BIden passes EO to allow abortions

Here in this country Congress can still pass a law overriding the president's EO

Let's back up. When congress passes legislation, it's often unclear. Legitimate EO's are in fact instructions to the exective branch that the President runs on how to interpret legislation. Congress sees the EO and can say yeah, that's what we meant or, no, it isn't. In the latter case they can pass further legislation to clarify.

So this is true, but it's not that "Congress can still pass a law." The EO should be built on legislation and it would be their turn in the process.

. Like Congress did to Obama after one of his first EO's. Also, the Courts can declare an EO unconstitutional like they did to Trump many times.

The leftist courts saw Trump and started violating the Constitution, it's what you people are, fascists and racists
Put it to a vote of just women
Put in in front of only the female members of the Senate or SCOTUS

Abortion would never be outlawed
I disagree with your claim, but both men and women can vote in the USA. So lets let the voters of each state decide this issue. Why are you libs so scared of the will of the people?
The idiot cannot use an EO to override a SC decision. its an illegal EO that will not stand a court challenge.

What makes you think it does that? It doesn't change a single state law banning abortion does it?
Put it to a vote of just women

Absolutely not. Why does being a woman mean you get to make decisions over other women's bodies? Our bodies are our own, they don't belong to others whether they are the same sex or not

Put in in front of only the female members of the Senate or SCOTUS

Abortion would never be outlawed

You really need to cut down on the drinking, Lush. Oh, and you're a racist
Very little. In fact on most cases where a woman is seeking an abortion the father wants no part

So if one father "wants no part" then we can conclude in general that having a baby affects the father very little.

Wow, you're an idiot. I'm seldom this impressed, but you are the real thing. And you're a lush and a racist
making it a federal issue after the SC ruled that it was a state issue. That is overriding a SC decision, its really not complicated.
How could that dumb of a statement be made by that poster when it’s the entire crux of the issue?

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