Biden says Putin "Cannot remain in power"

You tell 'em, Joe...

It's about time that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe took a firm stand against Vladimir Putin...


Biden calls for regime change in Russia: Putin ‘cannot remain in power’


Warsaw, Poland CNN —

President Joe Biden declared forcefully Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin should no longer be the leader of his country.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden announced at the very conclusion of a capstone address delivered outside the Royal Castle in Warsaw.


Joe's speech in Poland this afternoon was the most important thus far in his Presidency and he actually made a decent job of it...

But actions speak louder than words... and we will now see what kinds of additional aid that he gives to Ukraine in support of such fine words...

Some serious combat drones and anti-ship missile systems would make a good start...
Biden didn't call for regime change, but I do wonder how Putin can remain in power after this FUBAR.
Biden didn't call for regime change, but I do wonder how Putin can remain in power after this FUBAR.
as long as the military support him he will remain in power, but russia has had military coups in the past and it could happen again.
You tell 'em, Joe...

It's about time that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe took a firm stand against Vladimir Putin...


Biden calls for regime change in Russia: Putin ‘cannot remain in power’


Warsaw, Poland CNN —

President Joe Biden declared forcefully Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin should no longer be the leader of his country.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden announced at the very conclusion of a capstone address delivered outside the Royal Castle in Warsaw.


Joe's speech in Poland this afternoon was the most important thus far in his Presidency and he actually made a decent job of it...

But actions speak louder than words... and we will now see what kinds of additional aid that he gives to Ukraine in support of such fine words...

Some serious combat drones and anti-ship missile systems would make a good start...

And the Russians agree 100%

A Russian businessman imprisoned for a decade by Vladimir Putin believes the end is near for the former KGB operative's regime.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who founded one of the nation's first commercial banks, spent 10 years in a Siberian prison after publicly criticizing Putin's business corruption, but he now lives in London after he was freed ahead of the Sochi Winter Olympics, and he told The New Republic that President Joe Biden was right to say that Putin “cannot remain in power.”

"I told them to fire the prosecutor investigating Hunter and Burisma or I would cut off foreign aid to them, and son of a bitch they fired him" Biden

and you libs say Ukraine isn't corrupt and Biden is not corrupt. LOL
And the Russians agree 100%

A Russian businessman imprisoned for a decade by Vladimir Putin believes the end is near for the former KGB operative's regime.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who founded one of the nation's first commercial banks, spent 10 years in a Siberian prison after publicly criticizing Putin's business corruption, but he now lives in London after he was freed ahead of the Sochi Winter Olympics, and he told The New Republic that President Joe Biden was right to say that Putin “cannot remain in power.”
Invading Ukraine seems so backwards.
Invading Ukraine seems so backwards.
Study a little history. Ukraine was part of Russia for decades, after it was split off it became the most corrupt country in Europe. Parts of Ukraine want to rejoin Russia. Ukraine was bribing US politicians by paying their kids huge sums to sit on boards and do nothing.
Study a little history. Ukraine was part of Russia for decades, after it was split off it became the most corrupt country in Europe. Parts of Ukraine want to rejoin Russia. Ukraine was bribing US politicians by paying their kids huge sums to sit on boards and do nothing.
Kuwait was once a province of Iraq and they all speak Arabic. This is stupid. You're pretty ignorant about multi national companies. What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations
Russia will eventually win this conflict, if senile Joe gets us into it he must be impeached, not one american kid in uniform needs to die to protect the corrupt Ukraine from the corrupt Russia.

Harris' history of screwing her way to the top shows her character and the american people are entitled to know about it.

If "winning" means Ukraine's surrender and annexation to Russia, it's not going to happen.

What I suspect is going to happen is sort of Bosnian solution, where they going to keep Ukraine whole, but split it internally into ethnic states. That way Ukrainians can say they kept country whole and unified, and Russian can say they saved Russians in Ukraine. Both sides will claim they got what they wanted, and therefore they won, just to end up in war again ten years later.
Study a little history. Ukraine was part of Russia for decades, after it was split off it became the most corrupt country in Europe. Parts of Ukraine want to rejoin Russia. Ukraine was bribing US politicians by paying their kids huge sums to sit on boards and do nothing.

You should take your own advice.

Ukraine has never been part of Russia. It was part of the Soviet Union, by force, until its collapse. The people of Ukraine, even Russian separatists in Donbas and Crimea, want Ukraine to remain a separate autonomous country. The same sentiment is with Russian natives, especially those with family members in Ukraine. There is no support for Putins invasion, and genocidal war crimes of Ukraine.

And it will not go unanswered, or unpunished. If you are on the side of Putin, or his US asset Donald Trump. You are on the losing side. You are also a traitor that needs to find the business of a rope around your neck. In the days of Washington, Madison, and Jefferson, that’s exactly what would have happened to you,
If "winning" means Ukraine's surrender and annexation to Russia, it's not going to happen.

What I suspect is going to happen is sort of Bosnian solution, where they going to keep Ukraine whole, but split it internally into ethnic states. That way Ukrainians can say they kept country whole and unified, and Russian can say they saved Russians in Ukraine. Both sides will claim they got what they wanted, and therefore they won, just to end up in war again ten years later.
I think you are correct. Russia may annex the parts that want to rejoin Russia and leave the rest as Ukraine, but Ukraine will be without any military power and will remain a very corrupt country. Will the people be better off???? Who knows, probably not.
You should take your own advice.

Ukraine has never been part of Russia. It was part of the Soviet Union, by force, until its collapse. The people of Ukraine, even Russian separatists in Donbas and Crimea, want Ukraine to remain a separate autonomous country. The same sentiment is with Russian natives, especially those with family members in Ukraine. There is no support for Putins invasion, and genocidal war crimes of Ukraine.

And it will not go unanswered, or unpunished. If you are on the side of Putin, or his US asset Donald Trump. You are on the losing side. You are also a traitor that needs to find the business of a rope around your neck. In the days of Washington, Madison, and Jefferson, that’s exactly what would have happened to you,
Trump is not Putin's asset, what a stupid thing to say. If anyone is Putin's US asset it is the Bidens and Clintons who have been on Putin's payroll for years. Putin may be overthrown, but it will be done by the Russian military, not Ukraine. and you are wrong about history. Ukraine was part of the USSR and after splitting off became the most corrupt country in Europe.
Trump is not Putin's asset, what a stupid thing to say. If anyone is Putin's US asset it is the Bidens and Clintons who have been on Putin's payroll for years. Putin may be overthrown, but it will be done by the Russian military, not Ukraine. and you are wrong about history. Ukraine was part of the USSR and after splitting off became the most corrupt country in Europe.

Trump cancels Nordstream 2.
>Reeee, Trump is Putin's asset.

Biden cancels KXL, approves Nordstream 2.
>Reeee, Trump is Putin's asset.

Russia will eventually win this conflict, if senile Joe gets us into it he must be impeached, not one american kid in uniform needs to die to protect the corrupt Ukraine from the corrupt Russia.

There is corruption and then there is Russia which is next level. Russia doesn't appear to know how to win. They are doing what they have done in the past, poor military performance so to make up for it commit war crimes and turn cities to rubble.

Their economy is now going to go through some changes.

Harris' history of screwing her way to the top shows her character and the american people are entitled to know about it.


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