Biden Has Been 'Officially' Corrected in White House Transcripts 148 Times in 2024 Alone


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
With every gaffe-fest, the White House Clean-up Crew is called to action. It’s there job to alter, strike-out and edit the absurdities and silly tales that Biden stutters and mumbles on about.

Their editing of transcripts from video is really pointless because Biden’s gaffes, falsehoods and bizarre rants live on forever in video.

I have to think that Biden’s cannibal story left of the clean-up with facial ticks and that deer in the headlight stare.

The White House releases an official transcript anytime the president gives a speech or takes questions. Communications staff frequently correct, add to or alter Biden’s official remarks in order to either bring them into compliance with official White House policy or, in some cases, reality, a Daily Caller analysis showed. In several cases, official statements had to be changed to convey the exact opposite of what Biden actually said.

Through 118 statements, speeches and chats with reporters spanning from Jan. 1 to April 24, the White House has officially updated its transcript with corrections to what the president said out loud at least 148 times.
That poor old dude!

The Dem Establishment and his beloved wife are forcing him to run again.

The thought of Mr. Trump becoming the 47th president scares the [bleep] out of them.

Hear tell that a MSNBC bloviator has even confessed that she fears losing her job if he wins!!!
With every gaffe-fest, the White House Clean-up Crew is called to action. It’s there job to alter, strike-out and edit the absurdities and silly tales that Biden stutters and mumbles on about.

Their editing of transcripts from video is really pointless because Biden’s gaffes, falsehoods and bizarre rants live on forever in video.

I have to think that Biden’s cannibal story left of the clean-up with facial ticks and that deer in the headlight stare.

The White House releases an official transcript anytime the president gives a speech or takes questions. Communications staff frequently correct, add to or alter Biden’s official remarks in order to either bring them into compliance with official White House policy or, in some cases, reality, a Daily Caller analysis showed. In several cases, official statements had to be changed to convey the exact opposite of what Biden actually said.

Through 118 statements, speeches and chats with reporters spanning from Jan. 1 to April 24, the White House has officially updated its transcript with corrections to what the president said out loud at least 148 times.
It's why Biden continues to slip in the polls overall. The poor man has no clue what he is doing, what he is saying, or even where he is most of the time these days. But the deep state operatives aren't doing him any favors apparently, and hopefully most Americans will see through the dishonesty as Biden's staffers constantly clean up and change what he actually said.

RCP Biden Job Approval average of polls today:
It seems the Biden’s babysittting crew are making a concerted effort to keep him away from microphones and public view.

His every unscripted meeting with the press is a disaster so he’s being herded by an entire entourage keeping him away from microphones.


White House Issues Huge List of 'Corrections' to Biden's Detroit Speech

22 May 2024 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

In case you somehow missed it, Joe Biden traveled to Detroit on Sunday to deliver a speech before the NAACP in which he attempted to apply some bandages to his bleeding poll numbers among Black voters. To put it mildly, things did not go well. Biden's rambling, confused persona was back on full display as he got a number of words wrong and told fanciful stories from his past that were obviously untrue and in at least a couple of cases physically impossible. But as with all official appearances, the White House was forced to release a transcript of the speech. This involved a cleanup job of daunting proportions and included nine instances of what the New York Post described as "brutal corrections."
You can read the official White House transcript here. In some ways, it's encouraging to see the staff attempting to be transparent about the boss and his many flubs. Then again, it's not as if the work is optional. It's a violation of federal law to falsify official government records. Yet part of me is still wondering if they are airing this dirty laundry because some members of Team Biden have seen the writing on the wall and are thinking it might be time to nudge the kindly old man with a bad memory off the stage.
There are still a few months to go before the conventions. If the Democrats are planning to make a change, they need to already be putting those plans in motion, though I still don't see how they can pull it off without Jill Biden stepping in to tell her husband that it's time to retire. As far as Biden's campaign team goes, they seem to be out of options. Keeping Joe in the basement wasn't working and Trump kept surging in the polls. Sending him out to give speeches doesn't seem to be paying off either. It's almost painful to watch.

Biden: When he claimed to have saved families $800,000 per year in insurance premiums, that outlandish figure had to be trimmed down twice before reaching $800. (And many would argue that few people actually wound up seeing anywhere near that amount of a reduction.)
My premiums went up and my coverage went down thanks to ObamaCare.
Recently my Home insurance increased by $400 a year with the same coverage.
Democrat Neo-Marxists don’t care, Joe Biden is giving them everything they want, so they will put up with the gaffes.
Just imagine this guy is in charge of the Nuclear Codes a ability to launch them.
With every gaffe-fest, the White House Clean-up Crew is called to action. It’s there job to alter, strike-out and edit the absurdities and silly tales that Biden stutters and mumbles on about.

Their editing of transcripts from video is really pointless because Biden’s gaffes, falsehoods and bizarre rants live on forever in video.

I have to think that Biden’s cannibal story left of the clean-up with facial ticks and that deer in the headlight stare.

The White House releases an official transcript anytime the president gives a speech or takes questions. Communications staff frequently correct, add to or alter Biden’s official remarks in order to either bring them into compliance with official White House policy or, in some cases, reality, a Daily Caller analysis showed. In several cases, official statements had to be changed to convey the exact opposite of what Biden actually said.

Through 118 statements, speeches and chats with reporters spanning from Jan. 1 to April 24, the White House has officially updated its transcript with corrections to what the president said out loud at least 148 times.
Wow, looks like he finally caught up to Trumps daily average. About time!
With every gaffe-fest, the White House Clean-up Crew is called to action. It’s there job to alter, strike-out and edit the absurdities and silly tales that Biden stutters and mumbles on about.

Their editing of transcripts from video is really pointless because Biden’s gaffes, falsehoods and bizarre rants live on forever in video.

I have to think that Biden’s cannibal story left of the clean-up with facial ticks and that deer in the headlight stare.

The White House releases an official transcript anytime the president gives a speech or takes questions. Communications staff frequently correct, add to or alter Biden’s official remarks in order to either bring them into compliance with official White House policy or, in some cases, reality, a Daily Caller analysis showed. In several cases, official statements had to be changed to convey the exact opposite of what Biden actually said.

Through 118 statements, speeches and chats with reporters spanning from Jan. 1 to April 24, the White House has officially updated its transcript with corrections to what the president said out loud at least 148 times.

So instead vote for someone who just makes stuff up.

What a joke of a political system the US has.
These TDS types don't matter. The USA will crush them like a bug and continue to be exceptional!

I used to believe that. I did.

But there's too many of them, and they're too deeply, irrevocably stupid. We had the best system of govt ever conceived and that wasn't good enough for them.

Humanity doesn't deserve America, and frankly can't sustain it. I've come to peace with that.
Oh I don’t think our nation is even close to destroyed. I still feel lucky and proud to be an American.

You've been on here propping up the destruction of our justice system, once the envy of history and the world. So yeah, you'll mouth the platitudes, but when someone offends you, straight to jail.

You know what used to be American, before you Victorian fainting couch prudes took over? Being offended, yet TOLERANT. Meaning, those who offend me do not deserve actual prison.

So really. Do spare me.
I used to believe that. I did.

But there's too many of them, and they're too deeply, irrevocably stupid. We had the best system of govt ever conceived and that wasn't good enough for them.

Humanity doesn't deserve America, and frankly can't sustain it. I've come to peace with that.
Throughout human history these dipshits never last. In time they will be erased and forgotten as it should be.
Throughout human history these dipshits never last. In time they will be erased and forgotten as it should be.

Um. Barbarians took down the entire Roman Empire, lest you forget. But of course, it had been significantly weakened from within first.
You've been on here propping up the destruction of our justice system, once the envy of history and the world. So yeah, you'll mouth the platitudes, but when someone offends you, straight to jail.

You know what used to be American, before you Victorian fainting couch prudes took over? Being offended, yet TOLERANT. Meaning, those who offend me do not deserve actual prison.

So really. Do spare me.
I very much respect our justice system and shake my head at the Trump crew doing everything they can to undermine it

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