Biden declared Jackson non qualified

What mess did the policies of the first 150 or so years of American jurisprudence and legislation create??

Did Jim Crow create any messes??

Funny how the backlash that came from those policies and resulted in the Voting Rights and Civil Rights movement -- those policies are now the problem...

But the shit that lead to it -- those were the good ole days...

Conservatism in a nutshell...and dealing with white racist backlash has been the perpetual state of things since this country that shit doesn't move me..stay mad, I could give a fuck
Whatever injustices existed in the past you cant take out on 18-year old white kids without creating a backlash
That's what he said, not me .
When did he say he would pick a "random" black woman??

He said he would pick a "HIGHLY QUALIFIED BLACK WOMAN" -- and he did......

You guys act like he nominated this woman....

It is 100% possible and they should be gauged on their accomplishments not race or gender. You're trying to twist my words, Ms. Menopause. It won't work. I have two daughters and I would never want them to garner a job just because they are female vs. because they are the most qualified candidate.
Someone could be 100% gauged on their accomplishments by their college or their employers......and there will always be those, like you, whining that they ONLY got their position because of their race or gender.
Only because you clowns don't know what racism is. But don't worry, we all get a big kick out of watching you fools stumble around trying to grasp it like a virgin in the dark with his first bra strap. You'll get it eventually little guy. 😄

Why won't you celebrate the successful black people I identified in my post? Are you a racist?
Good god, stop being such a triggered imbecile. Here's my post that's gotten your panties all bunched up:
White women have been the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative debate...

But I never see you morons say "Amy Barret could have got her position because of AA"

Do you know why? Because you morons treat white and qualified as interchangeable...

And the fact we are making you face that bias is what makes you triggered
Whatever injustices existed in the past you cant take out on 18-year old white kids without creating a backlash
Ah yes,another favorite canard of the white wingers, when reflexively reacting to this topic.

"The injustices of the past"

Because racism is dead. Just ask them, if you can get them to stop being racist for a second .
Only? So you didn't get a job because some rando black person was pulled off the street and hired instead?

Your "president" only mentioned possessing a black vagina as far as qualifications. What else do you think he had in mind?
Why won't you celebrate the successful black people I identified in my post? Are you a racist?
You think I should celebrate them just because they are black? And that not celebrating them because they are black makes me a racist? 😄 This is just more evidence that you don't actually know what racism is.
Of course there's a backlash....angry white males believing they are SUPPOSED to always be at the front of the line....
Affirmative Action perpetuates the idea that blacks are not up to the same high standards as asians, whites and Jews
Affirmative Action perpetuates the idea that blacks are not up to the same high standards as asians, whites and Jews
No it doesn't, but comments like yours identify the morons who don't know what Affirmative Action is actually for.

Hint: It's meant to teach racist whites how to act right.
White women have been the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative debate...
Irrelevant in regards to my comment:
"There's a possibility that she was given preferential treatment via affirmative action"

But I never see you morons say "Amy Barret could have got her position because of AA"
That possibility exists, as well. The word is "gotten", you illiterate imbecile.
Do you know why? Because you morons treat white and qualified as interchangeable...
That's not how I feel, dumbass. It's called a straw man, tbh.
And the fact we are making you face that bias is what makes you triggered
I'm not the imbecile all irrate over the suggestion of AA. That's you and your fellow useful idiots here.
Affirmative Action perpetuates the idea that blacks are not up to the same high standards as asians, whites and Jews
No it doesn't. But it sure perpetuates the excuse making for some who can't cut it without whining about AA.

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