BIden passes EO to allow abortions

Show us what Biden did to legalize abortion.

Learn to read articles:

"The order directs the government's health department to expand access to "medication abortion" - pills prescribed to end pregnancies - and ensure women have access to emergency medical care, family planning services and contraception. It also mentions protecting doctors, women who travel for abortions and mobile abortion clinics at state borders."
No, I do not support bounties.

I support any business that requires a mask to enter to deny service to people not complying.
Learn to read articles:

"The order directs the government's health department to expand access to "medication abortion" - pills prescribed to end pregnancies - and ensure women have access to emergency medical care, family planning services and contraception. It also mentions protecting doctors, women who travel for abortions and mobile abortion clinics at state borders."
Which already legal in all fifty states.
No, I do not support bounties.

But you have no problem making up that other people do. Which isn't based on nothing, it's based on that you're lying. Of course you support bounties, that's where you got the idea to make up

I support any business that requires a mask to enter to deny service to people not complying.

LOL, now you've gone all the way from socialist to libertarian. Leftists are classic. You are the worst liars in the world, and the biggest racists
what I posted is the factual truth. The SC ruled abortion to be a state issue, Biden issued an EO trying to make it a federal issue thereby overriding a SC decision. NO president has that authority. Senile Joe committed an act of treason with that EO and should be impeached immediately.
I agree
On the EO we Once Again, aka Hearsay situation, have liberals trying to alter words or in this case what the EO says. They specify IUD and birth control minutia while lying and denying that the EO tries to put a federal re-blanketing over each state.
I agree
On the EO we Once Again, aka Hearsay situation, have liberals trying to alter words or in this case what the EO says. They specify IUD and birth control minutia while lying and denying that the EO tries to put a federal re-blanketing over each state.
Facts will quiet down an active liberal lying thread every time
no the US Supreme Court does not make laws .it ruled that the states have the power to regulate abortion within their boundaries. dementia joe does not have power to protect access to abortion. dementia joe just reads the tele-prompter. what ever his handlers want him to read.

They have the power because RvW was overturned. The court never said Congress couldn't pass a law. I have no idea where you got the idea I said anything about the court making the law.
At the least, this has made abortion a campaign issue. You Republicans need to be honest. If you take control of the House, Senate and White House, you will make abortion illegal. So shut up and vote bitch. You know we will.

How will abortion be a campaign issue? The SCOTUS isn't GOP or Dem, it is SCOTUS. They are supposed to rule based on the strict letter of the law. They have satisfactorily shown that the judge that passed Roe v Wade originally based it on highly flawed and specious reasoning. But this is nothing which can be changed by an election no matter how we vote; the SCOTUS has simply returned responsibility for abortion laws back to the states and the people therein (us) instead of the Fed.

So it is pointless to make it a campaign issue since it isn't as much a matter of voting, but a matter of petitioning your state now to decide its laws amicably, which most will do. But you are wrong, if the House and Senate somehow passed a bill making abortion illegal, that would simply be reversing the responsibility back into the Fed's hands again which SCOTUS just shot down! It isn't a federal matter. It is a STATE right to decide, so I highly doubt any federal laws will be passed again usurping the decision out of the State's hands as that would directly conflict with the Supreme Court's ruling. Just more fear mongering to get a rise out of voters.

That said, states declaring a total ban on abortion now I think are making a mistake. There must be exceptions to every rule and any state doing so is just going to force women to find workarounds, either taking an abort pill or going to a state that allows it.
No one gets out of life alive.
No one. Doesn’t change you choosing death over life. Grim reaping.

Hey btw, so guns can’t kill, since one will die anyway sometime. Right? Why arrest anyone?
I heard the EO was written on toilet paper ... because that's all its worth, especially once it goes before the USSC.

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