BIden passes EO to allow abortions

Absolutely not. Why does being a woman mean you get to make decisions over other women's bodies? Our bodies are our own, they don't belong to others whether they are the same sex or not

You really need to cut down on the drinking, Lush. Oh, and you're a racist
None of that negates the fact that the anti-abortion movement is primarily driven by MEN
See that's exactly what Jackass's do. In your case, a Kaz-Ass.

That's some pretty heavy smack there. You're a professional insulter, aren't you? That really isn't fair your picking on us amateurs.

LOL, what a stupid douche
None of that negates the fact that the anti-abortion movement is primarily driven by MEN

It's pretty funny how you jumped into that comment without ever checking, but I'm actually pro choice, drinking man. It amused me that it never occurred to you. Democrats are just the dumbest people. You have to be to follow your lame politicians
“One father” ? “In most cases” would mean MOST fathers dufus

So you believe that "most" fathers drop the sperm and run, do you? How long have you been an idiot? Your whole life, huh?
These policies are designed to target specific states, not all states equally. Hardly the purpose of federal directives, way outside purpose of an EO.
You mean he only gave help to those citizens that needed it? Imagine that. Usually they just loosely sling money around everywhere hoping the ones that need it will get in on it. Sounds too fiscally conservative for this administration. Was it a Republican recommendation?
No, it doesn't.

"The president's powers are constrained because U.S. states can make laws restricting abortion and access to medication, and the executive order is expected to have a limited impact.

"What we're witnessing wasn't a constitutional judgment, it was an exercise in raw political power," Biden told reporters at the White House after quoting heavily from the dissenting opinion in the ruling."

In Friday's speech, Biden instead laid out how abortion rights could be secured by voters if they elected more pro-choice senators, and noted the Supreme Court majority opinion referred to women's "political power."
He is stating that the SC decision to make abortion a state decision cannot be implemented. By illegal, imperialistic decree he has retuned the status to the way it was before this recent SC decision.
moony said:
The great flood was a mistake by Thor, no? If we are given free will then why is abortion outlawed in a land of free will?

outlawed...haven't you been celebrating and murdering with glee for the past 50 years??
He is stating that the SC decision to make abortion a state decision cannot be implemented. By illegal, imperialistic decree he has retuned the status to the way it was before this recent SC decision.
No he isn't.

Two weeks ago, the Supreme Court issued a decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and eliminated a woman’s Constitutional right to choose. This decision expressly took away a right from the American people that it had recognized for nearly 50 years – a woman’s right to make her own reproductive health care decisions, free from government interference. Fundamental rights – to privacy, autonomy, freedom, and equality – have been denied to millions of women across the country, with grave implications for their health, lives, and wellbeing. This ruling will disproportionately affect women of color, low-income women, and rural women.

President Biden has made clear that the only way to secure a woman’s right to choose is for Congress to restore the protections of Roe as federal law. Until then, he has committed to doing everything in his power to defend reproductive rights and protect access to safe and legal abortion.

Sut up liar, you didn't even read it, and that isn't what it says or does.
Try to be In less of a hysterical hurry when you bang out blather. That’s exactly what he decreed, that a state cannot make abortion illegal, abortion is back to federal purview.
So learns sun ting or sut de fcuk up yar sef
How are them thar liberals stupid on all levels? Then prove they are a liberal.
Two ways. They think they can do each other in the ass and procreate. They will go extinct if the Alphabet Pedo lobby cannot adopt. That should be against the law btw to let them adopt.
They also think they can murder 60 million minority babies at the planned parenthood extermination camps and eventually take over the country.
No wonder you douche bags have to rely on Propaganda, Heroin, Meth, Fentanyl and Illegals to spread your disease.
I'll Get you my pretty and that goes for you little friends too.
this would expand protection to the abortion pill, contraception, and IUD access as covered under the Affordable Care Act.

It would not protect anyone from getting "in office" abortions.
Perhaps the thread title is then incorrect
Biden is stating that states as individual states cannot regulate abortion
You mean he only gave help to those citizens that needed it? Imagine that. Usually they just loosely sling money around everywhere hoping the ones that need it will get in on it. Sounds too fiscally conservative for this administration. Was it a Republican recommendation?
Wrong, the issue at hand is a state issue, not federal. The EO distributes national resources to select states, to an even smaller subsection of the population based solely on a political basis. Clearly an abuse of office.
Can we just tell Joe he has has already served his term limit?

He will just go back to Delaware….he has no fucking idea what is going on.

Joe, thanks for your service, you are all done. Go relax on Rehoboth Beach….dont eat the sand.
Wrong, the issue at hand is a state issue, not federal. The EO distributes national resources to select states, to an even smaller subsection of the population based solely on a political basis. Clearly an abuse of office.
You mean his EO may not pass muster when you challenge it? Let me know when the legal brief is ready. I'll read over it for ya. Got a skilled lawyer lined up or are you going to go with a trump lawyer?

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