Biden Family Overwhelming Evidence of Corruption

I never called you a name. I said your history screams left loonism

You're obviously thin skinned and not awfully bright...and it's childish not chidish

You never called him a name, and then you call him a whole bunch of names.

But still no evidence of anything you’ve posted.
No, it's just a FACT.

If you claim you don't know these basic, simple facts then you are a mouth-breathing idiot, byper-partisan snowflake, bit, or troll.

No one is stupid enough to believe Bidrn's grandkids are receiving money from the CCP, Russia, Romania, and Ukraine because they are friends on TikTok / Facebook.

No o e is stupid enough to believe hundreds of banking Suspicious Activity Alerts were not generated over 20 shell companies uzing 12 seperate banks to move money around the Biden famy because they are just super paranoid about people knowing their inner-family dealings.

Then again, perhaps you will prove me wrong.

A “fact” is some thing that has been proven with evidence.

No one is stupid enough to believe anything you post without evidence.

Seems the republicans and Trump have been telling you this for seven years and you've chosen to disregard that fact. Hmmmm.

Yes, and Trump and the Republicans have been telling people lots of things for the past seven years, but they have yet to produce any evidence that anything they have told the American people is true.

Much EVIDENCE Has has been presented that everything that Trump and the Republicans have been saying about the Democrats for the past seven years is completely false.

The American people are now demanding that the Republican party provide evidence that their accusations and allegations are based on actual things that happened, and not lies and speculation.

You can’t lie to the people for seven years and expect anyone to believe anything you say.
There's just too much out there to be ignored.

The explosive new evidence of Biden family's breathtaking corruption

Uh oh....looks like girlfriend abuser Comer lost his whistleblower. :heehee:

A person would have to be pretty stupid to “trust” anything the current, Marxist government or their Fake News shills have to say. They've been lying to us for decades. Anyone who trusts them is a complete fool.
Not sure how you expect to contribute to conversation given you literally claim to know nothing.
Suffices to say we are done talking to Dems. The fight is on for the future of the nation. We will win or they will win but we are done negotiating.
No, it's just a FACT.

If you claim you don't know these basic, simple facts then you are a mouth-breathing idiot, byper-partisan snowflake, bit, or troll.

No one is stupid enough to believe Bidrn's grandkids are receiving money from the CCP, Russia, Romania, and Ukraine because they are friends on TikTok / Facebook.

No o e is stupid enough to believe hundreds of banking Suspicious Activity Alerts were not generated over 20 shell companies uzing 12 seperate banks to move money around the Biden famy because they are just super paranoid about people knowing their inner-family dealings.

Then again, perhaps you will prove me wrong.
Ah, when the childish, name calling tantrums start, it's a pretty good indication the the poster has no rational argument supporting their position.

It would be impossible to prove you wrong since you have not presented any real evidence proving you are right. Again, "everybody knows" is not evidence.
So moron, let's parse your post.
Trump's business was found lacking.
Trump was found financially liable in a civil suit that has a low threshold of proof.
Facing? That is too stupid to comment on. He faced kangaroo court impeachments too.
So out of FIVE points you present, you presented NO CONVICTIONS FOR ANYTHING.
Allegations exist for Joe Biden as well--when are you going to hold him to the same standard. You seem to know about Trump and docs in MAL while you seem to give Biden a free pass for exactly the same violations -- worse actually, a garage next to the Vette is not even close to secure FOR YEARS. Quit being a hypocritical partisan hack.

Trump’s business is it private, closely held corporation over which Donald Trump exercises absolute control. He is the primary shareholder, the chairman of the board of directors and the chief operating officer. To claim that Trump is not personally responsible for the conviction of his business, would be a lie.

Your next lie is that a “low standard of proof” is required for a civil trial. In this case, a unanimous verdict of 12 jurors is required.

Republican members of the house and senate both agreed that Donald Trump did the things for which he was impeached. They just made excuses as to why they were not voting in favour of his impeachment. The voter should decide in the first instance and he was no longer President in the second.

Then, after you lie, and you twist yourself into a pretzel to deny proof of Trump’s criminal behavior, you again accuse Joe Biden of corruption on no evidence.
Suffices to say we are done talking to Dems. The fight is on for the future of the nation. We will win or they will win but we are done negotiating.

In other words, you’re caught lying again, so you’re gonna run away and hide because you have nothing.
Ah, when the childish, name calling tantrums start, it's a pretty good indication the the poster has no rational argument supporting their position.

Sorry, this laughable routine you have been using / posting to several different people to distract from the fact that you have nothing significant to say, and have not for a while, doesn't work with me.

If you don't have anything to say don't respond to me. Don't waste my time with your childish games and weak-ass distractions.
Sorry, this laughable routine you have been using / posting to several different people to distract from the fact that you have nothing significant to say, and have not for a while, doesn't work with me.

If you don't have anything to say don't respond to me. Don't waste my time with your childish games and weak-ass distractions.
Still no evidence?
Still no evidence?

Again with the stale routine you have been using repeatedly with others all day today?

Go back to the kids' table, get some new material, better yet educate yourself, and come back later.

This isn't amateur hour or 'bring your kids to the chat board' day. Go away and let the grown-ups talk.

Sorry, this laughable routine you have been using / posting to several different people to distract from the fact that you have nothing significant to say, and have not for a while, doesn't work with me.

If you don't have anything to say don't respond to me. Don't waste my time with your childish games and weak-ass distractions.

You’re funny when you get all high and mighty and outraged at being called a liar.

It’s highly amusing, that when someone calls you out for posting nothing but bullshit lies and speculation that has no basis in fact, you respond with a post that is nothing but bullshit lies and speculation, and has no basis in fact.

You’ve never backed up a single post you’ve made calling out Democrats as criminals and yard you continue to repeat, lies without evidence.

As has been stated, several times, we’re still waiting for the charges you promised would be brought against Hillary Clinton.
So, your answer is no then.

When there is real evidence maybe we can have an adult conversation without profanity and name calling. I'm sure I can hold up my end. How about you?
Only 1st hand accounts from the guy who was on the inside, moving the paperwork and money around....But NO EVIDENCE!


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