Biden: Migrant family separation 'one of the darkest moments in our history'

I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.

Compare immigrants of yesterday vs. immigrants of today:

- Which Group was processed legally vs. which group entered illegally?

- Which Group was more or less of a cost to domestic welfare and entitlement programs?

- Which Group brought more violence, drugs, and sex trafficking?

The answer is based on MORE or LESS vs. the other. Simple.
You know there is a problem in understanding from the left when.
You have to press 1 for English.
They do not realize how much money the U.S. would save in printing costs alone if we only had to print one language.
They do not realize that those that move here illegally are far from the cream of the crop.
We are placing a strain on our failing infrastructure by having more people.
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.

Compare immigrants of yesterday vs. immigrants of today:

- Which Group was processed legally vs. which group entered illegally?

- Which Group was more or less of a cost to domestic welfare and entitlement programs?

- Which Group brought more violence, drugs, and sex trafficking?

The answer is based on MORE or LESS vs. the other. Simple.

I am talking about citizenship and rights. Many women were here legally and naturalized, but they didn't get voting rights till 1920.
You know there is a problem in understanding from the left when.
You have to press 1 for English.
They do not realize how much money the U.S. would save in printing costs alone if we only had to print one language.
They do not realize that those that move here illegally are far from the cream of the crop.
We are placing a strain on our failing infrastructure by having more people.

So tell me your genealogy? So you mean all those Asians and pregnant Russian ladies that rent Trump branded apts to have a baby and then move back to Russia (anchor babies), those??
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.

Compare immigrants of yesterday vs. immigrants of today:

- Which Group was processed legally vs. which group entered illegally?

- Which Group was more or less of a cost to domestic welfare and entitlement programs?

- Which Group brought more violence, drugs, and sex trafficking?

The answer is based on MORE or LESS vs. the other. Simple.

I am talking about citizenship and rights. Many women were here legally and naturalized, but they didn't get voting rights till 1920.

Ok. What rights do illegal entrants have? What rights do human traffickers have? Try not to intertwine human rights with entitlements and handouts reserved for US Citizens.
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.
My mother migrated here legally.

My grandfather migrated here legally.

Keep the hard working illegal migrants, deport the Socialists

when did you grandfather migrate here , he may of come here legally, but he was not a citizen unless you are like very young.

You seem to have forgotten to respond to my argument. I'm sure it was an honest mistake.
You know there is a problem in understanding from the left when.
You have to press 1 for English.
They do not realize how much money the U.S. would save in printing costs alone if we only had to print one language.
They do not realize that those that move here illegally are far from the cream of the crop.
We are placing a strain on our failing infrastructure by having more people.

So tell me your genealogy? So you mean all those Asians and pregnant Russian ladies that rent Trump branded apts to have a baby and then move back to Russia (anchor babies), those??
No I mean the crazy left that don't understand what it takes to deport one illegal alien. Not to mention those that have been deported numerous times.
Those like you that complain about Russia meddling in elections but have no problem with letting other countries vote.
I am talking about those that complain about minimum wage and lack of jobs yet let illegals hold down wages by taking jobs at slave wages.
I am talking about those that claim to care about human life yet remain silent about the over four hundred deaths each year in the desert southwest illegally, that does not take into account those that die of n semi trucks and other smuggling means.

And just FYI the last member of my family which includes all members of both sides came in through Ellis Island in 1905.
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.

Compare immigrants of yesterday vs. immigrants of today:

- Which Group was processed legally vs. which group entered illegally?

- Which Group was more or less of a cost to domestic welfare and entitlement programs?

- Which Group brought more violence, drugs, and sex trafficking?

The answer is based on MORE or LESS vs. the other. Simple.

I am talking about citizenship and rights. Many women were here legally and naturalized, but they didn't get voting rights till 1920.

Ok. What rights do illegal entrants have? What rights do human traffickers have? Try not to intertwine human rights with entitlements and handouts reserved for US Citizens.

All criminals should be locked up and tried, including white collar crimes. Reserved for the US citizens, we do not have to treat those without citizenship like dung, those fleeing and wanting a better life and willing to work.

We do not need the wealthy ones here, we need the workers and its so hard to become a US citizen , not like years ago, you either need to know someone and have money, chances are you have to learn Eng. in the country you are fleeing like they can in a worn torn country. Facts is it's not the Mexicans coming here , its the southern Latin America countries and Regan started that.

I see you don't say anything about Little Odessa (only 1/4 are citizens)where most of the occupants are Russian Jews and do not speak English. Its ok for Hasidic Jews that do not assimilate in our culture.

There is some hatred in you RWNJ's, but to make all countries strong and have jobs only enriches our country. So yes US companies should branch out into Latin America and Mexico.
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.

Yea, I bet they did not slither under a fence to get here with there palm up ,and not give a shit about being an American ,or learning English, and popping out babies like gerbils, expecting taxpayers to foot the bill.
I would bet most of your grandparents were not citizens of the US.

This is a non-argument. This is the year 2018 and we need to make decisions for the year 2018. It is not the time of our grandparents. Letting in millions of immigrants that will become working poor and overload our social programs is not good for Americans. The left wants to save the world at a time when America desperately needs to save itself. How about we have a conversation about humanitarianism when we're not trillions in debt and our infrastructure isn't in disrepair?

"We"? What are you talking about?
Migrant family separation is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” Biden says

The Trump administration’s separation of migrant children from their parents is “one of the darkest moments in our history,” former Vice President Joe Biden contended on Friday night.

“Grotesque lies—lies about immigrants, about crime, about costs to the community. They’re simply lies—factually inaccurate,” said Biden. “And look folks, this administration’s policies that literally rip babies from the arms of their mothers and fathers — one of the darkest moments in our history.”

Joe Biden is one of the darkest moments in our history. How many people must be killed by Illegals,and all the baggage that comes along with them,before these stupid ass liberals wake up , you can bet your ass if was one there family who was killed or affected by an illegal the shit would hit the fan. Looks like old Joe is gearing up for a 2020 run. If you get arrested do they put your kids in the jail cell with you ,Joe ? Old Joe is nothing more than a drama queen.
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I guess he has forgotten the Democratic removal of Japanize from their houses, businesses, farms, jobs, and sent to camps. This was done under the auth, of the Democrat President and House and Senate. Democrats seem to forget a lot of History, or they just have not rewritten it yet.
Apparently everyone's crazy uncle didn't think it was too dark when he was the freaking Vice President. Personally I would estimate that the Hussein administration shipping over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels caused a lot more orphans and heart ache than separating kids from coyotes during the Trump administration.

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