Biden on bended knee to Saudi Arabia, begging for oil…yet 2 years ago Biden called it a “Pariah State”.

Now you are just LYING since Biden is the head of the Administration branch and echoes his attacks on oil and gas production.

From the article you pretended you read:

"CASPER — The Biden administration will redo the environmental review of more than 2,000 Wyoming oil and gas leases sold between 2015 and 2020 — including virtually all of the leases issued under former president Donald Trump — in accordance with a trio of settlement agreements approved Wednesday by a federal judge.

None of the leases have been vacated, but their future is uncertain. The Department of the Interior now has to reevaluate and retroactively justify more than two dozen lease sales. If it decides it can’t, or its reasoning doesn’t satisfy the court, the sales could be reversed and any existing permits revoked."
Your garbage opinion blog post shows that Biden has not canceled any leases. It also does not refute that U.S. oil producers have zero interest in increasing production.
Biden vowed to "end fossil fuels" so OWN IT Dems. Be proud, step out there and take the credit. Tell the American people you are proud of what you have done to the oil industry and glad that gas prices are sky high because according to Biden that's wonderful opportunity to transition. See you at the polls this Nov when America gets even and you lose in an historic blow out. :auiqs.jpg:
Prices are high because Russia invaded Ukraine causing an International rise in gas prices, not only in the US.

Blame it on Biden.

Blaming Biden will definitely help more fools vote for the Republicans who really, really, really care for them.
Your garbage opinion blog post shows that Biden has not canceled any leases. It also does not refute that U.S. oil producers have zero interest in increasing production.
Oil execs have made it clear Biden and Dems are at fault. Given how much Biden and Dems LIE we'll take their word for it.

But feel free to explain Biden jacking up the royalties 50% making many leases unprofitable, on purpose. Feel free to explain why Biden continues to fight in court to halt lease sales, and had to be forced by a judge to conduct the sales. Explain all the dirty tricks lying scum Dems are using to wage war on the oil industry.
Oil execs have made it clear Biden and Dems are at fault. Given how much Biden and Dems LIE we'll take their word for it.

But feel free to explain Biden jacking up the royalties 50% making many leases unprofitable, on purpose. Feel free to explain why Biden continues to fight in court to halt lease sales, and had to be forced by a judge to conduct the sales. Explain all the dirty tricks lying scum Dems are using to wage war on the oil industry.
Do you have some links to all these allegations?
Your garbage opinion blog post shows that Biden has not canceled any leases. It also does not refute that U.S. oil producers have zero interest in increasing production.

You lied again since it was the Biden ADMINISRATION who is trying to cancel them due to climate change claims,

"CASPER — The Biden administration will redo the environmental review of more than 2,000 Wyoming oil and gas leases sold between 2015 and 2020 — including virtually all of the leases issued under former president Donald Trump — in accordance with a trio of settlement agreements approved Wednesday by a federal judge."

The end game is obvious because it being done under the Biden administration.
Our production is down 1.2 million bbls per day in March 2022 than what it was in March 2020.

And leftoids like you spent countless hours attacking Trump over his good relations with the Saudis. But this is different. :lmao:
The cult blasts SA for murdering a journalist…but its fine to buy their oil and sell them weapons to commit genocide in Yemen.

The cult are soulless ghouls.
Murdering a TERRORIST club member Journalist no less. This journalists death was a good thing for humanity.
You realize the court battle is public information and widely reported. Pull your head out of CNN's ass and get informed, then come back to the forum ready to debate.
Does every Trump fan has to post based on their lack of knowledge of the language where the only words they can come up with are the insulting ones?

You did not debate. You insulted.
Anyone can ask for links. It is part of a debate.
Does every Trump fan has to post based on their lack of knowledge of the language where the only words they can come up with are the insulting ones?

You did not debate. You insulted.
Anyone can ask for links. It is part of a debate.

Where's your link to that?

"We as Saudi activists harmed by MBS feel betrayed by Biden," tweeted Abdullah al-Odah, an activist whose cleric father is currently imprisoned in the kingdom.

"Shaking hands with the same person who killed our friend Khashoggi, arrested our loved ones and tortured them, banned many of our family members from travel in order to blackmail us, and harass us here in the US?!"

Sorry buddy...President Pudding is on a mission...

Fun Fact; Pudding thinks he is going to Boca to speak with a prominent Persian rug dealer about a deal for his son Hunter...let's watch the whacky exchange!

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