Biden POLITICALLY FORCED To Acknowledge Granddaughter

The OP is a lie.
I therefore feel no obligation to acknowledge it.
TRUTH is that Cheeto-boy's family is doing all they can to get away so they're not joining him in Leavenworth for 20 years.
Maybe, but they are not trying to be disowned. Your article doesn’t really reflect the course of events as you describe them.
This is six years ago when he was a mess not anymore married with two kids and the Bidens don't need a stripper around to be blunt. The whole thing should be a private issue and you people are a disgrace. Well your propaganda is and that's you all over.
Had Biden just would have recognized his granddaughter then the issue would have been dead. It doesn’t matter that Hunter was a slut six years ago, it doesn’t matter the mother is a stripper, what matters is the 4 year old child. Nobody cares about the whore Hunter or his stripper girlfriend.
So pathetic it’s actually sad.

What are you babbling on about now?
Ivanka's $800 million deal with the red Chinese and what's his name's two billion from the Saudi Arabians. No Problem right? But Hunter and the uncle getting three million is huge right LOL over 6 years. Absolute brainwashed functional moron..
Why? He is his son's child, I would be estatic to meet them and proud to call them my grandchild, I really don't understand the denial BS.

BTW, everyone should want what is best for the girl, she is a child and how is denying that she is your grandchild best for the girl?
His son's child! His son has never seen the child. He went to court to stop that child from having his name.
Had Biden just would have recognized his granddaughter then the issue would have been dead. It doesn’t matter that Hunter was a slut six years ago, it doesn’t matter the mother is a stripper, what matters is the 4 year old child. Nobody cares about the whore Hunter or his stripper girlfriend.
Hunter's obligation is to pay child support. Fuzzy family feelings can't be legislated.
Uhh, if I’m off topic it’s because you started the diversion off the topic by going on some tangent about trumps kids wanting to be disowned. I was merely rejecting that assertion based on the evidence that the link you posted doesn’t provide.
It does.
Where's Melania?
See his daughter hanging with Trump lately?
How Jr.'s coke thing going?
and on and on...

The one he tried to throw away is trying to get close which is sad.
I'ts always sad to see a child hungering for the affections of an abusive parent.
Maybe, but they are not trying to be disowned. Your article doesn’t really reflect the course of events as you describe them.
Sure they are.
The only thing keeping them close is the hope daddy will kick the bucket soon.
After taking a provernial political ass-kicking for not only refusing to acknowledge his granddaughter through his son, Hunter, but for ordering all WH employees to remain silent about her, Joe Biden is finally acknowledging her.

Biden ridiculously thinks this reverse of course will win back his critics on this issue. No one is fooled.

Biden's sudden decision to acknowledge his granddaughter equates to Bud Light's attempt to salvage its image and avoid self-destruction. Biden is trying to do the same thing.

This is completely a political decision. I am sure his advisors briefed him on how much of an ass he and the 1st Lady are being seen as by the the vast majority of Americans and how much political damage was being done by his rejection of his granddaughter. This move just makes him even more of an ass.

I laughed at 1st lady.
Ivanka's $800 million deal with the red Chinese and what's his name's two billion from the Saudi Arabians. No Problem right? But Hunter and the uncle getting three million is huge right LOL over 6 years. Absolute brainwashed functional moron..
I have no interest in the drug addicted whore Hunter and how he made money, is not my concern, how he treats his daughter should be everyone’s concern.
I have no interest in the drug addicted whore Hunter and how he made money, is not my concern, how he treats his daughter should be everyone’s concern.
And you're going to find out how that all worked from Fox News and Internet conspiracy nuts. Great idea. Make her a political football LOL
Ivanka's $800 million deal with the red Chinese and what's his name's two billion from the Saudi Arabians. No Problem right? But Hunter and the uncle getting three million is huge right LOL over 6 years. Absolute brainwashed functional moron..

Ivanka has an actual business deal idiot. Happens all the time in the international business community.
Hunter and Quid Pro Pedo *Joe couldn’t run a lemonade stand.
You can be sure the trump kids did much much much worse while actually being in the government as Daddy's closest advisors. This just shows the power of BULLSHIT propaganda going on and on lying endlessly about someone who is not even in politics. Poor America.... I know, let's elect a Mussolini wannabe!
You forgot to mention Murdoch. You know they don't like that and you'll get another visit.
You have surpassed Joe 1311311131 as the dumbest poster on this forum.
Not counting all the GOP base brainwashed functional moron ignoramuses of course... who believe a mountain of crap with no evidence because Sean and Tucker and rush and the Orange Clown said so. Poor America. I say Murdoch and Fox should be thrown out of the country for lying proven lying about Anti American BS, the worst thing that has ever happened to American politics, people like you....

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