BIden passes EO to allow abortions

Nobody forces you to destroy it.

They force you to carry and pay for it.

And your stupid racism is noted boi.
Hahaha…that’s some funny shit…how many dirty whores who do or would abort their child pay for their child/children? Come on man….all those filthy whores suck the taxpayer tit.
According to you the unborn do. Their life can be gone before it really was given a chance to get out here and live.

It’s kind of crazy watching retirees claim life always ends in death while enjoying decades of life they want to deny the new borns.

You aren’t wrong in the end but why should we bring the end of that life before it even got started?
What people do is their business and I keep to mine.
what he said is not bull. dementia joe has signed an executive order that undermines a recent US Supreme Ruling..

How exactly?

Dementia joe cannot protect abortion access. the Supreme Court Ruled that state legislators have the power to regulate abortions within their boundaries, not the courts and definitely not the executive branch. dementia joe must abide by the separation of powers doctrine.

The Supreme Court rules the courts did not have the ability to do so. Have you missed the arguments around how the Democrats only have themselves to blame for not having passed something themselves and McConnell noting that the Republicans could pass a complete ban?

The ruling over rode RvW which threw it back to the states but the court never ruled that was that.
How could that dumb of a statement be made by that poster when it’s the entire crux of the issue?
what I posted is the factual truth. The SC ruled abortion to be a state issue, Biden issued an EO trying to make it a federal issue thereby overriding a SC decision. NO president has that authority. Senile Joe committed an act of treason with that EO and should be impeached immediately.
Yeah, I know. You're still full of shit. Trump is smart enough to know something like this has no chance once it is challenged before the USSC.
Nothing they can do about it. They aren't a higher authority than the POTUS.

So this is definitely on the ticket this November and 2024. Thank you for giving us the White House. Another election where the Republican should have won but you pulled this move. You should have waited for after Trump took back the White House. And Republicans had the Senate and House. You fucked up by showing your cards too early.

Also, this is a medical procedure between a woman and a doctor. It's unconstitutional that the Supreme's are in my doctors room.

Imagine a 10 year old rape victim has to spend $2000 traveling to another state to have an abortion. That just happened. There will be many more stories like this coming. This aint over. You wish. Far far from it.
Providing abortions is not a federal offense. No presidential pardon is available.

Laws and statutes don't seem to mean much to democrats. It must be part of the post American world.
Just like you didn't like it when the feds told you that you had to let black kids go to your schools, eat in diners, sit anywhere on the bus they wanted and drink out of your drinking fountains. Back when you guys identified as Democrats.
PEL-EEEAZE-- there is NO counterpart with conservatives to the kind of bullshit shenanigans the radical out-of-control, adolescent far Left ROUTINELY pull off. The Left have taken protesting to such an extreme I fear we may have to start criminalizing such rancorous juvenile destructive demonstrations.

You are creating the very police state you say you most fear as a necessity of dealing with yourself.
At the least, this has made abortion a campaign issue. You Republicans need to be honest. If you take control of the House, Senate and White House, you will make abortion illegal. So shut up and vote bitch. You know we will.
Stop being a turd wingnut.

You want dementia? look at the orange fuckup you can MacDonald's with.
so you think bedpan joe can run the country with executive orders. well what goes around comes around. mid-term elections coming soon
so you think bedpan joe can run the country with executive orders. well what goes around comes around. mid-term elections coming soon
That has already happened. We already know if it's a tactic that can be used, you'll use it. Like not giving Obama his Supreme Court pick.

you want us to fight you with one hand tied behind our backs. Sorry not gonna happen.
How exactly?

The Supreme Court rules the courts did not have the ability to do so. Have you missed the arguments around how the Democrats only have themselves to blame for not having passed something themselves and McConnell noting that the Republicans could pass a complete ban?

The ruling over rode RvW which threw it back to the states but the court never ruled that was that.
no the US Supreme Court does not make laws .it ruled that the states have the power to regulate abortion within their boundaries. dementia joe does not have power to protect access to abortion. dementia joe just reads the tele-prompter. what ever his handlers want him to read.
Just like you didn't like it when the feds told you that you had to let black kids go to your schools, eat in diners, sit anywhere on the bus they wanted and drink out of your drinking fountains. Back when you guys identified as Democrats.
Okay, now this made no sense. Or, was it just a knee jerk reaction. Gotta call something racist.
“Forcing“ women to have children?

They made the choice when they got knocked up.

I want to be clear here, I hope you misunderstood. AGAIN, I am FOR the ruling. Abortion isn't in the Constitution, they made the correct decision overturning Roe.

As I said and again hopefully you just didn't read carefully, what I object to is you hunting down women and tracking them OUTSIDE your State and trying to implement retribution for something outside your jurisdiction.

If you want to do that, you're a sick fuck. People in your State are not State government's property any more than we are the Federal government's property
so you think bedpan joe can run the country with executive orders. well what goes around comes around. mid-term elections coming soon
Any president can issue EOs and all have.

Are the mid-terms going to stop the president from issuing EOs?

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