Biden continues to add lots of jobs. May report "very healthy", economists say

Most of thost "Jobs" are part time TEMP jobs paying min wage. SJW's dont want jobs THEY WANT UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME. They are that fxcking stupid to think that the Billionaire Multinational Controlled DemoCrap party cares about them.
480,000 jobs added.

3.6% unemployment

Wages are up
I am ready to get back to the pre covid levels. Still have 1.6 million jobs to go. One huge problem is paychecks are shrinking as they are not keeping up with inflation :(.
Yup, I agree ewe people are hypocritical fools....thanks
Sorry about that, ya not really!!!!
do you know what that word means?

If someone believes abortion should be left to the states, which what you claim i believe, and I am saying that the states had these lockdowns…that’s not hypocritical…it’s actually consent
You made that up. If that were the case, the net

You made that up:
Covid and States being forced to shutdown were the cause of the decline of jobs and the rise of unemployment, so can you actually be honest and not a partisan tool?

Of course not!

The real reason because of any job growth is because of California, Texas and states like Florida, New York and Illinois, so let look at the job growth in those States before hailing Biden great leadership…

Next let look at the growth and in what industry do we see the growth and in what time of the year the growth happened and what caused it?

When you do this then you realize the President is not the factor but the States I have mentioned are the main driving force and if California and Texas head into any recession then the entire country will be heading into one, and the economic policies of those States will be the reason why the U.S. as an entire will be in a recession and will not recover until those States do…

Stop giving the idiots in the Oval Office so much credit!
He caved to the teacher's unions which was all political. I believe he mandated vaccinations for everyone working under a government contract. We lost, teachers, pilots, nurses and other healthcare workers, truck drivers, cops, firefighters, soldiers and various other bureaucrats because they didn't get vaccinated. Not to mention the business slowdown that came from mask mandates. Ask Gov. Sisolak of Nevada how following CDC guidance worked out for him and the Vegas casinos.
I see no direct Biden shutdowns in your list. Shutdowns.
Not to argue at all. But people were leaving the work force before covid. Were they taking early soc sec and still working (you can but you just can't make for than .... 17K?: I forget. I see guys doing lawn care, driving 50k pickups with trailers and all kinds of gadgets. I doubt they're paying any spouse or child support. Jus sayin.

But during covid, people discovered they could get by without disagreeable jobs. How they do that, I dunno. I'm still supporting a starving doctoral student, and I'm still married to her mother. She'd be pissed at me if I weren't still married to her mother. LOL

And, from what I see, private sector economists also think the supply chains should ease up in 23. And who knows, maybe people will decide paychecks were worth it. "work" is four letter word, you ain't supposed to like it.
I agree, people have been leaving the work force for years for various reasons. However, when Covid appeared, the workplace changed radically, working at home, virtual meetings, having to wear masks, social distancing and of course shutdowns. Tor the tens of million nearing retirement age or past it, risking your health and that of your family, and adjusting to a new way of doing business was just not worth the pay. As a result there were millions of new unexpected retirements. Also, the problems with getting childcare and the opening and closing of schools resulted in many working mothers leaving the workplace. Now with Covid mostly behind us and inflations biting into savings ,retirement funds, and the wages of working family members, many of those that left the workplace are returning.
Any president does not affect an econ in the first 16-17 mos of his admin, and the Trumptards think the fat orange fuck shits gold.
So, how much effect does a president have on the economy? The stock answer is that presidents get too much credit when the economy does well and too much blame when it slumps. The boom-and-bust cycles that are inherent in capitalist economies depend on forces that are independent of any president’s actions. It’s mostly luck that determines how the economy is doing when it’s time to elect a president.

However, it is wrong to conclude that a president has no effect on the economy. The president appoints the chairman of the Federal Reserve and the governors whose job it is to regulate the economy. Presidential policies both simulated and slow economic growth to some extent. Since congress controls the purse strings, it has more effect on the economy than the president, yet it is the president that takes the credit or blame for the economy.
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Great news for Biden and well, everyone who has a favorable view of having a job. 438000 jobs created in April.

A healthy economy does not have an inflation rate exceeding its wage growth.

How many of those jobs are people looking for a second job to counteract the inflation and rising prices?
It's funny.
If you try and do a Google search there's nothing current about the backlog.
If it had improved you know damn well the left would be talking about what a good job biden has done to fix the issue.
Yes, it has improved. Last year, I saw at least a hundred container vessels waiting to load and unload. Today there is much less of a backlog. However the major problem now is the China Zero Covid policy. This has shutdown or reduced output in plants all over China and has slowed the supply chain in China. The result is now hundreds of empty container vessels off the coast of China. While the effects of Covid on the economy in the US today is minimal that is not the case for a number of countries we depend on.
Most of thost "Jobs" are part time TEMP jobs paying min wage. SJW's dont want jobs THEY WANT UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME. They are that fxcking stupid to think that the Billionaire Multinational Controlled DemoCrap party cares about them.
428,000 -April
430,00- March
714,000- Febuary
504,000 -January
April is the12 straight month of job gains, 2 million for the first 4 months of this year. And no they are not just minimum wage part time jobs. Almost all sectors and all wage levels have experience job growth.

Yes, it has improved. Last year, I saw at least a hundred container vessels waiting to load and unload. Today there is much less of a backlog. However the major problem now is the China Zero Covid policy. This has shutdown or reduced output in plants all over China and has slowed the supply chain in China. The result is now hundreds of empty container vessels off the coast of China. While the effects of Covid on the economy in the US today is minimal that is not the case for a number of countries we depend on.
Forget it. We're screwed in ways unfathomable just 2 short years ago and everyone knows it.
Yes, it has improved. Last year, I saw at least a hundred container vessels waiting to load and unload. Today there is much less of a backlog. However the major problem now is the China Zero Covid policy. This has shutdown or reduced output in plants all over China and has slowed the supply chain in China. The result is now hundreds of empty container vessels off the coast of China. While the effects of Covid on the economy in the US today is minimal that is not the case for a number of countries we depend on.

Do you have a link?
"I saw" isnt going to cut it.
Butt then again, you are good with being below I understand why you are a dembot
The posts of Struth (aka Mr. Expectations) don't age well:
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yeah, but the job growth is slowing....but it's still below where we were prior to Covid.

He can't even get people back to work that had jobs prior to the pandemic

that's the problem...

but then again, you are good with being below I understand why you are a dembot

Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 528,000 in July, and the unemployment rate
edged down to 3.5 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Job
growth was widespread, led by gains in leisure and hospitality, professional and
business services, and health care. Both total nonfarm employment and the unemployment
rate have returned to their February 2020 pre-pandemic levels.

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