Biden declared Jackson non qualified

There you go...............believing that it's not possible for a black woman to be qualified.

Nope. Not racist at all. :rolleyes:
It is 100% possible and they should be gauged on their accomplishments not race or gender. You're trying to twist my words, Ms. Menopause. It won't work. I have two daughters and I would never want them to garner a job just because they are female vs. because they are the most qualified candidate.
I have never said anything racist. I believe everyone should be treated equally. No affirmative action. No hiring only a woman. And I have two daughters and I do not believe they should get a job over a man just because they are female. So no, I am not remotely racist. I am logical. I would vote for Byron Donalds and or Tim Scott for president tomorrow. I would not vote for Beto O'Rourke.

So you do you, race baiter. :)
You have said plenty of racist things including assuming I was on government assistance that you were paying for it. You're a coward and racist and the funny thing is is that you willingly choose to be.
I have never said anything racist. I believe everyone should be treated equally. No affirmative action. No hiring only a woman. And I have two daughters and I do not believe they should get a job over a man just because they are female. So no, I am not remotely racist. I am logical. I would vote for Byron Donalds and or Tim Scott for president tomorrow. I would not vote for Beto O'Rourke.

So you do you, race baiter. :)
When did everyone start being treated equally??

Like, what year exactly?
Credit where due for the SOTU speech and Ketanji Brown Jackson nomination, but choosing Anita Hill would have impressed me much more coming from Biden in particular.

Kudos on the topic. Seems to have clarified some things despite all the kicking and screaming.
Anita Hill is a full professor right now....maybe nominate her for a federal judgeship first.
Affirmative Action is that go-to excuse for white males who don't get into a school or get a job because they aren't qualified.
Maybe so

whites are not perfect either and some may feel cheated by affirmative action

call it collateral damage from the racial justice missiles and bombs dropped on whites by the woke crowd

but the backlash exists and you folks will have to deal with the mess your policies created

and part of that mess is the stigma of AA
I have two daughters as you know. I would NEVER want them to garner a job if they aren't the most qualified. Versus the most qualified female. That is bullshit.
How do you know that the positions they have, they got because they are qualified??

Do you just believe it because they are your daughters??

But a man who is the father of Ketanji can't believe it about his daughter?? Despite the fact, with all due respect, his daughter has accomplished a lot more than your daughters have?
How do you know that the positions they have, they got because they are qualified??

Do you just believe it because they are your daughters??

But a man who is the father of Ketanji can't believe it about his daughter?? Despite the fact, with all due respect, his daughter has accomplished a lot more than your daughters have?
They are in middle school. We'll see I guess. He and his daughter are elitist. And if idiot Biden just said I am picking the most qualified candidate and didn't say that he was picking a black woman first, this would be a nonissue. If he said I am picking a "white male" it would be racist. So just don't say stupid shit.
Maybe so

whites are not perfect either and some may feel cheated by affirmative action

call it collateral damage from the racial justice missiles and bombs dropped on whites by the woke crowd

but the backlash exists and you folks will have to deal with the mess your policies created
What mess did the policies of the first 150 or so years of American jurisprudence and legislation create??

Did Jim Crow create any messes??

Funny how the backlash that came from those policies and resulted in the Voting Rights and Civil Rights movement -- those policies are now the problem...

But the shit that lead to it -- those were the good ole days...

Conservatism in a nutshell...and dealing with white racist backlash has been the perpetual state of things since this country that shit doesn't move me..stay mad, I could give a fuck
Northern Republicans supported it. Northern Democrats supported it. Southern Republicans did not support it. Southern Democrats did not support it.

Are you smart enough to see the pattern?
1964. I was not around then. Should we go back to 1946 and call MLB RACIST. This was in the past. And people were racist in the past. Correct. A lot fewer racists now, Ms. Menopause.
I think you are mistaken . I believe the most important qualifications according to Biden are, woman and black. Certainly smarts have nothing to do with it. You can make stuff up if you want to , but that is what bumble brain said.
So President Biden just picked a random black woman because those were the most important qualifications? Nothing about going to Harvard? Nothing about being a SCOTUS clerk? Nothing about already being a federal judge?
I have always noticed something interesting and relevant to this topic:

Whenever issues like war, world hunger, the environment, poverty, etc. come up, you can count on two things:

Liberals with rheir pie-in-the-sky ideas and aspirations,, protesting war, saying we should feed the hungry, give universal Healthcare, switch to alt energy, etc....

And conservatives right there in their faces mocking them, telling them the are bleeding heart moonbats, and "the world doesn't work that way, stupid"...

L: "We should be sending food to the hungry people. The world. Nobody should be starving."

C: "Then do it yourself. The world doesn't work that way. People will still be hungry, moonbat idiot. Why should we be the ones who do all the work and care, when those other people don't, and it's their fault anyway?"

But then the issues of race relations and affirmative action come up, and the conservatives put on their NPR voices and lock hands in a circle and say, "Everyone should just be treated the same. "

Funny, that.
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So why was she confirmed 2 times already with no opposition??

Amy Barret wasn't
Bret Kav wasn't
etc, etc, etc...

That damn black bitch got some nerve, huh?
That answer is plainly obvious. She is routinely confirmed because she is black and female which is the number one priority on the leftist requirements list these days.

So embarrassing. Like, you know nobody believes you. You don't even believe you. Not even your fellow cultists believe that. But you turds say it anyway and wink at each other.

Trumpism on parade.
I said "there's a possibility", and there is. Try not to be so triggered, you illiterate imbecile.
Maybe so

whites are not perfect either and some may feel cheated by affirmative action

call it collateral damage from the racial justice missiles and bombs dropped on whites by the woke crowd

but the backlash exists and you folks will have to deal with the mess your policies created

and part of that mess is the stigma of AA
Of course there's a backlash....angry white males believing they are SUPPOSED to always be at the front of the line....
How do you think that someone who "was given preferential treatment" did so well once in Harvard Law? Maybe she was qualified all along and we've just got whiny white males who WEREN'T qualified.
There's a possibility of that, as well.

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