the fed and the dems definitely underestimated them. And the supply chain issue is pretty much world wide.

Meanwhile China keeps shutting down manufacturing with new covid cases, and that ain't good.
I don't give Biden any credit for people returning to work after the lock-downs.
Biden and Pelosi and Schumer caused the inflation with their unnecessary spending of $trillions$.
They still want to waste $trillions$ on their imaginary problem they call "climate crisis".
Their inflation is destroying people's savings and hurting poor people.
I agree, Biden did little to bring people back to work. Covid is primary reason people left work, not Bien and primary reason they came back to work.

Covid-19 disrupted supply chains and contributed to major delays in shipping, labor shortages and now surging consumer demand have only added to problem. The embargo on Russia products and support for the Ukraine which was approved by both parties in congress and the American people have exacerbated the problem.

Although the Fed projects the current high inflation to fall to 4.3%, by the end of year, much to joy of republicans, inflation will still be high the for the midterms.

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