BIden passes EO to allow abortions

It is a campaign issue for two reasons.

One being that we have been told that they are not going to stop at RvW but will also go after Same sex marriage and legal birth control. Those words should be in every Dem ad between now and Nov.

Two, the leaders of the GOP have said if they get the majority they will seek to pass laws to outlaw abortion nationwide.
no one has said either of those things, in fact, the SC ruling specifically said it did not apply to those things, and even if it did, what it wrong with letting the voters in each state decide these issues? Justice Thomas said the court might want to "reconsider" those issues, Reconsider means review whether they are federal or state issues, not ban them. You libs need to stop lying about this, your lies are going to create violence by your more ignorant followers.
no one has said either of those things, in fact, the SC ruling specifically said it did not apply to those things, and even if it did, what it wrong with letting the voters in each state decide these issues? Justice Thomas said the court might want to "reconsider" those issues, Reconsider means review whether they are federal or state issues, not ban them. You libs need to stop lying about this, your lies are going to create violence by your more ignorant followers.

Yes, the same people on the court that implied during their hearings that RvW was safe told us that this ruling does not apply to other issues. They cannot be trusted. I believed them, supported them and even defended them.

I will not be fooled again.

Plus, the Repubs in Congress are talking about a national abortion law should they take back Congress.

How will abortion be a campaign issue? The SCOTUS isn't GOP or Dem, it is SCOTUS. They are supposed to rule based on the strict letter of the law. They have satisfactorily shown that the judge that passed Roe v Wade originally based it on highly flawed and specious reasoning. But this is nothing which can be changed by an election no matter how we vote; the SCOTUS has simply returned responsibility for abortion laws back to the states and the people therein (us) instead of the Fed.

So it is pointless to make it a campaign issue since it isn't as much a matter of voting, but a matter of petitioning your state now to decide its laws amicably, which most will do. But you are wrong, if the House and Senate somehow passed a bill making abortion illegal, that would simply be reversing the responsibility back into the Fed's hands again which SCOTUS just shot down! It isn't a federal matter. It is a STATE right to decide, so I highly doubt any federal laws will be passed again usurping the decision out of the State's hands as that would directly conflict with the Supreme Court's ruling. Just more fear mongering to get a rise out of voters.

That said, states declaring a total ban on abortion now I think are making a mistake. There must be exceptions to every rule and any state doing so is just going to force women to find workarounds, either taking an abort pill or going to a state that allows it.
Ha! You’re trying to bretend to be ignorant Whats at stake. Republicans will clearly make abortion illegal, which is unconstitutional
sure, and the vast majority in the black an hispanic communities, you racist!
No kidding . We’ll I wonder why so many on my extended WHITE family had kids out of wedlock in Colorado and Minnesota

As well as numerous abortions
no one has said either of those things, in fact, the SC ruling specifically said it did not apply to those things, and even if it did, what it wrong with letting the voters in each state decide these issues? Justice Thomas said the court might want to "reconsider" those issues, Reconsider means review whether they are federal or state issues, not ban them. You libs need to stop lying about this, your lies are going to create violence by your more ignorant followers.
When Thomas says reconsider contraception and gay rights he’s targeting them as next on his list
Ha! You’re trying to bretend to be ignorant Whats at stake. Republicans will clearly make abortion illegal, which is unconstitutional
Just to clarify, your position is that Republicans in every state are such a majority that they will make abortion illegal, state by state. How is this unconstitutional?
Just to clarify, your position is that Republicans in every state are such a majority that they will make abortion illegal, state by state. How is this unconstitutional?
It’s unconstitutional to be in their doctors office. That’s where abortions will happen in the future. Shhh. None of your business. Right to privacy. State has no business in this.
10 year old raped in Oklahoma. She won’t need to go to an abortion clinic. Her doctor will do it. It’s easy.
It’s unconstitutional to be in their doctors office. That’s where abortions will happen in the future. Shhh. None of your business. Right to privacy. State has no business in this.
There may never be a state that legalized murder depending on the location of the crime.
Actually many abortions are performed in doctor's offices. Look at Kermit Gosnell. It was his office.
Ha! You’re trying to bretend to be ignorant Whats at stake. Republicans will clearly make abortion illegal, which is unconstitutional
why is it unconstitutional to make it illegal?

Xiden EO is illegal.. Once again we see dems cheering on dictator like behavior from their dear leaders
There may never be a state that legalized murder depending on the location of the crime.
It’s not murder. The woman doesn’t think it’s murder and neither does the doctor.

But thanks for admitting republicans plan to pass a law that abortion is murder and illegal. No exceptions. Thanks. This is on every ticket every two years ladies. And men who don’t want to be fathers. Don’t forget them.
why is it unconstitutional to make it illegal?

Xiden EO is illegal.. Once again we see dems cheering on dictator like behavior from their dear leaders
Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It’s unconstitutional to get involved.
Any president can issue EOs and all have.

Are the mid-terms going to stop the president from issuing EOs?
if the midterm elections give Republicans control of Congress they are going to give Tele-prompter Joe hell. they will challenge a executive order that goes against a US Supreme Court ruling.
why is it unconstitutional to make it illegal?

Xiden EO is illegal.. Once again we see dems cheering on dictator like behavior from their dear leaders
u can make it illegal to open abortion clinics but you can’t outlaw abortions. It’s unconstitutional. Right to privacy, hippa laws, life liberty and pursuit.....

And I bet your religion is behind this. You guys are trying very hard to keep religious arguments out of this but we know you’re pushing your religious bullshit on us like terry shaivo.

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