Biden says Putin "Cannot remain in power"

There is corruption and then there is Russia which is next level. Russia doesn't appear to know how to win. They are doing what they have done in the past, poor military performance so to make up for it commit war crimes and turn cities to rubble.

Their economy is now going to go through some changes.

wherever you have politicians you have corruption. DC is one of the most corrupt cities in the world. If you don't understand that you are very naive and uninformed. and yes, Harris is gross.
Their economy is now going to go through some changes.

You lefties never learn. Your kneejerk reactions ALWAYS end up biting you in the ass.

Russians lived under sanctions for most part of last twenty years. Do you think that European, followed by US sanctions are working?

Of course not, ruble is back to almost same level before they invaded Ukraine, plus from tomorrow they will accept only ruble as payment for their products. Although he will honor some active contracts (with countries that did not impose sanctions on Russia), new contract will be in rubles. Do you know what that even means?

You can't buy ruble for dollars, you have to buy them for gold. There are two payment systems, SWIFT and CIPS. The SWIFT is western payment system, which is nearly bankrupt, since there is no gold, and CIPS is eastern payment system that has gold. What's really happening is, the EU and the US are not taking Russia out of SWIFT, that would happen anyways, but Russia is kicking us in the balls by switching to use system that has gold.

It almost looks like it was all planned. Western governments would never get us go for "social credit" system, so they're just going to bankrupt the SWIFT which they were actively doing for the past hundred years and they're going to force us into CIPS. INO, we're not taking Russia out of SWIFT, Russia is moving to CIPS, and we are fucked, since dollar is basically worthless, so is EURO. Just few days ago, Saudis announced they will be taking payments in Yuan, which is another blow to our monetary system. With printing trillions of dollars in past few years, we nearly destroyed it without their help.

You lefties never learn. Your kneejerk reactions ALWAYS end up biting you in the ass.

There is nothing kneejerk about it. The sanctions are unprecedented.

Russians lived under sanctions for most part of last twenty years. Do you think that European, followed by US sanctions are working?

Yes, I do.

Of course not, ruble is back to almost same level before they invaded Ukraine, plus from tomorrow they will accept only ruble as payment for their products. Although he will honor some active contracts (with countries that did not impose sanctions on Russia), new contract will be in rubles. Do you know what that even means?

The lengths Russia had to go to get the ruble back to almost (though not really) the same rate has consequences such as rising interest rates. Of course Russia is going to make some changes to attempt to fight the sanctions and we'll just have to play along with them. Such as more sanctions, a long term (this is what is really going to hurt Russia) plan to steer European countries away from Russian oil. What they've done isn't just going to cost them in the near term (like Trump's dumb ass China trade war) but in the long run, nobody wants to depend on Russia for oil because they are not a good trading partner and are quite unpredictable.

Nobody wants to pay in rubles.

For the oil that countries will still have to pay Russia it won't be in rubles Russia doesn't have the leverage to make such a demand.

You can't buy ruble for dollars, you have to buy them for gold. There are two payment systems, SWIFT and CIPS. The SWIFT is western payment system, which is nearly bankrupt, since there is no gold, and CIPS is eastern payment system that has gold. What's really happening is, the EU and the US are not taking Russia out of SWIFT, that would happen anyways, but Russia is kicking us in the balls by switching to use system that has gold

It almost looks like it was all planned. Western governments would never get us go for "social credit" system, so they're just going to bankrupt the SWIFT which they were actively doing for the past hundred years and they're going to force us into CIPS. INO, we're not taking Russia out of SWIFT, Russia is moving to CIPS, and we are fucked, since dollar is basically worthless, so is EURO. Just few days ago, Saudis announced they will be taking payments in Yuan, which is another blow to our monetary system. With printing trillions of dollars in past few years, we nearly destroyed it without their help.

Neat. Compared to Russia the west and it's banking system is nowhere near bankrupt. Stop making shit up.
wherever you have politicians you have corruption. DC is one of the most corrupt cities in the world. If you don't understand that you are very naive and uninformed. and yes, Harris is gross.

I'd bet that Moscow has a tad more corruption. Beginning with murdering journalists, doctors and political opponents to you know that whole skimming off the top of the Russian economy (which may be why their military sucks so bad) oligarchy thing they have going on that really doesn't exist here.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation publishes a request from the Ukrainian company Motor Sich to the Turkish manufacturer Bayraktar about systems and mechanisms for spraying aerosols from them.
In fact, we are talking about the development by Kiev of means of delivery of biological weapons with the possibility of use against Russia
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation publishes a request from the Ukrainian company Motor Sich to the Turkish manufacturer Bayraktar about systems and mechanisms for spraying aerosols from them.
In fact, we are talking about the development by Kiev of means of delivery of biological weapons with the possibility of use against Russia
Seems legit. :auiqs.jpg:
There is nothing kneejerk about it. The sanctions are unprecedented.

True, those sanctions are unprecedented. But beside initial fall of ruble, they did nearly nothing to Russia. For them, it's business as usual. Once they reroute their oil and gas elsewhere, they'll be back in the saddle.

Nobody wants to pay in rubles.

It's not matter of choice. With Russians out of SWIFT, only remaining system of payments for them is CIPS. Guess what, you have to have gold to buy ruble to pay your bills. Those you're calling "nobody" are only western countries, including us. EU will have no choice but to pay in rubles, otherwise Russia will stop their deliveries. That is going to hurt them more than their/our sanctions are hurting Russia. Meanwhile, Russia has plenty of customers who are willing to pay for their oil in discounted prices, India is already negotiating, so is nearly everyone in the eastern hemisphere.

Of course, sanctions will do some damage, but one thing you're incapable of processing is that Russian people are way better adapted to this game than western countries are. I think it was back in 2003 when our eastern power grid collapsed for couple of days and it caused mayhem among unprepared Americans. Russians can live like that for months and they would probably laugh about it.
True, those sanctions are unprecedented. But beside initial fall of ruble, they did nearly nothing to Russia. For them, it's business as usual. Once they reroute their oil and gas elsewhere, they'll be back in the saddle.

Yeah, 20% interest rates to prop up their shitty currency. I'm sure they won't feel that at all. And no, it's not business as usual. Unprecedented is unprecedented.

It's not matter of choice. With Russians out of SWIFT, only remaining system of payments for them is CIPS. Guess what, you have to have gold to buy ruble to pay your bills. Those you're calling "nobody" are only western countries, including us. EU will have no choice but to pay in rubles, otherwise Russia will stop their deliveries. That is going to hurt them more than their/our sanctions are hurting Russia. Meanwhile, Russia has plenty of customers who are willing to pay for their oil in discounted prices, India is already negotiating, so is nearly everyone in the eastern hemisphere.

Russia is backing down from that. I posted a link you didn't read it. Their are already contracts signed and paying in rubles is not in it. Then of course long term, their product is not going to be in high demand as Europe transitions away from Russia on a more permanent basis.

Of course, sanctions will do some damage, but one thing you're incapable of processing is that Russian people are way better adapted to this game than western countries are. I think it was back in 2003 when our eastern power grid collapsed for couple of days and it caused mayhem among unprepared Americans. Russians can live like that for months and they would probably laugh about it.

Like I said unprecedented sanctions are unprecedented. This is also is less about the Russian people and more about the billionaire oligarchs who don't have any place to spend their money.

What do Russian sanctions have to do with our own collapsing infrastructure? Nothing.
I guess you missed my earlier posts about Ukraine, and their "understandable" hate towards Russians, because... what's the best way to piss them off but to turn into something that Russians hate most. Still, because of what Ukrainians did in Donbas during past 8 years, I don't blame Russians at all for invasion. And I don't care if they keep killing each other for the next ten years. Bad guys fighting other bad guys, it shouldn't be my problem.

What my problem are idiots like you, whose entire political ideology is based on telling other people what to think, what to do, and what to say. Just because I don't fall for your leftist propaganda, or because I don't agree with demented Joe, or with you, it doesn't mean I condone Russian actions. I don't have to, and I don't want to support your perverted world view, your collectivism, your ideology, that in its current shape and form is even worse than Putin propaganda.
Sorry pal, you posted your cartoon. It said what you meant it to say. And it was idiotic. And this happened because you didn't and still don't know jack shit about the Azov battalion, except for what I have taught you.

You gleefully regurgitated Putin propaganda based on lies. And you got caught. So now you have a hissy fit.
Yeah, 20% interest rates to prop up their shitty currency. I'm sure they won't feel that at all. And no, it's not business as usual. Unprecedented is unprecedented.
"Unprecedented is unprecedented"

You're repeating it because Biden tweeted it?


Do you even know what that means? It's just bit harsher then it was before. Russia adjusted their interest rates, and while Biden and you were celebrating, ruble came back in no time. When it stabilize, they'll lower interest rates. Even interest rates are not hurting them much, because they have almost no foreign debt, some $40-50 billion or so. Our government spend that much in three days.

Russia is backing down from that. I posted a link you didn't read it. Their are already contracts signed and paying in rubles is not in it. Then of course long term, their product is not going to be in high demand as Europe transitions away from Russia on a more permanent basis.

Incorrect, again. Did you read what I said? Whoever told you that wants you to believe that they're capable of controlling the situation. Of course, you'll swallow any shit that comes out of their asses.

He's not backing out at all, he's honoring the current active contracts, except with countries who sanctioned Russia. Here, fresh from today.

Putin says Russia will enforce rouble payments for gas from Friday

He even signed a legal decree for it, so who do you think will blink first?

Like I said unprecedented sanctions are unprecedented. This is also is less about the Russian people and more about the billionaire oligarchs who don't have any place to spend their money.

What do Russian sanctions have to do with our own collapsing infrastructure? Nothing.

You are more clueless that I thought. Our companies have much more assets in Russia, than Russia have in the west. Knowing that, what do you think, who is hurting more?
"Unprecedented is unprecedented"

You're repeating it because Biden tweeted it?

View attachment 624073

Do you even know what that means? It's just bit harsher then it was before. Russia adjusted their interest rates, and while Biden and you were celebrating, ruble came back in no time. When it stabilize, they'll lower interest rates. Even interest rates are not hurting them much, because they have almost no foreign debt, some $40-50 billion or so. Our government spend that much in three days.

Incorrect, again. Did you read what I said? Whoever told you that wants you to believe that they're capable of controlling the situation. Of course, you'll swallow any shit that comes out of their asses.

He's not backing out at all, he's honoring the current active contracts, except with countries who sanctioned Russia. Here, fresh from today.

Putin says Russia will enforce rouble payments for gas from Friday

He even signed a legal decree for it, so who do you think will blink first?

You are more clueless that I thought. Our companies have much more assets in Russia, than Russia have in the west. Knowing that, what do you think, who is hurting more?
Why are you covertly supporting communists and denying facts?
Sorry pal, you posted your cartoon. It said what you meant it to say. And it was idiotic. And this happened because you didn't and still don't know jack shit about the Azov battalion, except for what I have taught you.

You are incapable of teaching anything, since you are just repeating MSM propaganda. What you hear from and spew here is not knowledge, it's just an echo chamber.

I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you've never used it.

You gleefully regurgitated Putin propaganda based on lies. And you got caught. So now you have a hissy fit.

And there you go again... mindless fuck thinking that anyone who doesn't agree with him is traitor. If at least you're echoing someone smart, but Biden? Don't you ever get tired of the noises?
Seems legit. :auiqs.jpg:
I also think it's unrealistic. Why order drones worth more than $2 million each to carry 20 liters of biological weapons? It is much more logical to fill this tank with 20 liters of Coca-Cola to quench the thirst of your soldiers. That's as much as 5 gallons!
You are incapable of teaching anything, since you are just repeating MSM propaganda.
A desperate, sleazy lie, as anyone can see for themselves. I only posted a couple facts, which is a couple more than you knew before regurgitating Putin's propaganda. You know nothing about the Azov battalion. Not its size, not its history.

But you are spreading Putins propaganda that the Ukrainians are nazis in general.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

But you cultists are no longer capable of shame.
A desperate, sleazy lie, as anyone can see for themselves. I only posted a couple facts, which is a couple more than you knew before regurgitating Putin's propaganda. You know nothing about the Azov battalion. Not its size, not its history.

But you are spreading Putins propaganda that the Ukrainians are nazis in general.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

But you cultists are no longer capable of shame.

Incorrect, again. Check my earlier posts. I wrote about whole history, posted links to books and documentaries, I wrote about Bandera followers and parties that supported it.

Where have I said that Ukrainians are Nazis in general? Opps, you should rethink that one, since it didn't happen. But Ukrainian government accepted all those nationalist groups like Svoboda, Right Sector, Azov, Ukrainian National Assembly, Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, Fatherland, etc and did nothing to limit their influence. Every single one of those groups are anti-Russian.

Unlike you, I know history, and I am not falling for media narrative. Just because I don't support Ukraine, it doesn't mean I support Russia. I criticize both sides equally, you just don't see it, because you're moron who think that I have to take side, like you did, because Biden said so.

Why should I be ashamed of myself? Believe me, if I was retarded at your level, I would be ashamed, I would stop posting here.
Incorrect, again. Check my earlier posts. I wrote about whole history, posted links to books and documentaries, I wrote about Bandera followers and parties that supported it.

Where have I said that Ukrainians are Nazis in general? Opps, you should rethink that one, since it didn't happen. But Ukrainian government accepted all those nationalist groups like Svoboda, Right Sector, Azov, Ukrainian National Assembly, Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, Fatherland, etc and did nothing to limit their influence. Every single one of those groups are anti-Russian.

Unlike you, I know history, and I am not falling for media narrative. Just because I don't support Ukraine, it doesn't mean I support Russia. I criticize both sides equally, you just don't see it, because you're moron who think that I have to take side, like you did, because Biden said so.

Why should I be ashamed of myself? Believe me, if I was retarded at your level, I would be ashamed, I would stop posting here.
Nah, you posted half truths and exaggerated opinions, to support your Putin propaganda.

In what the rest of us call reality, the battalion is only about 1000 people, and they are not all nazis, and are not allowed to wear nazi symbols.

You didn't post any kind this. Instead you oisted a putin proganaganda cartoon conflating Ukrainians in general and nazis. I would like to say it is because you are sleazy liar wo was trying to fool people. But the truth is - as has become apparent- you are just abjectly ignorant.

And you got caught. Now, instead of being a normal human being and admitted you lied and got fooled, you have a hissy fit.

Even 4 year Olds admit they lied, when they see they can no longer keep up the lie. But not you.

Post your cartoon again. Own it. Since, you know, it is so accurate.
Nah, you posted half truths and exaggerated opinions, to support your Putin propaganda.

In what the rest of us call reality, the battalion is only about 1000 people, and they are not all nazis, and are not allowed to wear nazi symbols.

You didn't post any kind this. Instead you oisted a putin proganaganda cartoon conflating Ukrainians in general and nazis. I would like to say it is because you are sleazy liar wo was trying to fool people. But the truth is - as has become apparent- you are just abjectly ignorant.

And you got caught. Now, instead of being a normal human being and admitted you lied and got fooled, you have a hissy fit.

Even 4 year Olds admit they lied, when they see they can no longer keep up the lie. But not you.

Post your cartoon again. Own it. Since, you know, it is so accurate.

You're bitching about a cartoon, really? You're THAT dumb that you think cartoon is true reflection of real life situation. And you got stuck on it. You're THAT stupid?

You think you really need to "teach" someone who served, about size of battalion? :laughing0301:

You see, the only difference in Putin propaganda, and MSM propaganda is that you can know for sure you can't trust Putin, so it's easy to filter what's true or not. And difference between you and me is that I refuse to take side in this. Both, Russians and Ukrainians are corrupted. They're both bad guys. You chose side because you were told so. Because you are unable to think and act on your own, you have to be told what to think in order to function. I can't imagine what you're going thru, really... how does it feel to have one single brain cell, that is fighting for dominance. I guess it's awesome!
You're bitching about a cartoon, really?
I believe I was clear that I was correcting your lies and the message you tried to send with your putin propaganda.

You mock me, but you are the one that posted a putin propaganda cartoon. You are the useful idiot who found it important enough to post it.

Which is ironic.

But cultists, in addition to having no shame, are also immune to irony.
I believe I was clear that I was correcting your lies and the message you tried to send with your putin propaganda.

You mock me, but you are the one that posted a putin propaganda cartoon. You are the useful idiot who found it important enough to post it.

Which is ironic.

But cultists, in addition to having no shame, are also immune to irony.

I am not mocking you, limp wrist. I pity you and your brainwashed space in between your ears.

Saying that sanctions are not hurting Putin is not propaganda, it's the reality. Saying that those the same sanctions are hurting us as much, if not more, is also a reality. Look at the inflation, look at the price of wheat, corn, oil, gasoline, look at how much money is printed to pay for leftist pipe dreams, and say it's not hurting us now, and even more in a long run.

And again, you're in no position to call anyone cultist...


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