Biden Makes a Threat

It seems Sleepy Joe would be willing to nuke a city that was full of rebels. That proves to me that Joe is the wrong guy to be responsible for if and when our nuclear weapons are used.
It sure as hell sounds as if he is threatening Americans.

He is 100% correct, those little AR 15s aren't going to do shit to an Abrams Tank.

dying from a musket shot is the same as dying from any other type of weapon. It's a good thing America's founders didn't care and they took a stand against tyranny

The tyranny is coming from the right, the raid on the Capital was just a start it looks like.

I see you don't understand what tyranny is
The right isn't trying to take anyone rights away
you leftists are the tyrannical ones

What rights are they taking from you?

He doesn't F'in know. He's just parroting a phony narrative!
It seems Sleepy Joe would be willing to nuke a city that was full of rebels. That proves to me that Joe is the wrong guy to be responsible for if and when our nuclear weapons are used.

Anyone who willingly pays for his adult son"s whore's should only be dogcatcher at most!
Nuke codes? Never!
It sure as hell sounds as if he is threatening Americans.

He is 100% correct, those little AR 15s aren't going to do shit to an Abrams Tank.

dying from a musket shot is the same as dying from any other type of weapon. It's a good thing America's founders didn't care and they took a stand against tyranny

The tyranny is coming from the right, the raid on the Capital was just a start it looks like.

I see you don't understand what tyranny is
The right isn't trying to take anyone rights away
you leftists are the tyrannical ones

What rights are they taking from you?

He doesn't F'in know. He's just parroting a phony narrative!
It seems Sleepy Joe would be willing to nuke a city that was full of rebels. That proves to me that Joe is the wrong guy to be responsible for if and when our nuclear weapons are used.

Anyone who willingly pays for his adult son"s whore's should only be dogcatcher at most!
Nuke codes? Never!

what phony narrative was I parroting?
It sure as hell sounds as if he is threatening Americans.

He is 100% correct, those little AR 15s aren't going to do shit to an Abrams Tank.

dying from a musket shot is the same as dying from any other type of weapon. It's a good thing America's founders didn't care and they took a stand against tyranny

The tyranny is coming from the right, the raid on the Capital was just a start it looks like.

I see you don't understand what tyranny is
The right isn't trying to take anyone rights away
you leftists are the tyrannical ones

What rights are they taking from you?

He doesn't F'in know. He's just parroting a phony narrative!
It seems Sleepy Joe would be willing to nuke a city that was full of rebels. That proves to me that Joe is the wrong guy to be responsible for if and when our nuclear weapons are used.

Anyone who willingly pays for his adult son"s whore's should only be dogcatcher at most!
Nuke codes? Never!

what phony narrative was I parroting?

Him, not you! Post got F'ed up and reordered.
It sure as hell sounds as if he is threatening Americans.

I'd like to know where in the Bill of Rights it says anything about the government having control over WHAT guns people own. The 2A intended that citizens be armed in a status quo with the government to be able to resist an unjust tyranny! No where does it say the government calls the shots in making sure the people are no threat to them, that DEFEATS the very purpose of the 2A!

Also, where is this that you need nukes and f-15s to beat the government? The F-15 is a POS in today's world, no match at all, and does the US gov take nukes and f-15s into every civilian war? If so, show me where they are on the Mexican border or in any other scrum conflict and ground war.

Sorry, Joe, but in the time of the 2A, the colonialists were armed with everything that Britain had, not little pop guns.
It sure as hell sounds as if he is threatening Americans.

He is 100% correct, those little AR 15s aren't going to do shit to an Abrams Tank.

dying from a musket shot is the same as dying from any other type of weapon. It's a good thing America's founders didn't care and they took a stand against tyranny

The tyranny is coming from the right, the raid on the Capital was just a start it looks like.

Conservatives want to be left alone. That's not in any rational definition of tyranny.

But then, you're not rational.

You want to be in control, that's what you want.

I'd ask you for proof of your assertion, but your irrational hatred of conservatives is not proof.

But it's inarguable that what you want is for me to pay for something that was dead and gone long before either one of us was born.
It sure as hell sounds as if he is threatening Americans.

Biden's mental decline has now reached a point where he is making threats of violence against American citizens.
The Democrat Party leaders need to intervene and tell him to resign before the 25th Amendment has to be used.

At least he didn't whisper about bombing and nuking us, that would have made it even creepier
It sure as hell sounds as if he is threatening Americans.

Nah. Just Magaturds. They are officially 'on notice' now. You must not have gotten the memo.

Is there some type of nuclear warhead that targets people only of a certain ideology?

Or are you just as fucking stupid as Biden?

I detest magaturds.

Are you willing to vaporize millions of Democrats to kill Trump supporters?

Biden is.

You need help.
Are you willing to vaporize millions of Democrats to kill Trump supporters?
Wut. Don't be stupid on purpose.
That's what Joe is threatening, unless he somehow plans to get all legal gun owners gathered together in the Nevada desert.

You know nuclear weapons aren't precise like a sniper rifle, right? Because Joe doesn't seem to know that.
That's certainly some woo woo shit with zero context. When did you decide to check out of reality?
Are you willing to vaporize millions of Democrats to kill Trump supporters?
Wut. Don't be stupid on purpose.
That's what Joe is threatening, unless he somehow plans to get all legal gun owners gathered together in the Nevada desert.

You know nuclear weapons aren't precise like a sniper rifle, right? Because Joe doesn't seem to know that.
That's certainly some woo woo shit with zero context. When did you decide to check out of reality?
Have you just not been paying attention?

BIDEN: "Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government.” "If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons."

Tell what possible context there is that could make what Biden said not insane.
BIDEN: "Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government.” "If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons."
He's being satirical, but he's correct. It has been the wet dream of politically radicalized self proclaimed 'patriots' to move against a government they feel is tyrannical to their interests. As a gun owner myself, I have no illusions that my long guns are any sort of a threat against the #1 military in the world that could make me a grease spot from miles away.
All this fails to consider that Americans in military service continue to be Americans and some might actually be interested in keeping America American rather than a province of Xiden's China.

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