BIDEN ECONOMY: US Loses 288,000 Full Time Jobs Over the Past 10 Months


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
While CNN, MSNDNC, and the rest of the Left wing corporate media enjoy a deluded circle jerk about how "RESILIENT!" the Biden economy is - Gateway Pundit has the reality - via Zero Hedge:

what isn’t being reported by the media is that wage growth is falling:

The drop in wage growth was consistent with the warning from the ADP earlier this week, which found that December ushered in “the largest decline in pay growth for job stayers in the three-year series history” (and even job-changers saw a modest drop in wage growth).
There was more: not only did average hourly earnings drop, but so did average hours worked, which has a major impact on the average wages, and had hours been flat, the decline in average wages would have been even more pronounced.
What is pointed out is that full-time jobs have decreased while part-time jobs have increased.

Here too we find something striking: the total number of full-time jobs has declined by 288K in the past ten months, which however has been more than offset by the 886K increase in part-time jobs.

It really has gotten to the point where anything the MSM reports, just assume the opposite is true and you'll be right on the money.

In fact, if you were betting the odds, you'd be sippin' pina coladas on a beach somewhere.

I mean....if that's your thing. ;)
What is pointed out is that full-time jobs have decreased while part-time jobs have increased.
People who provide jobs are not stupid. If their labor costs increase for full time workers with benefits, their only recourse is to cut cost by way of benefits. Part timers seldom enjoy the benefits that are afforded to full time workers. Increase minimum wages--prices increase and full time employment decreases. End result, minimum wage earners actually earn less after reduction in hours, benefits and increases in prices. Never ending inflationary cycle.
Over two million new jobs have been created in the last year

You have surely been rebutted on this multiple times, but for the sake of perseverance I'll stubbornly try again:

Shutting down an entire economy, and then re-opening it is not "creating jobs".

And there are still less jobs now than there were in February 2020.

Epic fail.

Back to the gulag with you.
While CNN, MSNDNC, and the rest of the Left wing corporate media enjoy a deluded circle jerk about how "RESILIENT!" the Biden economy is - Gateway Pundit has the reality - via Zero Hedge:

what isn’t being reported by the media is that wage growth is falling:

What is pointed out is that full-time jobs have decreased while part-time jobs have increased.

It really has gotten to the point where anything the MSM reports, just assume the opposite is true and you'll be right on the money.

In fact, if you were betting the odds, you'd be sippin' pina coladas on a beach somewhere.

I mean....if that's your thing. ;)
Get a damn grip dude. Gateway Pundit? Seriously, what a dog site. Wage growth has decreased? Well holy hell, you ever heard of this thing called inflation? I mean it takes the Gateway Pundit to spin this as a negative, and it takes a fool to post it and run with it. That has been the Fed's primary concern, that with unemployment at A 53 YEAR LOW, increasing wages would push inflation into a never ending spiral upward.

Hell, a couple years ago unemployment was at historically low rates and you ignorant Trumpbots were parading that statistic around like it was the Holy Grail. Now, you complain about it. I mean consistency is not your strong suit for sure. Loss of full time jobs, well Amazon and Salesforce pretty much construed those numbers, did Gateway Pundit mention that? Seriously, pull your head out of your ass, because right there, in the depths of your ass, is Gateway Pundit, and a pop-up asking for money. Damn, you can never underestimate the intelligence of the American public.
Get a damn grip dude. Gateway Pundit? Seriously, what a dog site. Wage growth has decreased? Well holy hell, you ever heard of this thing called inflation? I mean it takes the Gateway Pundit to spin this as a negative, and it takes a fool to post it and run with it. That has been the Fed's primary concern, that with unemployment at A 53 YEAR LOW, increasing wages would push inflation into a never ending spiral upward.

Hell, a couple years ago unemployment was at historically low rates and you ignorant Trumpbots were parading that statistic around like it was the Holy Grail. Now, you complain about it. I mean consistency is not your strong suit for sure. Loss of full time jobs, well Amazon and Salesforce pretty much construed those numbers, did Gateway Pundit mention that? Seriously, pull your head out of your ass, because right there, in the depths of your ass, is Gateway Pundit, and a pop-up asking for money. Damn, you can never underestimate the intelligence of the American public.

So in summation, I should get a grip because tons of (I presume you mean) "lowly" warehouse workers are losing their jobs, and part time jobs grew at quadruple the rate of full time, in the midst of what even your dumbass concedes is an inflationary economy.

You losers can't debate your way out of a paper bag. :)
You have surely been rebutted on this multiple times, but for the sake of perseverance I'll stubbornly try again:

Shutting down an entire economy, and then re-opening it is not "creating jobs".

And there are still less jobs now than there were in February 2020.

Epic fail.

Back to the gulag with you.
Who shut down the economy? Was it Biden? No, it was Trump, because he was a flippin idiot that was more worried about the loss of revenue from his hotels than how many Americans died from Covid.

Unemployment is at a 53 year low, do you understand that. Lower than at anytime during the Trump administration and I clearly remember all you Trump supporters screaming about how he decreased unemployment. Funny, that labor participation rate, that was so important during the Obama administration, suddenly became meaningless.
Who shut down the economy? Was it Biden? No, it was Trump, because he was a flippin idiot that was more worried about the loss of revenue from his hotels than how many Americans died from Covid.

This will come as a genuine shock to most people (not really), but Trump shut down the economy for about six weeks at the behest of Dr. Fauci and other idols worshipped by the Leftist intelligentsia. (What an ironic label that is...)

Then, red states (see FL) proceeded to open up wide while Blue States stayed lockdown in various capacities for months - and in some cases years.

Then Brandon stole an election, introduced vax mandates along with lefty Governors, and even more people quit their jobs.

Which is why we still have less jobs than we had in Feb. 2020.

Meanwhile, places like FL were being lambasted by the MSM (Democrats) because they were not locking down, and everyone was going to die.

You either lack memory, intellectual honesty, or any intellect at all.
Who shut down the economy? Was it Biden? No, it was Trump, because he was a flippin idiot that was more worried about the loss of revenue from his hotels than how many Americans died from Covid.

Unemployment is at a 53 year low, do you understand that. Lower than at anytime during the Trump administration and I clearly remember all you Trump supporters screaming about how he decreased unemployment. Funny, that labor participation rate, that was so important during the Obama administration, suddenly became meaningless.
Wait, I thought TRUMP! was SUPPOSED to listen to the "experts" who were telling him to shut down the economy and trap people in their homes. You do realize that when you call him a, how did you say, "a flippin idiot", that you're also calling all the medical experts who were advising him to do exactly that "flippin idiots"? There's no way he would have shut it down had the medical "experts" been telling him he had to in order to stop the extremely survivable COVID.
Wait, I thought TRUMP! was SUPPOSED to listen to the "experts" who were telling him to shut down the economy and trap people in their homes. You do realize that when you call him a, how did you say, "a flippin idiot", that you're also calling all the medical experts who were advising him to do exactly that "flippin idiots"? There's no way he would have shut it down had the medical "experts" been telling him he had to in order to stop the extremely survivable COVID.

They'll twist themselves into rhetorical pretzels and endlessly obfuscate the truth before ever acknowledging the fact that just maybe they're uninformed sheep being used by their corporate masters.
So in summation, I should get a grip because tons of (I presume you mean) "lowly" warehouse workers are losing their jobs, and part time jobs grew at quadruple the rate of full time, in the midst of what even your dumbass concedes is an inflationary economy.

You losers can't debate your way out of a paper bag. :)
Wow, you are that uniformed? Dude, step back and do some research.
"lowly" warehouse workers are losing their jobs
Hell no, warehouse workers are not losing their jobs. Hell, move out of your Mom's basement and get one tomorrow. The fact that you would make that claim is indicative of how uninformed you really are. Those Amazon layoffs, and the Salesforce layoffs, are of middle level administrators. Not the grunts that make things happen. An informed person would know this. A stupid idiot that frequents Gateway Pundit would not, and Gateway Pundit banks on that shit.

Yes, we are in an inflationary economy, for all kinds of reasons. Pent up demand, which I am sure you have no damn clue as to what that means, increased consumer confidence, not a bad thing, and supply chain disruptions that continue to manifest despite efforts to appease them. Eggs, have you noticed how much they have went up? Do you know how many millions of birds have been killed due to Avian flue? No, you got your head up your ass and want to wail that it is Biden's fault. Diesel, are you kidding me, we are exporting more diesel fuel than at anytime in American history. Why for Christ's sake? In most countries in the world diesel is cheaper than gasoline, but not here. That makes no damn sense whatsoever.

Look, don't talk to me about debate skills. Pull your head out of your ass, get informed from real sources, not that site called Gateway pundit. I hold a double diamond from the NFL--that is National Forensic League, you want to square up with me in a 8 by 4, 2 minute cross X, then you can talk to me about debate skills. But since I figure all that goes way beyond your comprehension suffice it to say that we can just place this in the you are an ignorant dumbass category
Republicans January 5th 2022: wage growth is too fast it’s causing inflation!

Republicans January 6th 2022: wage growth is slowing down it’s a disaster!

Over two million new jobs have been created in the last year
You can't say you created jobs when it involves migrants.
Perhaps you can get away with calling them "Professional Transients".
Sure Biden has been putting them up in hotels and carting them all over the country....but they're not actually producing anything (other than massive deficits). :laugh2:
You can't say you created jobs when it involves migrants.
Perhaps you can get away with calling them "Professional Transients".
Sure Biden has been putting them up in hotels and carting them all over the country....but they're not actually producing anything (other than massive deficits). :laugh2:

You are making shit up

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