Biden on forgiving student loan debt

And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
But you realize back then mortages were near 15-20% right?

No they weren't. They were in the 80's. That's when we really started screwing things up.
Yes thats what they were in the 80's, they were between 8-12% in the 70's 50 years ago. What are you arguing about? My point is valid no matter what the interest rates are, I was speaking to what correlates with interest rates and I don't see how the national debt effected rates in the way that you claimed.

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The rates have been driven down to finance the debt.
Yes because new money is created from borrowing and borrowing is what circulates money and grows the economy. Do you want a 15% mortgage on your home loan in exchange for a 7% interest rate on your savings account? Would you make that deal?

I don't need a mortgage. I was asked how it would affect me. All the same, I've already disputed the accusation that when banks were paying 7% that home loans were 15% so dismissed.
Ooh boy, you sure showed me... you win. I guess thats all your looking for instead of a substantive debate. Good day

You wanted an example. I provided quite a few. So what do you consider a debate? Answering your question doesn't qualify?
You provided some examples yes and then I asked about the examples. Like the interest rates. Why do you think the national debt effected the interest rates? They were obviously lowered to encourage borrowing. Why would we want to encourage borrowing? Because that creates new money and stimulates the economy. It also give people the opportunity to own houses and start new businesses. Those are the real reasons why interest rates have changed. If you disagree and still think it is because of the national debt then please explain why and how

Please. If you want a debate, either don't pretend to not understand or educate yourself.
I understand what you are saying but I don't agree, I provided my reasoning and asked you to explain why you would disagree but you reply back with this crap?! come on

The rates are low to finance the debt. If there is a need the interest rate is a secondary concern. People were starting businesses and buying cars and homes when interest rates were far higher.

I sold cars from 1987-1995. It was a big deal if we would get rates below 9 something. We still sold cars everyday. The first house I bought in 1985 was 9.9%.
I don't see what that had to do with my question or what we are discussing. You are showing how the national debt increase causes rates to drop. There are so many other policy reasons that caused the rates to drop that had nothing to do with the national debt.

It's all done to allow the debt to continue to rise and to boost the markets.
Ok back that up because I would say that its done to promote more borrowing which stimulates the economy... This is like economics 101 but if you have a different theory then I'm open to listen but you're gonna need to back it up.

Sorry, are you really arguing that the ultra low interest rates have nothing to do with the debt? How would the daily news be today if we were $28 trillion in debt and rates were at 9%?

Explain something to me. The argument in economics forever has been in good economic times you raise taxes and interest rates. Trump bragged over and over how he oversaw the greatest economy ever yet we did not raise tax or interest rates. He actually threatened the Fed for arguing they would raise rates.

Where would the money be coming from if rates were even 7%?
While it certainly would have been wise to raise interest rates, I've never heard your tax claim before. We should have been decreasing deficits, but trump cut taxes and increased military spending. Increasing deficits during a strong economy is the worst.

Which is why I support it all collapsing. If Trump wasn't going to do it, who do you suppose will?
Decrease deficits? A democrat I assume. They were generally decreasing for Obama. We can outgrow deficits if we avoid tax cuts and huge spending increases.

They came down from the huge deficits from bailing out wall street but the deficit still continued to increase.
If fluctuated but it went from $1.6 billion to $600 billion. I see no reason it wouldn't have declined if we hadn't gotten tax cuts and increased spending.

We have a Democrat in office. Are you expecting the deficit to decrease?
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
But you realize back then mortages were near 15-20% right?

No they weren't. They were in the 80's. That's when we really started screwing things up.
Yes thats what they were in the 80's, they were between 8-12% in the 70's 50 years ago. What are you arguing about? My point is valid no matter what the interest rates are, I was speaking to what correlates with interest rates and I don't see how the national debt effected rates in the way that you claimed.

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The rates have been driven down to finance the debt.
Yes because new money is created from borrowing and borrowing is what circulates money and grows the economy. Do you want a 15% mortgage on your home loan in exchange for a 7% interest rate on your savings account? Would you make that deal?

I don't need a mortgage. I was asked how it would affect me. All the same, I've already disputed the accusation that when banks were paying 7% that home loans were 15% so dismissed.
Ooh boy, you sure showed me... you win. I guess thats all your looking for instead of a substantive debate. Good day

You wanted an example. I provided quite a few. So what do you consider a debate? Answering your question doesn't qualify?
You provided some examples yes and then I asked about the examples. Like the interest rates. Why do you think the national debt effected the interest rates? They were obviously lowered to encourage borrowing. Why would we want to encourage borrowing? Because that creates new money and stimulates the economy. It also give people the opportunity to own houses and start new businesses. Those are the real reasons why interest rates have changed. If you disagree and still think it is because of the national debt then please explain why and how

Please. If you want a debate, either don't pretend to not understand or educate yourself.
I understand what you are saying but I don't agree, I provided my reasoning and asked you to explain why you would disagree but you reply back with this crap?! come on

The rates are low to finance the debt. If there is a need the interest rate is a secondary concern. People were starting businesses and buying cars and homes when interest rates were far higher.

I sold cars from 1987-1995. It was a big deal if we would get rates below 9 something. We still sold cars everyday. The first house I bought in 1985 was 9.9%.
I don't see what that had to do with my question or what we are discussing. You are showing how the national debt increase causes rates to drop. There are so many other policy reasons that caused the rates to drop that had nothing to do with the national debt.

It's all done to allow the debt to continue to rise and to boost the markets.
Ok back that up because I would say that its done to promote more borrowing which stimulates the economy... This is like economics 101 but if you have a different theory then I'm open to listen but you're gonna need to back it up.

Sorry, are you really arguing that the ultra low interest rates have nothing to do with the debt? How would the daily news be today if we were $28 trillion in debt and rates were at 9%?

Explain something to me. The argument in economics forever has been in good economic times you raise taxes and interest rates. Trump bragged over and over how he oversaw the greatest economy ever yet we did not raise tax or interest rates. He actually threatened the Fed for arguing they would raise rates.

Where would the money be coming from if rates were even 7%?
Tax revenues come from economic activity higher rates equal less borrowing equals less activity. Of Course you need to find the sweet spot... But the factor I don't see in this equation is the national debt. You still haven't explained how that practically effects things. My examples actually show cause and effect. yours doesn't... Can you elaborate more on how you think the national debt effects rates.

Rates were driven down because of our huge deficits and to boost wall street. I've already addressed this.
We will have worse debt if interest rates increase. I think trump wanted to try negative interest rates to decrease debt. Not a good idea.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
But you realize back then mortages were near 15-20% right?

No they weren't. They were in the 80's. That's when we really started screwing things up.
Yes thats what they were in the 80's, they were between 8-12% in the 70's 50 years ago. What are you arguing about? My point is valid no matter what the interest rates are, I was speaking to what correlates with interest rates and I don't see how the national debt effected rates in the way that you claimed.

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The rates have been driven down to finance the debt.
Yes because new money is created from borrowing and borrowing is what circulates money and grows the economy. Do you want a 15% mortgage on your home loan in exchange for a 7% interest rate on your savings account? Would you make that deal?

I don't need a mortgage. I was asked how it would affect me. All the same, I've already disputed the accusation that when banks were paying 7% that home loans were 15% so dismissed.
Ooh boy, you sure showed me... you win. I guess thats all your looking for instead of a substantive debate. Good day

You wanted an example. I provided quite a few. So what do you consider a debate? Answering your question doesn't qualify?
You provided some examples yes and then I asked about the examples. Like the interest rates. Why do you think the national debt effected the interest rates? They were obviously lowered to encourage borrowing. Why would we want to encourage borrowing? Because that creates new money and stimulates the economy. It also give people the opportunity to own houses and start new businesses. Those are the real reasons why interest rates have changed. If you disagree and still think it is because of the national debt then please explain why and how

Please. If you want a debate, either don't pretend to not understand or educate yourself.
I understand what you are saying but I don't agree, I provided my reasoning and asked you to explain why you would disagree but you reply back with this crap?! come on

The rates are low to finance the debt. If there is a need the interest rate is a secondary concern. People were starting businesses and buying cars and homes when interest rates were far higher.

I sold cars from 1987-1995. It was a big deal if we would get rates below 9 something. We still sold cars everyday. The first house I bought in 1985 was 9.9%.
I don't see what that had to do with my question or what we are discussing. You are showing how the national debt increase causes rates to drop. There are so many other policy reasons that caused the rates to drop that had nothing to do with the national debt.

It's all done to allow the debt to continue to rise and to boost the markets.
Ok back that up because I would say that its done to promote more borrowing which stimulates the economy... This is like economics 101 but if you have a different theory then I'm open to listen but you're gonna need to back it up.

Sorry, are you really arguing that the ultra low interest rates have nothing to do with the debt? How would the daily news be today if we were $28 trillion in debt and rates were at 9%?

Explain something to me. The argument in economics forever has been in good economic times you raise taxes and interest rates. Trump bragged over and over how he oversaw the greatest economy ever yet we did not raise tax or interest rates. He actually threatened the Fed for arguing they would raise rates.

Where would the money be coming from if rates were even 7%?
While it certainly would have been wise to raise interest rates, I've never heard your tax claim before. We should have been decreasing deficits, but trump cut taxes and increased military spending. Increasing deficits during a strong economy is the worst.

Which is why I support it all collapsing. If Trump wasn't going to do it, who do you suppose will?
Decrease deficits? A democrat I assume. They were generally decreasing for Obama. We can outgrow deficits if we avoid tax cuts and huge spending increases.

They came down from the huge deficits from bailing out wall street but the deficit still continued to increase.
If fluctuated but it went from $1.6 billion to $600 billion. I see no reason it wouldn't have declined if we hadn't gotten tax cuts and increased spending.

We have a Democrat in office. Are you expecting the deficit to decrease?
Well certainly not this year. He has a mess to fix. But I expect they will decrease each year.
People will buy cars at 7% and automakers will still sell them profitably at that rate.
A 7% Fed target rate means a 10% prime lending rate. Most borrowers would get much higher rates than prime on their loans. So reconsider, knowing this.

And they sold cars at higher rates for years because vehicles, at that time, cost a much smaller percentage of annual income for the average household. This is why a jump in rates like this would put a lot of auto makers out of business. People would not be able to afford their vehicles at a price where the makers could profit. This is because of wages.
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And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
But you realize back then mortages were near 15-20% right?

No they weren't. They were in the 80's. That's when we really started screwing things up.
Yes thats what they were in the 80's, they were between 8-12% in the 70's 50 years ago. What are you arguing about? My point is valid no matter what the interest rates are, I was speaking to what correlates with interest rates and I don't see how the national debt effected rates in the way that you claimed.

View attachment 458304

The rates have been driven down to finance the debt.
Yes because new money is created from borrowing and borrowing is what circulates money and grows the economy. Do you want a 15% mortgage on your home loan in exchange for a 7% interest rate on your savings account? Would you make that deal?

I don't need a mortgage. I was asked how it would affect me. All the same, I've already disputed the accusation that when banks were paying 7% that home loans were 15% so dismissed.
Ooh boy, you sure showed me... you win. I guess thats all your looking for instead of a substantive debate. Good day

You wanted an example. I provided quite a few. So what do you consider a debate? Answering your question doesn't qualify?
You provided some examples yes and then I asked about the examples. Like the interest rates. Why do you think the national debt effected the interest rates? They were obviously lowered to encourage borrowing. Why would we want to encourage borrowing? Because that creates new money and stimulates the economy. It also give people the opportunity to own houses and start new businesses. Those are the real reasons why interest rates have changed. If you disagree and still think it is because of the national debt then please explain why and how

Please. If you want a debate, either don't pretend to not understand or educate yourself.
I understand what you are saying but I don't agree, I provided my reasoning and asked you to explain why you would disagree but you reply back with this crap?! come on

The rates are low to finance the debt. If there is a need the interest rate is a secondary concern. People were starting businesses and buying cars and homes when interest rates were far higher.

I sold cars from 1987-1995. It was a big deal if we would get rates below 9 something. We still sold cars everyday. The first house I bought in 1985 was 9.9%.
I don't see what that had to do with my question or what we are discussing. You are showing how the national debt increase causes rates to drop. There are so many other policy reasons that caused the rates to drop that had nothing to do with the national debt.

It's all done to allow the debt to continue to rise and to boost the markets.
Ok back that up because I would say that its done to promote more borrowing which stimulates the economy... This is like economics 101 but if you have a different theory then I'm open to listen but you're gonna need to back it up.

Sorry, are you really arguing that the ultra low interest rates have nothing to do with the debt? How would the daily news be today if we were $28 trillion in debt and rates were at 9%?

Explain something to me. The argument in economics forever has been in good economic times you raise taxes and interest rates. Trump bragged over and over how he oversaw the greatest economy ever yet we did not raise tax or interest rates. He actually threatened the Fed for arguing they would raise rates.

Where would the money be coming from if rates were even 7%?
Tax revenues come from economic activity higher rates equal less borrowing equals less activity. Of Course you need to find the sweet spot... But the factor I don't see in this equation is the national debt. You still haven't explained how that practically effects things. My examples actually show cause and effect. yours doesn't... Can you elaborate more on how you think the national debt effects rates.

Rates were driven down because of our huge deficits and to boost wall street. I've already addressed this.
No you didn't, you made statements without explanations. Rates were driven down to boost Wall Street yes. Because lower rates creates more borrowing and investing. You haven't explained what deficits or the overall debt has to do with any of it
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
But you realize back then mortages were near 15-20% right?

No they weren't. They were in the 80's. That's when we really started screwing things up.
Yes thats what they were in the 80's, they were between 8-12% in the 70's 50 years ago. What are you arguing about? My point is valid no matter what the interest rates are, I was speaking to what correlates with interest rates and I don't see how the national debt effected rates in the way that you claimed.

View attachment 458304

The rates have been driven down to finance the debt.
Yes because new money is created from borrowing and borrowing is what circulates money and grows the economy. Do you want a 15% mortgage on your home loan in exchange for a 7% interest rate on your savings account? Would you make that deal?

I don't need a mortgage. I was asked how it would affect me. All the same, I've already disputed the accusation that when banks were paying 7% that home loans were 15% so dismissed.
Ooh boy, you sure showed me... you win. I guess thats all your looking for instead of a substantive debate. Good day

You wanted an example. I provided quite a few. So what do you consider a debate? Answering your question doesn't qualify?
You provided some examples yes and then I asked about the examples. Like the interest rates. Why do you think the national debt effected the interest rates? They were obviously lowered to encourage borrowing. Why would we want to encourage borrowing? Because that creates new money and stimulates the economy. It also give people the opportunity to own houses and start new businesses. Those are the real reasons why interest rates have changed. If you disagree and still think it is because of the national debt then please explain why and how

Please. If you want a debate, either don't pretend to not understand or educate yourself.
I understand what you are saying but I don't agree, I provided my reasoning and asked you to explain why you would disagree but you reply back with this crap?! come on

The rates are low to finance the debt. If there is a need the interest rate is a secondary concern. People were starting businesses and buying cars and homes when interest rates were far higher.

I sold cars from 1987-1995. It was a big deal if we would get rates below 9 something. We still sold cars everyday. The first house I bought in 1985 was 9.9%.
I don't see what that had to do with my question or what we are discussing. You are showing how the national debt increase causes rates to drop. There are so many other policy reasons that caused the rates to drop that had nothing to do with the national debt.

It's all done to allow the debt to continue to rise and to boost the markets.
Ok back that up because I would say that its done to promote more borrowing which stimulates the economy... This is like economics 101 but if you have a different theory then I'm open to listen but you're gonna need to back it up.

Sorry, are you really arguing that the ultra low interest rates have nothing to do with the debt? How would the daily news be today if we were $28 trillion in debt and rates were at 9%?

Explain something to me. The argument in economics forever has been in good economic times you raise taxes and interest rates. Trump bragged over and over how he oversaw the greatest economy ever yet we did not raise tax or interest rates. He actually threatened the Fed for arguing they would raise rates.

Where would the money be coming from if rates were even 7%?
Tax revenues come from economic activity higher rates equal less borrowing equals less activity. Of Course you need to find the sweet spot... But the factor I don't see in this equation is the national debt. You still haven't explained how that practically effects things. My examples actually show cause and effect. yours doesn't... Can you elaborate more on how you think the national debt effects rates.

Rates were driven down because of our huge deficits and to boost wall street. I've already addressed this.
We will have worse debt if interest rates increase. I think trump wanted to try negative interest rates to decrease debt. Not a good idea.

Of course we will have a worse debt. That's why the rates are being kept incredibly low. Trump mentioned negative rates but he said lots of things.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
But you realize back then mortages were near 15-20% right?

No they weren't. They were in the 80's. That's when we really started screwing things up.
Yes thats what they were in the 80's, they were between 8-12% in the 70's 50 years ago. What are you arguing about? My point is valid no matter what the interest rates are, I was speaking to what correlates with interest rates and I don't see how the national debt effected rates in the way that you claimed.

View attachment 458304

The rates have been driven down to finance the debt.
Yes because new money is created from borrowing and borrowing is what circulates money and grows the economy. Do you want a 15% mortgage on your home loan in exchange for a 7% interest rate on your savings account? Would you make that deal?

I don't need a mortgage. I was asked how it would affect me. All the same, I've already disputed the accusation that when banks were paying 7% that home loans were 15% so dismissed.
Ooh boy, you sure showed me... you win. I guess thats all your looking for instead of a substantive debate. Good day

You wanted an example. I provided quite a few. So what do you consider a debate? Answering your question doesn't qualify?
You provided some examples yes and then I asked about the examples. Like the interest rates. Why do you think the national debt effected the interest rates? They were obviously lowered to encourage borrowing. Why would we want to encourage borrowing? Because that creates new money and stimulates the economy. It also give people the opportunity to own houses and start new businesses. Those are the real reasons why interest rates have changed. If you disagree and still think it is because of the national debt then please explain why and how

Please. If you want a debate, either don't pretend to not understand or educate yourself.
I understand what you are saying but I don't agree, I provided my reasoning and asked you to explain why you would disagree but you reply back with this crap?! come on

The rates are low to finance the debt. If there is a need the interest rate is a secondary concern. People were starting businesses and buying cars and homes when interest rates were far higher.

I sold cars from 1987-1995. It was a big deal if we would get rates below 9 something. We still sold cars everyday. The first house I bought in 1985 was 9.9%.
I don't see what that had to do with my question or what we are discussing. You are showing how the national debt increase causes rates to drop. There are so many other policy reasons that caused the rates to drop that had nothing to do with the national debt.

It's all done to allow the debt to continue to rise and to boost the markets.
Ok back that up because I would say that its done to promote more borrowing which stimulates the economy... This is like economics 101 but if you have a different theory then I'm open to listen but you're gonna need to back it up.

Sorry, are you really arguing that the ultra low interest rates have nothing to do with the debt? How would the daily news be today if we were $28 trillion in debt and rates were at 9%?

Explain something to me. The argument in economics forever has been in good economic times you raise taxes and interest rates. Trump bragged over and over how he oversaw the greatest economy ever yet we did not raise tax or interest rates. He actually threatened the Fed for arguing they would raise rates.

Where would the money be coming from if rates were even 7%?
The printing press. If we had high rates we could not compete globally. Some countries have negative interest rates.

Which countries?
Japan, Sweden, Denmark...
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
But you realize back then mortages were near 15-20% right?

No they weren't. They were in the 80's. That's when we really started screwing things up.
Yes thats what they were in the 80's, they were between 8-12% in the 70's 50 years ago. What are you arguing about? My point is valid no matter what the interest rates are, I was speaking to what correlates with interest rates and I don't see how the national debt effected rates in the way that you claimed.

View attachment 458304

The rates have been driven down to finance the debt.
Yes because new money is created from borrowing and borrowing is what circulates money and grows the economy. Do you want a 15% mortgage on your home loan in exchange for a 7% interest rate on your savings account? Would you make that deal?

I don't need a mortgage. I was asked how it would affect me. All the same, I've already disputed the accusation that when banks were paying 7% that home loans were 15% so dismissed.
Ooh boy, you sure showed me... you win. I guess thats all your looking for instead of a substantive debate. Good day

You wanted an example. I provided quite a few. So what do you consider a debate? Answering your question doesn't qualify?
You provided some examples yes and then I asked about the examples. Like the interest rates. Why do you think the national debt effected the interest rates? They were obviously lowered to encourage borrowing. Why would we want to encourage borrowing? Because that creates new money and stimulates the economy. It also give people the opportunity to own houses and start new businesses. Those are the real reasons why interest rates have changed. If you disagree and still think it is because of the national debt then please explain why and how

Please. If you want a debate, either don't pretend to not understand or educate yourself.
I understand what you are saying but I don't agree, I provided my reasoning and asked you to explain why you would disagree but you reply back with this crap?! come on

The rates are low to finance the debt. If there is a need the interest rate is a secondary concern. People were starting businesses and buying cars and homes when interest rates were far higher.

I sold cars from 1987-1995. It was a big deal if we would get rates below 9 something. We still sold cars everyday. The first house I bought in 1985 was 9.9%.
I don't see what that had to do with my question or what we are discussing. You are showing how the national debt increase causes rates to drop. There are so many other policy reasons that caused the rates to drop that had nothing to do with the national debt.

It's all done to allow the debt to continue to rise and to boost the markets.
Ok back that up because I would say that its done to promote more borrowing which stimulates the economy... This is like economics 101 but if you have a different theory then I'm open to listen but you're gonna need to back it up.

Sorry, are you really arguing that the ultra low interest rates have nothing to do with the debt? How would the daily news be today if we were $28 trillion in debt and rates were at 9%?

Explain something to me. The argument in economics forever has been in good economic times you raise taxes and interest rates. Trump bragged over and over how he oversaw the greatest economy ever yet we did not raise tax or interest rates. He actually threatened the Fed for arguing they would raise rates.

Where would the money be coming from if rates were even 7%?
Tax revenues come from economic activity higher rates equal less borrowing equals less activity. Of Course you need to find the sweet spot... But the factor I don't see in this equation is the national debt. You still haven't explained how that practically effects things. My examples actually show cause and effect. yours doesn't... Can you elaborate more on how you think the national debt effects rates.

Rates were driven down because of our huge deficits and to boost wall street. I've already addressed this.
No you didn't, you made statements without explanations. Rates were driven down to boost Wall Street yes. Because lower rates creates more borrowing and investing. You haven't explained what deficits or the overall debt has to do with any of it
He is saying that keeping rates low reduces the interest expenses on our $28trn in debt. He is correct but it doesn’t matter when you print money.
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
But you realize back then mortages were near 15-20% right?

No they weren't. They were in the 80's. That's when we really started screwing things up.
Yes thats what they were in the 80's, they were between 8-12% in the 70's 50 years ago. What are you arguing about? My point is valid no matter what the interest rates are, I was speaking to what correlates with interest rates and I don't see how the national debt effected rates in the way that you claimed.

View attachment 458304

The rates have been driven down to finance the debt.
Yes because new money is created from borrowing and borrowing is what circulates money and grows the economy. Do you want a 15% mortgage on your home loan in exchange for a 7% interest rate on your savings account? Would you make that deal?

I don't need a mortgage. I was asked how it would affect me. All the same, I've already disputed the accusation that when banks were paying 7% that home loans were 15% so dismissed.
Ooh boy, you sure showed me... you win. I guess thats all your looking for instead of a substantive debate. Good day

You wanted an example. I provided quite a few. So what do you consider a debate? Answering your question doesn't qualify?
You provided some examples yes and then I asked about the examples. Like the interest rates. Why do you think the national debt effected the interest rates? They were obviously lowered to encourage borrowing. Why would we want to encourage borrowing? Because that creates new money and stimulates the economy. It also give people the opportunity to own houses and start new businesses. Those are the real reasons why interest rates have changed. If you disagree and still think it is because of the national debt then please explain why and how

Please. If you want a debate, either don't pretend to not understand or educate yourself.
I understand what you are saying but I don't agree, I provided my reasoning and asked you to explain why you would disagree but you reply back with this crap?! come on

The rates are low to finance the debt. If there is a need the interest rate is a secondary concern. People were starting businesses and buying cars and homes when interest rates were far higher.

I sold cars from 1987-1995. It was a big deal if we would get rates below 9 something. We still sold cars everyday. The first house I bought in 1985 was 9.9%.
I don't see what that had to do with my question or what we are discussing. You are showing how the national debt increase causes rates to drop. There are so many other policy reasons that caused the rates to drop that had nothing to do with the national debt.

It's all done to allow the debt to continue to rise and to boost the markets.
Ok back that up because I would say that its done to promote more borrowing which stimulates the economy... This is like economics 101 but if you have a different theory then I'm open to listen but you're gonna need to back it up.

Sorry, are you really arguing that the ultra low interest rates have nothing to do with the debt? How would the daily news be today if we were $28 trillion in debt and rates were at 9%?

Explain something to me. The argument in economics forever has been in good economic times you raise taxes and interest rates. Trump bragged over and over how he oversaw the greatest economy ever yet we did not raise tax or interest rates. He actually threatened the Fed for arguing they would raise rates.

Where would the money be coming from if rates were even 7%?
Tax revenues come from economic activity higher rates equal less borrowing equals less activity. Of Course you need to find the sweet spot... But the factor I don't see in this equation is the national debt. You still haven't explained how that practically effects things. My examples actually show cause and effect. yours doesn't... Can you elaborate more on how you think the national debt effects rates.

Rates were driven down because of our huge deficits and to boost wall street. I've already addressed this.
No you didn't, you made statements without explanations. Rates were driven down to boost Wall Street yes. Because lower rates creates more borrowing and investing. You haven't explained what deficits or the overall debt has to do with any of it
He is saying that keeping rates low reduces the interest expenses on our $28trn in debt. He is correct but it doesn’t matter when you print money.

Temporarily. Are you saying debt doesn't matter?
And who does everyone thing will be picking up the tab??

Why we tax payers of course.

If you want to go to college, get a job or a loan and go. Just don't expect the tax payers to pay your college bill for you.
The same people who pick up the tab when a big corporation bails and raids the retirement funds the govt. insures.

Then that makes everything okay? I’m tired of every stupid decision someone makes, we pay for. Trillions in debt, and those that promised to pay need to be held accountable and quit sponging off the working middle class.
I'm not meaning to promote debt but I am curious... How has the trillions in debt that our country has accumulated impacted your life?

It's going to. The rest of the world isn't going to allow us to print, print, print to buy new cars and vacation homes while they struggle with basic needs forever. It may not affect me but it's going to greatly affect future generations and as I note many times, it's not just about me.
I get the "its going to" argument but we have carried a national debt for generations. So my question is what actual effects have you felt in your lifetime as a result of the national debt?

I told you. I care about future generations. It also makes me want to puke when one group getting billions a year complains about those below them getting a little help.
I know you care about future generations as do I. Like I said, im not dismissing the importance of fiscal responsibility but I am asking if you or anybody you know has actually been impacted from the National debt. And if so, how?

You simply dismiss concerns as not legit.

Such as I want UHC. Even though someone like Sanders promotes a plan largely paid for people scream BUT we are $28 trillion in debt.
I never said your concerns weren't legit, I actually shared your concerns, don't put words in my mouth. But, I'm asking very simple questions and you keep avoiding direct answers.

I've answered it more than once.
You are right you answered the question, but you did so indirectly. You didn't actually give a direct answer the question that I asked. It was a very simple yes or no question that would involve some details if yes. I'm guessing the answer is No, you haven't seen any effects in your lifetime but you are concerned about the future. Is that right? Too bad I need to play guessing games to get a straight answer. Hope you can do better in the future

I explained how it directly affects me. The debt affects nearly everything. Interest rates such as how a retiree used to be able to live off interest on their savings. Now there is no interest.

I was looking at an older pic yesterday. 50 years appx. Banks were advertising 7% on savings. A retiree could do pretty well on that. Now they can't.
But you realize back then mortages were near 15-20% right?

No they weren't. They were in the 80's. That's when we really started screwing things up.
Yes thats what they were in the 80's, they were between 8-12% in the 70's 50 years ago. What are you arguing about? My point is valid no matter what the interest rates are, I was speaking to what correlates with interest rates and I don't see how the national debt effected rates in the way that you claimed.

View attachment 458304

The rates have been driven down to finance the debt.
Yes because new money is created from borrowing and borrowing is what circulates money and grows the economy. Do you want a 15% mortgage on your home loan in exchange for a 7% interest rate on your savings account? Would you make that deal?

I don't need a mortgage. I was asked how it would affect me. All the same, I've already disputed the accusation that when banks were paying 7% that home loans were 15% so dismissed.
Ooh boy, you sure showed me... you win. I guess thats all your looking for instead of a substantive debate. Good day

You wanted an example. I provided quite a few. So what do you consider a debate? Answering your question doesn't qualify?
You provided some examples yes and then I asked about the examples. Like the interest rates. Why do you think the national debt effected the interest rates? They were obviously lowered to encourage borrowing. Why would we want to encourage borrowing? Because that creates new money and stimulates the economy. It also give people the opportunity to own houses and start new businesses. Those are the real reasons why interest rates have changed. If you disagree and still think it is because of the national debt then please explain why and how

Please. If you want a debate, either don't pretend to not understand or educate yourself.
I understand what you are saying but I don't agree, I provided my reasoning and asked you to explain why you would disagree but you reply back with this crap?! come on

The rates are low to finance the debt. If there is a need the interest rate is a secondary concern. People were starting businesses and buying cars and homes when interest rates were far higher.

I sold cars from 1987-1995. It was a big deal if we would get rates below 9 something. We still sold cars everyday. The first house I bought in 1985 was 9.9%.
I don't see what that had to do with my question or what we are discussing. You are showing how the national debt increase causes rates to drop. There are so many other policy reasons that caused the rates to drop that had nothing to do with the national debt.

It's all done to allow the debt to continue to rise and to boost the markets.
Ok back that up because I would say that its done to promote more borrowing which stimulates the economy... This is like economics 101 but if you have a different theory then I'm open to listen but you're gonna need to back it up.

Sorry, are you really arguing that the ultra low interest rates have nothing to do with the debt? How would the daily news be today if we were $28 trillion in debt and rates were at 9%?

Explain something to me. The argument in economics forever has been in good economic times you raise taxes and interest rates. Trump bragged over and over how he oversaw the greatest economy ever yet we did not raise tax or interest rates. He actually threatened the Fed for arguing they would raise rates.

Where would the money be coming from if rates were even 7%?
Tax revenues come from economic activity higher rates equal less borrowing equals less activity. Of Course you need to find the sweet spot... But the factor I don't see in this equation is the national debt. You still haven't explained how that practically effects things. My examples actually show cause and effect. yours doesn't... Can you elaborate more on how you think the national debt effects rates.

Rates were driven down because of our huge deficits and to boost wall street. I've already addressed this.
No you didn't, you made statements without explanations. Rates were driven down to boost Wall Street yes. Because lower rates creates more borrowing and investing. You haven't explained what deficits or the overall debt has to do with any of it
He is saying that keeping rates low reduces the interest expenses on our $28trn in debt. He is correct but it doesn’t matter when you print money.
I agree, but you said it earlier we don't feel the effects of the debt or deficit directly in our daily lives. I don't know if we have for generations. The concern is about the elusive cliff that we would drop off if our currency was devalued or became obsolete through massive inflation like what happened in Venezuela. Right?
What do you all think of Bidens answer to this question?

Biden on forgiving student loan debt
“Forgiving” is such a FEEL good word.
How is he “FORGIVING” this debt?
What’s behind this forgiveness?
Explain the workings of how this debt is forgiven?

Forgiving a debt is an actual term that is used in economics. Not snowflake emo spin. Nice try at a twisting the topic but how about you answer the question in the OP before expecting me to answer your questions?
I said people would still buy cars at 7%. I also mentioned that I sold cars for years at 9-10%.
And i explained why the first statement was a misguided response, and why the second statement was true and possible at that time, but would not be possible today.

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