Biden Derangement Syndrome in all its glory.

They were just trying to get at the lizard inside.

The situation is a million miles from normal --- a dementia ridden leader with bowel movement problems is exceptional .

And exceptional problems usually require exceptional solutions .
Maybe then you shouldn't nominate Trump.
Just think of the Depends savings.
It only makes sense that Republicans ramp up their hatred and division to whip their voters into a frenzy.

/——/ Open borders, mutilating children, and squashing opposing views isn’t American norms, Libtard.
Our open border laws are obsolete and have needed a major overhaul for several decades. To pretend that our open border policy means no border is a MAGANUT staple or core belief isn't it?

Private business as the press, have complete control over their own platforms and are not required to post stories or links to stories they don't want to.

"AAP and Endocrine Society guidelines call for developmentally appropriate care, and that means no puberty blockers or hormones until young people are already undergoing puberty for their sex assigned at birth. For one thing, “there are no hormonal differences among prepubertal children,” says Joshua Safer, executive director of the Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery in New York City and co-author of the Endocrine Society’s guidelines. Those guidelines provide the option of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHas), which block the release of sex hormones, once young people are already into the second of five puberty stages—marked by breast budding and pubic hair. These are offered only if a teen is not ready to make decisions about puberty. Access to gender-affirming hormones and potential access to gender-affirming surgery is available at age 16—and then, in the case of transmasculine youth, only mastectomy, also known as top surgery. The Endocrine Society does not recommend genital surgery for minors."

Before puberty, gender-affirming care is about supporting the process of gender development rather than directing children through a specific course of gender transition or maintenance of cisgender presentation, says Jason Rafferty, co-author of AAP’s policy statement on gender-affirming care and a pediatrician and psychiatrist at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Rhode Island. “The current research suggests that, rather than predicting or preventing who a child might become, it’s better to value them for who they are now—even at a young age,” Rafferty says."
At my age I'm old school. Any pinata party held by Republicans doesn't bother me in the least. I'm taken aback by pickup trucks with bumper stickers containing 4 letter words. Come on folks, there are kids out here.
If that were true you would not be supporting those that sought to prevent the peaceful transfer of power on 1/6.
These assholes ^^^ are completely full of shit.

These ^^^ are the leftards that are so full of shit they're even being ostracized by their own party.

These ^^^ asswipes are loud, obnoxious LIARS.

THESE ^^° are the fucktards that brought us 8 months of racial riots. 25 people dead, businesses burnt out and looted, children traumatized.... These ^°° fuckers even cheered terrorists who threw Molotov cocktails into working class residential neighborhoods.

These ^^^ radical leftards need to be fully marginalized.

Losing an election is not enough.

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