Biden is ruining the economy, not fixing it

Inflation soars to 31-year high as holidays

Inflation already hurting Americans, and Biden's Build Back Better will make things even worse

Unfortunately, Biden’s late-breaking awareness of our inflation problem did not come packaged with a solution. Instead, tin-eared Biden continues to hype his multitrillion-dollar Build Back Better bill, which he says will help bring prices down.

No, it won’t. And in fact, Biden expressly said so in his muddled remarks. As he expressed shock about the price of gasoline, Biden claimed, "That’s why it’s so important we do everything in our power to stabilize the supply chain…"

Nancy Mace: Economy is in 'shambles' amid rampant inflation, energy concernsVideo
Just for the record, the very real supply chain bottlenecks that are keeping goods from landing in stores have absolutely zip to do with rising gasoline prices. That’s on Joe Biden, who has discouraged U.S. oil and gas investment and also insulted and alienated the most influential person in OPEC, Mohammed bin Salman. OPEC is understandably unmoved by Biden’s pleas for more oil.

Biden also claimed, "At the same time, we’re also experiencing higher demand for goods because wages are up as well as people have money in the bank. And because of the strength of our economic recovery, American families have been able to buy more products."

In other words, consumers are flush, and our recovery is strong. So … what on earth are we doing spending trillions more on Biden’s favored bill? The same could have been argued (and we did) before the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan passed in March. We did not need to hype government spending then, and we do not need to do so now.

Democrats would argue that Build Back Better (BBB) is not about infusing the economy with more cash, but instead will tackle long-term problems like expensive child care that is keeping women out of the workforce.

Their solution is to subsidize child care for low-earning Americans, while also boosting wages for people working in that field.

But if you’re a middle-class family that must foot the bills on your own, you’re in trouble. Matt Bruenig, left-leaning president of the People’s Policy Project think tank, says the proposal will jack up child care costs by about $13,000 a year, to almost $29,000. Why? Because BBB demands infant care workers be paid the same as elementary school teachers, increasing wages by 138%.

BBB also purports to make home care for the elderly more affordable, but it is union organizers who are especially excited about the proposal. Mary Kay Henry, International SEIU head, cheers, "We have a chance to turn home care, the fastest-growing job in America, from poverty-wage employment into a good union job." Will that drive costs down? Of course not.

Are media downplaying inflation?Video
Why should this surprise anyone? Any industry that has a heavy government footprint, including education and health care, has seen costs soar way beyond overall inflation over time. Today, over 40% of higher education costs are funded by state and federal coffers; is it any wonder that the cost of attending a four-year college has increased at twice the level of inflation since 1985?

Or take health care, where the federal government accounts for over 40% of spending, and where total spending has increased 50-fold since 1970.

Federal programs are by definition inefficient; that’s the nature of the beast. Add to that Joe Biden’s push to ensure that workers added to provide home care, pre-K and other services be unionized, thus demanding higher pay, and you can rest assured the BBB will not lower inflation. Just the opposite.

Voters rejected Big Government this past Election Day. They should do so again in 2022. I’m guessing they will.

Bidenflation: Fed’s Favorite Inflation Measure Soared 5.8% in 2021, Worst in 39 Years​

The Federal Reserve’s favored gauge of inflation jumped 5.8 percent last year, the biggest increase since 1982, according to data released by the Commerce Department on Friday.

Consumer spending actually dipped in December, falling 0.6 percent compared with the prior month. Prices, however, climbed 0.4 percent. Core prices, which exclude food and energy, rose 0.5 percent compared with November and 4.9 percent compared with a year ago.

Economists had forecast a rise of 4.8 percent year over year for the so-called “core’ prices and 5.8 percent for the headline. On a monthly basis, the forecast was for 0.4 percent.

Incomes rose 0.3 percent in December compared with the prior month, missing the forecast for a 0.5 percent rise. Expenditures fell by 0.6 percent, reflecting the end of fiscal stimulus and an early holiday shopping season.

The Federal Reserve targets an average increase of two percent in the Commerce Department’s Personal Consumption Expenditure price index. For years prior to the pandemic, the index undershot that target. The index has been above target since March of 2021.

Bidenflation Continues to Crush Working Families & Main Street​

With prices rising at the fastest rate in 40 years, the overwhelming majority of American workers say their paychecks can’t keep up with Bidenflation in a recent survey.

From the New York Times:

“Only 17 percent of workers say they have received raises that kept up with inflation over the past year, according to a survey of 5,365 adults conducted last month […]

“Most of the rest say either that they have received raises that lagged price increases or that they have received no raise at all; 8 percent of respondents said they had taken a pay cut.”

Between supply chain hurdles and crushing Bidenflation, job creators are also struggling to retain workers. The Job Opening and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) reported that 4.5 million workers left their jobs in November – a new record.

WATCH: Democrats’ Recipe for Higher Inflation


Democrats’ trillions in welfare spending has devastated our jobs recovery and failed our most vulnerable families.

Bidenflation is crushing America’s working families.

READ: Penn-Wharton: Bidenflation to Force Families to Pay $3,500 More in 2021

Bidenflation is crushing Main Street businesses.

  • Small business owners are getting crushed by Bidenflation and tax hikes too, with prices rising to historic highs and a record number of small businesses being forced to consider price increases, which are passed onto consumers.
READ: IMF: U.S. Tied for Highest Level of Inflation Among Top 35 Developed Economies

Joe Biden is the worst president of my lifetime: Will Cain​

Let me explain. First, it was the no good, very bad, terrible week for President Joe Biden. That Monday, the CDC reported a record-high 1.35 million new COVID cases in the United States. Cases are a relatively worthless metric. We've talked in the past that hospitalizations and even deaths have limited value because of limited trustworthiness. Still, Joe Biden was the president that promised to shut down COVID. In a week where we hit a record number of cases, I think it's fair to say he failed in that promise.

Then on Wednesday, new data showed that America has experienced the highest year-over-year inflation since 1982, inflation now well over 7%. This is something that every American, you and I, have personally experienced. Whether it's at the gas pump, at the grocery store, or in buying a used car, inflation is teetering on the edge of out of control.

In response to the bad news gathering at his doorstep. Joe Biden gives a speech focused on "voting rights" where he compares his political opponents to George Wallace and Bull Connor. We played for you that speech on a previous episode of "The Will Cain Podcast" on Wednesday. Not only was that speech pilloried by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, but by members of Joe Biden's own party, Dick Durbin said Biden may have "gone a little too far" in vilifying his opponents in dividing America.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court, of course, blocked Joe Biden's vaccine mandate for large employers. On that very same day, Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, both Democrats, announced they would oppose Biden's voting rights proposal and would oppose changing the filibuster rule in the Senate. And then on Friday, to bring this full circle, HHS reported a record high 157,000 COVID hospitalizations.

In the midst of all that, a Quinnipiac poll came out to show Joe Biden's approval rating dropped to 33%. However, that number was really the high watermark for Biden because among independents, Biden's approval landed at 25% among young people. Young people – those who are supposed to carry the banner of progressivism – Joe Biden has an approval rating, according to Quinnipiac, of 24%. And get this, among Latinos, Joe Biden's approval rating sits at 28%, down from 70%.

One week in January that caps off a year of incompetence and malevolence. But none of that – none of that, truthfully – is why Joe Biden gets my vote as worst president of my lifetime.

Consumer Confidence Dragged Down As Bidenflation and Omicron Crush Hope​

The economic confidence of U.S. households declined in January following three months of improving consumer morale at the end of last year, survey results released Tuesday showed.

The Conference Board said its index of consumer confidence declined to 113.8 from 115.2 in December. That was slightly better than the 111.9 reading forecast by the Econoday poll.
Inflation soars to 31-year high as holidays

Inflation already hurting Americans, and Biden's Build Back Better will make things even worse

Unfortunately, Biden’s late-breaking awareness of our inflation problem did not come packaged with a solution. Instead, tin-eared Biden continues to hype his multitrillion-dollar Build Back Better bill, which he says will help bring prices down.

No, it won’t. And in fact, Biden expressly said so in his muddled remarks. As he expressed shock about the price of gasoline, Biden claimed, "That’s why it’s so important we do everything in our power to stabilize the supply chain…"

Nancy Mace: Economy is in 'shambles' amid rampant inflation, energy concernsVideo
Just for the record, the very real supply chain bottlenecks that are keeping goods from landing in stores have absolutely zip to do with rising gasoline prices. That’s on Joe Biden, who has discouraged U.S. oil and gas investment and also insulted and alienated the most influential person in OPEC, Mohammed bin Salman. OPEC is understandably unmoved by Biden’s pleas for more oil.

Biden also claimed, "At the same time, we’re also experiencing higher demand for goods because wages are up as well as people have money in the bank. And because of the strength of our economic recovery, American families have been able to buy more products."

In other words, consumers are flush, and our recovery is strong. So … what on earth are we doing spending trillions more on Biden’s favored bill? The same could have been argued (and we did) before the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan passed in March. We did not need to hype government spending then, and we do not need to do so now.

Democrats would argue that Build Back Better (BBB) is not about infusing the economy with more cash, but instead will tackle long-term problems like expensive child care that is keeping women out of the workforce.

Their solution is to subsidize child care for low-earning Americans, while also boosting wages for people working in that field.

But if you’re a middle-class family that must foot the bills on your own, you’re in trouble. Matt Bruenig, left-leaning president of the People’s Policy Project think tank, says the proposal will jack up child care costs by about $13,000 a year, to almost $29,000. Why? Because BBB demands infant care workers be paid the same as elementary school teachers, increasing wages by 138%.

BBB also purports to make home care for the elderly more affordable, but it is union organizers who are especially excited about the proposal. Mary Kay Henry, International SEIU head, cheers, "We have a chance to turn home care, the fastest-growing job in America, from poverty-wage employment into a good union job." Will that drive costs down? Of course not.

Are media downplaying inflation?Video
Why should this surprise anyone? Any industry that has a heavy government footprint, including education and health care, has seen costs soar way beyond overall inflation over time. Today, over 40% of higher education costs are funded by state and federal coffers; is it any wonder that the cost of attending a four-year college has increased at twice the level of inflation since 1985?

Or take health care, where the federal government accounts for over 40% of spending, and where total spending has increased 50-fold since 1970.

Federal programs are by definition inefficient; that’s the nature of the beast. Add to that Joe Biden’s push to ensure that workers added to provide home care, pre-K and other services be unionized, thus demanding higher pay, and you can rest assured the BBB will not lower inflation. Just the opposite.

Voters rejected Big Government this past Election Day. They should do so again in 2022. I’m guessing they will.
And despite 7% inflation for December, we still recorded 5.7% real GDP growth for 2021.

And despite 7% inflation for December, we still recorded 5.7% real GDP growth for 2021.

Fake artificial growth based un artificially pumping money into the economy which is causing massive inflation and price hikes, and which will disappear when the pumping disappears, you worthless ignorant sack of shit

New York has officially entered 5 dollars a gallon. Get ready, folks. It's going to be a mess during the holidays. If we thought lockdowns were bad last year. Wait till the next surge in prices.
Fake artificial growth based un artificially pumping money into the economy which is causing massive inflation and price hikes, and which will disappear when the pumping disappears, you worthless ignorant sack of shit

Lying doesn't help you.

5.7% real GDP growth for 2021, that's the best year in 37 years.


6.9% real GDP growth in the 4th quarter of 2021, that's the best quarter in the last 86 quarters.


6.4 million jobs added in 2021, that the best year in the last 245 years.


New York has officially entered 5 dollars a gallon. Get ready, folks. It's going to be a mess during the holidays. If we thought lockdowns were bad last year. Wait till the next surge in prices.

Holyfuckingshit, are you ever rightarded. :cuckoo:

Moron, that image is from 2018 while Trump was president...

Screenshot_20220129-115055_Samsung Internet.jpg




Stephen Moore, lead economist at a free-market advocacy group, said large U.S. companies—or what President Joe Biden called monopolies—are not the cause of inflation, but rather uncontrolled federal spending.
Stephen Moore, lead economist at a free-market advocacy group, said large U.S. companies—or what President Joe Biden called monopolies—are not the cause of inflation, but rather uncontrolled federal spending.
Freedumb works

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