BIden passes EO to allow abortions

I want to be clear here, I hope you misunderstood. AGAIN, I am FOR the ruling. Abortion isn't in the Constitution, they made the correct decision overturning Roe.

As I said and again hopefully you just didn't read carefully, what I object to is you hunting down women and tracking them OUTSIDE your State and trying to implement retribution for something outside your jurisdiction.

If you want to do that, you're a sick fuck. People in your State are not State government's property any more than we are the Federal government's property
no I do not support that either. If the woman's life is in danger it should be allowed. but I do not support a woman getting pregnant and then for their convenience getting rid of it.
Personal responsibility is you hunting down women who have abortions in OTHER STATES. What a load of crap. No, that's government overreach
You're full of shit I don't do anything like that, liar.
no I do not support that either. If the woman's life is in danger it should be allowed. but I do not support a woman getting pregnant and then for their convenience getting rid of it.
Man, those fucking jeezabels getting all pregnant and everything.

Why can't we make them cover up and be silent....?
Fathers of women seeking abortion… asshole

Write out your argument. All you're doing so far is trying to be snotty. And provide evidence for the shit you have been making up.

All we have so far is you're arguing that every woman who has an abortion has a man who is running away and won't pay for it or be involved in any way, so it's OK to kill the baby.

That's all you've offered so far. Is that it? Or have you just been a bad writer and you haven't articulated your point?
what I posted is the factual truth. The SC ruled abortion to be a state issue, Biden issued an EO trying to make it a federal issue thereby overriding a SC decision. NO president has that authority. Senile Joe committed an act of treason with that EO and should be impeached immediately.

the EO doesnt effect in-office abortions, only esnures access to the abortion pill, contraception, and IUD access as covered under the Affordable Care Act
You support laws putting bounties on people who don't take the jab, aren't you? Be honest
I supported laws that stated if you don't get vaccinated you have to wear a mask or be denied entry to businesses that required either for public health.
All we have so far is you're arguing that every woman who has an abortion has a man who is running away and won't pay for it or be involved in any way,
Not "every"..."most".

When you have to lie like that you have lost
You went back and forth between all and most, lying racist.

And you didn't prove most. So, where do you get that?
Basic logic. If a woman is pregnant and the father abandons his obligation… that’s going to lead to a lot of abortions
no I do not support that either. If the woman's life is in danger it should be allowed. but I do not support a woman getting pregnant and then for their convenience getting rid of it.

And you're perfectly entitled to that view. However, when it's not your body, you're not entitled to using guns to force them to do your bidding like you were a Democrat. Using force to compel a woman to carry a baby to term in her body is not a legitimate function of government
I supported laws that stated if you don't get vaccinated you have to wear a mask or be denied entry to businesses that required either for public health.

And you supported turning in people who didn't do your bidding for rewards, be honest
Basic logic. If a woman is pregnant and the father abandons his obligation… that’s going to lead to a lot of abortions

Exactly, you made up what you wanted to be. I just wanted you to say it, which you did.

I like how you threw a rod over my saying "all" instead of "most." Even though you actually said all and changed it to most when I challenged you. Sure, "some" men will do that, but you have no knowledge it's "most," you made that part up.

And you ignored my question on what your argument is. So if "most" men won't do ANYTHING, then kill the kid? Why does that just apply to the unborn then?
no I do not support that either. If the woman's life is in danger it should be allowed. but I do not support a woman getting pregnant and then for their convenience getting rid of it.
And do not ever make the mistake of letting them convince you that abortion as birth control is a rare thing. I worked in an abortion clinic. I saw.

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