Biden declared Jackson non qualified

She may be qualified but that still does not make her the best choice. She just fits the far left requirements. Black and Female, nothing else mattered.
There is no such thing as a "best qualified". You yourself already admitted you have no way of proving anyone is "better" qualified because that notion is entirely subjective.
I forgot to mention this. He did not choose, he mandated and his requirements are racist.
No. That isn't what racism is.
Nothing about a QUALIFIED black women, eh? Just some rando black woman, eh?
Get it through your thick skull. If Biden had said he was going to appoint the best or most qualified person to the court and he eventually settled on a black female, there would be no valid complaints about the pick. Biden, the fool that he is deserves all the criticism surrounding his racist appointment.
Get it through your thick skull. If Biden had said he was going to appoint the best or most qualified person to the court and he eventually settled on a black female, there would be no valid complaints about the pick. Biden, the fool that he is deserves all the criticism surrounding his racist appointment.
In other words, you don't ever ever believe a black woman COULD be qualified, right?
You're gonna have to explain to me what racism actually is. I'm waiting.
Racism is thinking people of a particular group are inherently inferior and treating them as such. Who do you think Biden thinks is inferior?
Anita Hill is a full professor right now....maybe nominate her for a federal judgeship first.
And ask her nicely if she wants the job. Federal judgeship is actually unnecessary. Point was, knowing how Biden treated Anita Hill, I would be more impressed if he had chosen her because that would have been a very refreshing departure from his norm, albeit political suicide at a time when his popularity was already in the toilet.
That is just stupid, go away. By the way, supporting Biden's pick and the method used, you must think that a black female is always qualified. That is also stupid.
It comes as no surprise when racists also display a stunning lack of any grasp of basic logic. ^^
Racism is thinking people of a particular group are inherently inferior and treating them as such. Who do you think Biden thinks is inferior?
Wouldn't it also be racism to give someone preferential treatment due to their race/skin color? It's the other side of the same coin, imho.

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