BIden passes EO to allow abortions

Dude, you and your position on the original intent of the constitution reeks of white privilege that was written into the document. It established the white man at the top.

You just wouldn't post it because it's not moral or religious (unless you go to a white christian fascist church).
You prove him right every time you post. Libscum have no idea what the original intent of the constitution is.
The partisan ussc...
Because you and treasonous / seditious Democrats did not get your way?

Alito spelled it out perfectly

- Abortion is not a Constitutional Right

- The authority to legislate was returned to the people, the ability to dictate stripped from the Federal Govt / Democrats

- The USSC did its job, which was to rule on CONSTITUTIONALITY, not emotion, feelings, or liberal extremist agendas

I understand your FEAR, though - you have been trained to blindly follow / obey your Democrat masters for so long you fear and are incapable of self-governance.

Poor snowflake / sheep
Because you and treasonous / seditious Democrats did not get your way?

Alito spelled it out perfectly

- Abortion is not a Constitutional Right

- The authority to legislaye was returned to the people, the ability to dictate stripped from the Federal Govt / Democrats

- The USSC did its job, which was to rule on CONSTITUTIONALITY, npt emotion, feelings, or liberal extremist agendas

I understand your FEAR, though - you have been trained to blindly follow / obey your Democrat masters for so long you fear and are incapable of self-governance.

Poor snowflake / sheep
That originalist judge used the reasoning of a witch burning judge from the mid-ages in his opinion.

No wonder the approval rating of the court is 25% and falling.
Any president can issue EOs and all have.

Are the mid-terms going to stop the president from issuing EOs?
the mid terms will

1. get crazy nancy out of the speakers seat
2. create a veto proof majority
3. shut down senile Joe and his lies
4. return the country to sanity
the mid terms will

1. get crazy nancy out of the speakers seat
2. create a veto proof majority
3. shut down senile Joe and his lies
4. return the country to sanity

how much you willing to bet on number 2 happening?
How will abortion be a campaign issue? The SCOTUS isn't GOP or Dem, it is SCOTUS. They are supposed to rule based on the strict letter of the law

It is a campaign issue for two reasons.

One being that we have been told that they are not going to stop at RvW but will also go after Same sex marriage and legal birth control. Those words should be in every Dem ad between now and Nov.

Two, the leaders of the GOP have said if they get the majority they will seek to pass laws to outlaw abortion nationwide.

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