Biden Team Announces Inauguration Theme: ‘America United’

“Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.”

But white guys? Everything wrong with America is your fault anyway and on top of that you probably voted for Trump, so Fuck You.
This is what communists see as uniting the country. The only thing missing is a demand that Christians denounce Christ.

What did I say when he first started prattling about "unity"? The only unity the left wants is slaves peacefully accepting the chains of their masters.
“Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses, and finally having equal access to resources needed to reopen and rebuild.”

But white guys? Everything wrong with America is your fault anyway and on top of that you probably voted for Trump, so Fuck You.
Because Joe Biden isn't an OLD WHITE MAN WHO HAS BEEN RAPING AMERICA FOR 47 YEARS. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that part.
Not the Babylon Bee.
Pandemic, your $1200, tens of millions unemployed, economy in the tank...SO LETS FOCUS ON A USELESS IMPEACHMENT.

Biden isn't focusing on impeachment. He's focusing on his agenda. Democrats are focusing on impeachment. Which they may wrap up by tomorrow night.

If Biden was truly interested in uniting the country, he'd be focused on being gracious and telling the vindictive democrats to move on, let Trump finish out his last week, offer him that he's welcome at the inauguration, and move on with the real business of the country.
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When senile Joe talks about being United.
He means the Democrats being United against anyone who doesn't believe and think exactly like they do. ... :cool:

Hang in there folks Trump isn't done yet. Pelousy hasn't shown at the House for two days. Wonder where that hag is. Oh wait. I forgot, her laptop got swiped. Bet there's all kinds on that bad boy. Should be an interesting next few days. LOL
Not the Babylon Bee.
Pandemic, your $1200, tens of millions unemployed, economy in the tank...SO LETS FOCUS ON A USELESS IMPEACHMENT.

he wants a united america like iceland wanted a country free of downs syndrome,,,

you just kill them,,,
There is a reason democrats are pushing for abortion practices similar to those in China you know.
Not the Babylon Bee.
Pandemic, your $1200, tens of millions unemployed, economy in the tank...SO LETS FOCUS ON A USELESS IMPEACHMENT.

Biden isn't focusing on impeachment. He's focusing on his agenda. Democrats are focusing on impeachment. Which they may wrap up by tomorrow night.

If Biden was truly interested in uniting the country, he'd be focused on being gracious and telling the vindictive democrats to move on, let Trump finish out his last week, offer him that he's welcome at the insurguration, and move on with the real business of the country.

Trump wouldn't be coming even if he was invited. He was never going to attend. He even said so.
So far, I see Biden largely focusing on his agenda. Everybody else is worried about Trump.
Not the Babylon Bee.
Pandemic, your $1200, tens of millions unemployed, economy in the tank...SO LETS FOCUS ON A USELESS IMPEACHMENT.

Biden isn't focusing on impeachment. He's focusing on his agenda. Democrats are focusing on impeachment. Which they may wrap up by tomorrow night.

If Biden was truly interested in uniting the country, he'd be focused on being gracious and telling the vindictive democrats to move on, let Trump finish out his last week, offer him that he's welcome at the insurguration, and move on with the real business of the country.

Trump wouldn't be coming even if he was invited. He was never going to attend. He even said so.
So far, I see Biden largely focusing on his agenda. Everybody else is worried about Trump.

Then it would be HIS choice and he would look the sore loser instead of the exiled, deposed president.
Let's all wish Mr. Biden & Ms. Harris a very happy and successful Inauguration next week.

I have read that opponents are planning demonstrations across the nation on the same day.

That is not very classy, IMHO.

Although I, too, have my doubts about the honesty of the November 3 election, I hope that opponents simply ignore the Inauguration and spend time on pleasant personal activities, such as watching reruns of "Friends."

There will be plenty of time in the next four years to PEACEFULLY resist the Dem dictatorship.

So show some class and let the Dems have next Wednesday to themselves.
Not the Babylon Bee.
Pandemic, your $1200, tens of millions unemployed, economy in the tank...SO LETS FOCUS ON A USELESS IMPEACHMENT.

Biden isn't focusing on impeachment. He's focusing on his agenda. Democrats are focusing on impeachment. Which they may wrap up by tomorrow night.

If Biden was truly interested in uniting the country, he'd be focused on being gracious and telling the vindictive democrats to move on, let Trump finish out his last week, offer him that he's welcome at the insurguration, and move on with the real business of the country.

Trump wouldn't be coming even if he was invited. He was never going to attend. He even said so.
So far, I see Biden largely focusing on his agenda. Everybody else is worried about Trump.
Libbers are the only ones talking about Trump though
Let's all wish Mr. Biden & Ms. Harris a very happy and successful Inauguration next week.

I have read that opponents are planning demonstrations across the nation on the same day.

That is not very classy, IMHO.

Although I, too, have my doubts about the honesty of the November 3 election, I hope that opponents simply ignore the Inauguration and spend time on pleasant personal activities, such as watching reruns of "Friends."

There will be plenty of time in the next four years to PEACEFULLY resist the Dem dictatorship.

So show some class and let the Dems have next Wednesday to themselves.

When senile Joe talks about being United.
He means the Democrats being United against anyone who doesn't believe and think exactly like they do. ... :cool:

You mean the way Trump and his supporters have treated everyone who didn't believe as they did?
ODS is starting early. :)

Let's see you back up your this:

. Perhaps it is more accurate to say Nazi...Fascist...or Bolshevik .....status is settling onto America.

If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

“Democrats: ‘We Have a List, and You Will NEVER Work Again if You Helped Trump’

Democrats are creating a list of Donald Trump supporters and are vowing to destroy their lives. They believe Republicans must be punished for their sins of patriotism and conservative values. Is your name on the list?

Democrats vow to punish Trump supporters

The Democrats despise President Trump and his legion of loyal supporters. Now they’re threatening to destroy your life if you ever supported Trump.

It seems 2020 is the year the Communists in Washington, big-tech and mainstream media make their move against American patriots.

Jennifer Rubin is a Washington Post columnist who is threatening to blacklist any Republican “making baseless allegations of fraud.” She ends her Tweet with the ominous warning, “We have a list.”

Robert Reich, who worked with Democrats Obama and Clinton in the past, has said “When this nightmare is all over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

Chris Hayes, Left-wing talking head from MSNBC, agreed with the idea of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and it should include people who don’t believe in wearing masks to stop the spread of COVID-19.”
Democrats: ‘We Have a List, and You Will NEVER Work Again if You Helped Trump’ - Stillness in the Storm

We've seen this sort of thing from totalitarians throughout history.

Where's the shock??? This is the only US party that ever put our own citizens in concentration camps.

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