BIden passes EO to allow abortions

You mean his EO may not pass muster when you challenge it? Let me know when the legal brief is ready. I'll read over it for ya. Got a skilled lawyer lined up or are you going to go with a trump lawyer?
Your time would be better spent providing or looking into historical precedents for this. You won't find one, this is so clearly unconstitutional.
Your time would be better spent providing or looking into historical precedents for this. You won't find one, this is so clearly unconstitutional.
Not my gig. But if you prepare a brief, I'll read it.
'If you want to know what i think', i believe that leftists/liberals/progs/marxists/communists/socialists/democrat party know deep down that God exists , he scares them, and he will take away his protective hand from our nation if we persist in this murder of innocents. YOU KNOW YOURSELF...that leftists et al, are not happy unless all are suffering with them...well...the only time they're happy is if they think their opponents are They persist in this calling for the killing of innocents because they know God WILL turn his back on all of us and we will all suffer. We will all be in the same boat so to speak. It will destroy this nation and that appears to be what they desire. A leftist et al will gladly suffer if he thinks trump supporters are suffering too.

As I have said repeatedly, democrats don't abide by the law, they are the law.

True, that is what the Democrats are.

The cats out of the bag though. I'm pro-choice but I care about the law and abortion ain't in the Constitution, which means it's a State right issue, I'm with you on that.

But that you're going to trap pregnant women in your State, prevent them from leaving or getting mail ain't gonna happen, give it up
Well enlighten us then.

His big EO plan is to have the HHS to issue new guidance on “emergencies”.

I guess the plan is to declare an “pandemic of pregnancies“ as a national health ”emergency”, then use that as some excuse to provide abortions nationwide?
Well enlighten us then.

His big EO plan is to have the HHS to issue new guidance on “emergencies”.

I guess the plan is to declare an “pandemic of pregnancies“ as a national health ”emergency”, then use that as some excuse to provide abortions nationwide?

If you don't want abortions in your State, and your State doesn't want them, then life goes on. On the other hand, chasing women down just to force them to have children they don't want is sick and you lost my support
The only thing Xided "passes" fetches up in his Depends.

Executive Orders are not "passed" - they are diktats in the best emulation of Hitler seen since Rooseveldet had his bromance with the little fella's mustache.
Damn, those ghouls are blood thirsty.

Well, well, well, America's Most Popular President has now committed sedition and High Crimes attacking the Constitution itself and an equal branch of the Federal Government. Too bad it isn't still the 1700s where people like him would be taken out and keel hauled.

Worse, his ministry of misinformation continues spreading lies such as:

"President Joe Biden said the Supreme Court decision overturning the right to an abortion was an exercise in "raw political power."

SCOTUS has done no such thing! All they've done is return the power of abortion law back to the individual states and their PEOPLE, read: You and I.

We live in a nation of stupid, lying imbeciles.

If you don't want abortions in your State, and your State doesn't want them, then life goes on. On the other hand, chasing women down just to force them to have children they don't want is sick and you lost my support
“Forcing“ women to have children?

They made the choice when they got knocked up.
Republicans don't like it when we fight fire with fire.

PEL-EEEAZE-- there is NO counterpart with conservatives to the kind of bullshit shenanigans the radical out-of-control, adolescent far Left ROUTINELY pull off. The Left have taken protesting to such an extreme I fear we may have to start criminalizing such rancorous juvenile destructive demonstrations.

You are creating the very police state you say you most fear as a necessity of dealing with yourself.
If you don't want abortions in your State, and your State doesn't want them, then life goes on. On the other hand, chasing women down just to force them to have children they don't want is sick and you lost my support
Here's new concept for you, personal responsibility.
Briefly reading this it looks like what I figured it was - a political play that doesn't actually do what the name of the EO says it does. At all.
What it does do is ensure more of our tax dollars will be spent paying for "abortion access, outreach programs (aka hire some people to spend money).
So in essence what this EO is about is trying to appease the left (it doesn't) and spend a bunch of money doing it.
Pretty much all Joe has done since he has been in office. Do very little, but spend a lot of money on pet projects
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What would Trump do? He'd promise pardons for every abortion provider and patient.

Republicans don't like it when we fight fire with fire.
Over the years, Progressive Socialist judges in the courts have made laws or overturned votes or EO's as from Trump. What you see is Repubs copying Progs. Progs initiate most of this. Repubs follow. Now if a lower court Repub judge gets involved he may say the Biden EO is not legitimate. We damn well know the Prog judges do.
Over the years, Progressive Socialist judges in the courts have made laws or overturned votes or EO's as from Trump. What you see is Repubs copying Progs. Progs initiate most of this. Repubs follow. Now if a lower court Repub judge gets involved he may say the Biden EO is not legitimate. We damn well know the Prog judges do.
You forgot to add:

Trump had the worst record at the Supreme Court of any president in history.

A conservative court.

When you have to leave out important facts to craft a piece of shit narrative, that's your first clue your narrative is a piece of shit.

Free advice.
What would Trump do? He'd promise pardons for every abortion provider and patient.

Republicans don't like it when we fight fire with fire.
That's what's called breaking the law? lol scum.

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