Biden continues to add lots of jobs. May report "very healthy", economists say

Yeah......great.....but top problem with all of that is that inflation is out of control (by design) and the so-called Inflation Reduction act is about to raise taxes on the middle-class.
Right now the middle-class is getting hammered.
It doesn't matter how many jobs you claim you created when none of them can keep up with inflation.
Most of the people willing to work have almost zero excess income to invest or to buy anything other than the bare essentials. Food costs are up...gas prices are up...the price of everything is up.
So...what you have is a situation where Biden is crushing the American Dream....and it only took him 18 months to do it.

not really.
That post talks about whether or not the Bill is inflationary or not...not about tax increases.
No.....seems you have a problem with English comprehension.

The story talks about lots of things including the fact that the name of the act is misleading.
It's really a big subsidy for green energy and climate change programs.
It's not only doesn't address inflation but it also causes more of it.
And it's also a Middle-Class tax increase even though Biden promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400K/yr.

They only named it the Inflation Reduction Act to give idiots the idea that it reduces inflation.
No.....seems you have a problem with English comprehension.

The story talks about lots of things including the fact that the name of the act is misleading.
It's really a big subsidy for green energy and climate change programs.
It's not only doesn't address inflation but it also causes more of it.
And it's also a Middle-Class tax increase even though Biden promised not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400K/yr.

They only named it the Inflation Reduction Act to give idiots the idea that it reduces inflation.
The part YOU POSTED talks about inflation. Anything else is pay walled's the absolute truth.
The primary focus on that POS legislation is to raise taxes on the Middle-Class.
When inflation is out of control the worse thing you can do is raise taxes.

And it also is designed to install the New Green Deal in a backdoor manner.
"Democratic leaders have cut a deal with Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) on a $433 billion package of climate spending and tax increases disguised as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The bill would not reduce inflation. The nonpartisan Penn-Wharton budget model estimates it would actually produce “a very small increase in inflation for the first few years, up to 0.05 percent points in 2024” (emphasis added) followed by “a 0.25 percentage point fall … by the late 2020s.” The effect either way, Penn-Wharton says, is “not statistically different than zero,” which means the legislation would not “have any impact on inflation.”​
Here it is. Anyone see anything from the WAPO about tax increases on the middle class?
I just read it stupid. stupidly read it. It also has links in it including a summary of what it does.

One of them is subsidizing the Affordable Care Act permanently.

Seems it does a bunch of stuff....but fighting inflation is not one of them. stupidly read it. It also has links in it including a summary of what it does.

One of them is subsidizing the Affordable Care Act permanently.

Seems it does a bunch of stuff....but fighting inflation is not one of them.
Now you’re going on about the ACA

Just admit you lied
"Though economists, such as Heritage Foundation research fellow EJ Antoni, have claimed that the act will "exacerbate Americans' pain from inflation while simultaneously raising taxes," Fox News Digital reported.

Antoni told Fox that the bill’s proposed "$433 billion price tag, most of which will be spent on climate provisions" will "be passed through to the consumer at all different levels, not only in the purchase of energy itself, but because energy affects everything we do and everything we buy," essentially adding a tax to "everything else."

That’s just one of the ways it can be seen raising taxes. Frustrated Twitter users blasted Biden’s tweet and mentioned other ways they think the Inflation Reduction Act will raise taxes."


“William C. Randolph of the Congressional Budget Office found that for every dollar raised by the corporate tax, approximately 70 cents comes out of workers’ wages. Further confirming this finding, research from the Kansas City Federal Reserve concluded that a 10% increase in corporate taxes reduces wages by 7%.”

So, Biden’s plan to squeeze $315 billion more out of corporations actually means squeezing hundreds of billions out of workers — at the exact time we can least afford it.

Great news for Biden and well, everyone who has a favorable view of having a job. 438000 jobs created in April.

Jobs are being created by human absence, not Biden!!! Biden is just taking credit for it. There are jobs all over the place that used to be filled yet aren't now. Every fucking intelligent human being in America knows this. But Biden's media only plays the naive morons who call themselves Democrats.

One very distinct possibility is that some of these people may have been virtually paid not to work.... And yet that fact has been laundered somehow...

Anyone with half a brain can see that we don't need to create jobs we need to find people to fill the job vacuum that we already have.
Jobs are being created by human absence, not Biden!!! Biden is just taking credit for it. There are jobs all over the place that used to be filled yet aren't now. Every fucking intelligent human being in America knows this. But Biden's media only plays the naive morons who call themselves Democrats.

One very distinct possibility is that some of these people may have been virtually paid not to work.... And yet that fact has been laundered somehow...

Anyone with half a brain can see that we don't need to create jobs we need to find people to fill the job vacuum that we already have.
Well....if you kick 200,000 people out of their jobs due to vaccine-mandates you can really pad your numbers.
The amazing thing is this shit is still going on even though the vaccines have been proven to be a load of crap.
Well....if you kick 200,000 people out of their jobs due to vaccine-mandates you can really pad your numbers.
The amazing thing is this shit is still going on even though the vaccines have been proven to be a load of crap.
I got covid 3 months after I got my second shot.
Some interesting numbers in the report. Women in service industry (ie, low paying) went up 300 000. But men in high paying jobs dropped 170,000.

So. Women having to go to work to pay bills, while the men get sent to the bench.
I'm trying to figure out the negative effect of a Recession (for the average person) when job numbers are good

Any help here?
um they can’t afford shit, their dollar is worthless, they are losing money.
Great news for Biden and well, everyone who has a favorable view of having a job. 438000 jobs created in April.

I realize this OP is a troll post, but I'll correct it anyway. When the Democrats crater the economy as they did with the shutdown followed by massive welfare payments, then they damn well do not get credit when things inevitably improve.
we are in one now.
Two quarters of negative gdp growth is an indicator of a recession but there are other factors. There are two groups that actually make the decision that the country is in a recession, the president's economic advisors and the Governors of the Federal Reserve Board. Of the two, the Fed is considered the ultimately authority because it is there job to control the economy, putting the brakes on when the economy is over heated , and applying stimulus in a slow down.

It's not uncommon to have rising inflation going into a recession. What is uncommon is have inflation this high. However, high inflation in the latter phase of an epidemic is to be expected because of shortages and pent-up demand.
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I asked that question in 4 different threads and never got an answer.
In a recession, all economic indicators do not all move together at the same time. We have leading economic indicators such as the stock market which is typically one of the first to go down and lagging indicators such as unemployment which is one last to go up. Unemployment is also one of the last to turn down in a recovery and the stock market is one of the first to turn up.

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