Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

Let Fox News in.

Let the WSJ in.

But thegatewaypundit?

It's not a media outlet.

It's a bastion of cranks, nutbars and conspiracy theories.
That sounds more like CNN and MSNBC. It sounds exactly like them. Your media is full of KNOWN liars.

You're clinging to a fakenews outlet that tells you the lies you want to hear.

And they couldn't give a shit about you.

All they care about is money.
Here’s some free advice. EVERY network only cares about money. It what keeps them on air. You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny.

Here's some better advice. "You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny."

I don't think that CNN or MSNBC know or care that I exist. But you seem to think that we do. That just goes to demonstrate how utterly out of touch with reality you are.

I expect that the network provide me with factual reporting on issues. If I find the network unreliable in reporting facts or information, or if they consistently lie about the other side and their programs, I'm done viewing. That's why I don't watch CNN. But I do watch BBC, CBC, Global, and CTV.

The billionaire owned right wing media owned by Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer Family, the Sinclair Family, and funded by right wing billionaires, is lying for the tax cuts. Pure and simple. FOX News should have it's license revoked for their dishonesty during the 2020 election, although the Dominion Voting Machine lawsuit has the possibility of financially crippling both FOX and Murdoch.
Hey asshole, you best STFU before embarrassing yourself further. Lying for tax cuts? That’s all you have? Fox should lose their license? Go fuck yourself. Dominion will NEVER file any lawsuits either your gullible sheep. More piles of shit from one the the biggest liars here. I know what you are. An uneducated bitch who wakes up every day whining about events in another country. Makes you look pathetic.....
Let Fox News in.

Let the WSJ in.

But thegatewaypundit?

It's not a media outlet.

It's a bastion of cranks, nutbars and conspiracy theories.
That sounds more like CNN and MSNBC. It sounds exactly like them. Your media is full of KNOWN liars.

You're clinging to a fakenews outlet that tells you the lies you want to hear.

And they couldn't give a shit about you.

All they care about is money.
Here’s some free advice. EVERY network only cares about money. It what keeps them on air. You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny.

Here's some better advice. "You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny."

I don't think that CNN or MSNBC know or care that I exist. But you seem to think that we do. That just goes to demonstrate how utterly out of touch with reality you are.

I expect that the network provide me with factual reporting on issues. If I find the network unreliable in reporting facts or information, or if they consistently lie about the other side and their programs, I'm done viewing. That's why I don't watch CNN. But I do watch BBC, CBC, Global, and CTV.

The billionaire owned right wing media owned by Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer Family, the Sinclair Family, and funded by right wing billionaires, is lying for the tax cuts. Pure and simple. FOX News should have it's license revoked for their dishonesty during the 2020 election, although the Dominion Voting Machine lawsuit has the possibility of financially crippling both FOX and Murdoch.
Hey asshole, you best STFU before embarrassing yourself further. Lying for tax cuts? That’s all you have? Fox should lose their license? Go fuck yourself. Dominion will NEVER file any lawsuits either your gullible sheep. More piles of shit from one the the biggest liars here. I know what you are. An uneducated bitch who wakes up every day whining about events in another country. Makes you look pathetic.....
"Dominion will NEVER file any lawsuits either your gullible sheep."


They've already filed at least 3 lawsuits. Plus another by a Dominion employee which was settled with NewsMax.
Let Fox News in.

Let the WSJ in.

But thegatewaypundit?

It's not a media outlet.

It's a bastion of cranks, nutbars and conspiracy theories.
That sounds more like CNN and MSNBC. It sounds exactly like them. Your media is full of KNOWN liars.

You're clinging to a fakenews outlet that tells you the lies you want to hear.

And they couldn't give a shit about you.

All they care about is money.
Here’s some free advice. EVERY network only cares about money. It what keeps them on air. You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny.

Here's some better advice. "You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny."

I don't think that CNN or MSNBC know or care that I exist. But you seem to think that we do. That just goes to demonstrate how utterly out of touch with reality you are.

I expect that the network provide me with factual reporting on issues. If I find the network unreliable in reporting facts or information, or if they consistently lie about the other side and their programs, I'm done viewing. That's why I don't watch CNN. But I do watch BBC, CBC, Global, and CTV.

The billionaire owned right wing media owned by Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer Family, the Sinclair Family, and funded by right wing billionaires, is lying for the tax cuts. Pure and simple. FOX News should have it's license revoked for their dishonesty during the 2020 election, although the Dominion Voting Machine lawsuit has the possibility of financially crippling both FOX and Murdoch.
Hey asshole, you best STFU before embarrassing yourself further. Lying for tax cuts? That’s all you have? Fox should lose their license? Go fuck yourself. Dominion will NEVER file any lawsuits either your gullible sheep. More piles of shit from one the the biggest liars here. I know what you are. An uneducated bitch who wakes up every day whining about events in another country. Makes you look pathetic.....

Open your mouth and stick the other foot in A$$hat:

Newsmax has already settled their lawsuit and apoligized to Dominion:

Anything you'd like to say other than to apologize to me for your stupidity, FuckBoi?

Really asshole, you'd KNOW this shit if you didn't spent all of your time listening to the lying right wing media.
Let Fox News in.

Let the WSJ in.

But thegatewaypundit?

It's not a media outlet.

It's a bastion of cranks, nutbars and conspiracy theories.
That sounds more like CNN and MSNBC. It sounds exactly like them. Your media is full of KNOWN liars.

You're clinging to a fakenews outlet that tells you the lies you want to hear.

And they couldn't give a shit about you.

All they care about is money.
Here’s some free advice. EVERY network only cares about money. It what keeps them on air. You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny.

Here's some better advice. "You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny."

I don't think that CNN or MSNBC know or care that I exist. But you seem to think that we do. That just goes to demonstrate how utterly out of touch with reality you are.

I expect that the network provide me with factual reporting on issues. If I find the network unreliable in reporting facts or information, or if they consistently lie about the other side and their programs, I'm done viewing. That's why I don't watch CNN. But I do watch BBC, CBC, Global, and CTV.

The billionaire owned right wing media owned by Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer Family, the Sinclair Family, and funded by right wing billionaires, is lying for the tax cuts. Pure and simple. FOX News should have it's license revoked for their dishonesty during the 2020 election, although the Dominion Voting Machine lawsuit has the possibility of financially crippling both FOX and Murdoch.
Hey asshole, you best STFU before embarrassing yourself further. Lying for tax cuts? That’s all you have? Fox should lose their license? Go fuck yourself. Dominion will NEVER file any lawsuits either your gullible sheep. More piles of shit from one the the biggest liars here. I know what you are. An uneducated bitch who wakes up every day whining about events in another country. Makes you look pathetic.....

Open your mouth and stick the other foot in A$$hat:

Newsmax has already settled their lawsuit and apoligized to Dominion:

Anything you'd like to say other than to apologize to me for your stupidity, FuckBoi?

Really asshole, you'd KNOW this shit if you didn't spent all of your time listening to the lying right wing media.
Hey you fucking illiterate asshole, Dominion has not filed ANY lawsuits you stupid fuck. Threatening to and then running like a bitch like you when told to bring it. Hey dumbfuck, you best apologize to everybody Republican here for being an uneducated illiterate piece of shit. Apologize to you? Go fuck yourself asshole. And tell fag boy faun to do the same. Now STFU bitch.
Look, just because a media outlet was demanding the violent overthrow of the government is no reason to ban them from government press briefings.

Oh wait, it actually is. Domestic terrorists shouldn't expect their terrorism to be rewarded with special press access.

If you're going to make a claim that a media group "demanded the violent overthrow of the government" then you really should back it up with proof from a unbiased and credible source.

If you can't show unsubstantiated evidence of your claim then you're not worth even considering.

So come on, where is the proof a media outlet that has the ability to attend white house meetings actually stated "we demand a violent overthrow of the government"

I'll be over here waiting on your proof.
Let Fox News in.

Let the WSJ in.

But thegatewaypundit?

It's not a media outlet.

It's a bastion of cranks, nutbars and conspiracy theories.
That sounds more like CNN and MSNBC. It sounds exactly like them. Your media is full of KNOWN liars.

You're clinging to a fakenews outlet that tells you the lies you want to hear.

And they couldn't give a shit about you.

All they care about is money.
Here’s some free advice. EVERY network only cares about money. It what keeps them on air. You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny.

Here's some better advice. "You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny."

I don't think that CNN or MSNBC know or care that I exist. But you seem to think that we do. That just goes to demonstrate how utterly out of touch with reality you are.

I expect that the network provide me with factual reporting on issues. If I find the network unreliable in reporting facts or information, or if they consistently lie about the other side and their programs, I'm done viewing. That's why I don't watch CNN. But I do watch BBC, CBC, Global, and CTV.

The billionaire owned right wing media owned by Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer Family, the Sinclair Family, and funded by right wing billionaires, is lying for the tax cuts. Pure and simple. FOX News should have it's license revoked for their dishonesty during the 2020 election, although the Dominion Voting Machine lawsuit has the possibility of financially crippling both FOX and Murdoch.
Hey asshole, you best STFU before embarrassing yourself further. Lying for tax cuts? That’s all you have? Fox should lose their license? Go fuck yourself. Dominion will NEVER file any lawsuits either your gullible sheep. More piles of shit from one the the biggest liars here. I know what you are. An uneducated bitch who wakes up every day whining about events in another country. Makes you look pathetic.....

Open your mouth and stick the other foot in A$$hat:

Newsmax has already settled their lawsuit and apoligized to Dominion:

Anything you'd like to say other than to apologize to me for your stupidity, FuckBoi?

Really asshole, you'd KNOW this shit if you didn't spent all of your time listening to the lying right wing media.
Hey you fucking illiterate asshole, Dominion has not filed ANY lawsuits you stupid fuck. Threatening to and then running like a bitch like you when told to bring it. Hey dumbfuck, you best apologize to everybody Republican here for being an uneducated illiterate piece of shit. Apologize to you? Go fuck yourself asshole. And tell fag boy faun to do the same. Now STFU bitch.

Fucking moron, if Dominion hasn't filed any lawsuits .... why do you think Sydney Powell filed a motion to dismiss based on the grounds that no reasonable person would believe her??

What was her motion in response to? What did she want dismissed?

No More Hard Questions:
Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings (
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings.
The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot into the press room. Lucian was even accosted and harassed at one point by the vicious reporter-activists in the room.
It was clear during the Trump years that the media’s goal was to smear President Trump and ignore his successes. They were threatened by any real news outlet. It is not a surprise that today the media is not trusted and despised by a significant segment of the population.
Maybe it’s all the lying?
The Biden regime is not taking any chances with confrontations by real reporters. Earlier this week Biden’s deputy press secretary announced that “conspiracy” organizations will no longer be allowed in the White House… By that, he means conservative outlets.
Like their president, they are not willing or capable of answering difficult questions on their insane policies.

Via Big League Politics:
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.​
Questioning climate science, reporting on election fraud, or exposing flawed COVID science will get you banned and silenced by the elites.

Obviously those handling China Joey Xi can't allow journalists to differ with the aims of this Marxist administration. I wonder how long Peter Doocy will be reporting too.
CNN's Jim Acosta is in seventh heaven, except now he can't hassle the speaker or the president.
Any conservative questions would likely expose something the gaslighting media wants suppressed. These are scary times because this level of censorship quickly leads to persecution to enforce it.
Today Jen Pskai confirmed the destruction of the first 11,000 jobs. How soon before coal miners, and gas and petroleum worker in Pennsylvania and Texas and thown out of their jobs.
Now that Marxists control everything in D.C., by having been either fruadulently elected, infiltrated, or appointed have now otherwise threatened, extorted or bribed politicians including judges at all levels across the country, it won't work out that way.
The question is will American citizens go quietly into the abyss of totalitarian control created by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left or stand up and fight for the Rights and God given Freedom.
Good. The stop the fail folks have failed to put up, so they need to shut up.
No More Hard Questions:
Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings (
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings.
The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot into the press room. Lucian was even accosted and harassed at one point by the vicious reporter-activists in the room.
It was clear during the Trump years that the media’s goal was to smear President Trump and ignore his successes. They were threatened by any real news outlet. It is not a surprise that today the media is not trusted and despised by a significant segment of the population.
Maybe it’s all the lying?
The Biden regime is not taking any chances with confrontations by real reporters. Earlier this week Biden’s deputy press secretary announced that “conspiracy” organizations will no longer be allowed in the White House… By that, he means conservative outlets.
Like their president, they are not willing or capable of answering difficult questions on their insane policies.

Via Big League Politics:
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.​
Questioning climate science, reporting on election fraud, or exposing flawed COVID science will get you banned and silenced by the elites.

Obviously those handling China Joey Xi can't allow journalists to differ with the aims of this Marxist administration. I wonder how long Peter Doocy will be reporting too.
CNN's Jim Acosta is in seventh heaven, except now he can't hassle the speaker or the president.
Any conservative questions would likely expose something the gaslighting media wants suppressed. These are scary times because this level of censorship quickly leads to persecution to enforce it.
Today Jen Pskai confirmed the destruction of the first 11,000 jobs. How soon before coal miners, and gas and petroleum worker in Pennsylvania and Texas and thown out of their jobs.
Now that Marxists control everything in D.C., by having been either fruadulently elected, infiltrated, or appointed have now otherwise threatened, extorted or bribed politicians including judges at all levels across the country, it won't work out that way.
The question is will American citizens go quietly into the abyss of totalitarian control created by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left or stand up and fight for the Rights and God given Freedom.
Why should conspiracy sites be in the WH press room?
Let Fox News in.

Let the WSJ in.

But thegatewaypundit?

It's not a media outlet.

It's a bastion of cranks, nutbars and conspiracy theories.
That sounds more like CNN and MSNBC. It sounds exactly like them. Your media is full of KNOWN liars.

You're clinging to a fakenews outlet that tells you the lies you want to hear.

And they couldn't give a shit about you.

All they care about is money.
Here’s some free advice. EVERY network only cares about money. It what keeps them on air. You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny.

Here's some better advice. "You think CNN and MSNBC care about YOU? Now that’s funny."

I don't think that CNN or MSNBC know or care that I exist. But you seem to think that we do. That just goes to demonstrate how utterly out of touch with reality you are.

I expect that the network provide me with factual reporting on issues. If I find the network unreliable in reporting facts or information, or if they consistently lie about the other side and their programs, I'm done viewing. That's why I don't watch CNN. But I do watch BBC, CBC, Global, and CTV.

The billionaire owned right wing media owned by Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer Family, the Sinclair Family, and funded by right wing billionaires, is lying for the tax cuts. Pure and simple. FOX News should have it's license revoked for their dishonesty during the 2020 election, although the Dominion Voting Machine lawsuit has the possibility of financially crippling both FOX and Murdoch.
Hey asshole, you best STFU before embarrassing yourself further. Lying for tax cuts? That’s all you have? Fox should lose their license? Go fuck yourself. Dominion will NEVER file any lawsuits either your gullible sheep. More piles of shit from one the the biggest liars here. I know what you are. An uneducated bitch who wakes up every day whining about events in another country. Makes you look pathetic.....

Open your mouth and stick the other foot in A$$hat:

Newsmax has already settled their lawsuit and apoligized to Dominion:

Anything you'd like to say other than to apologize to me for your stupidity, FuckBoi?

Really asshole, you'd KNOW this shit if you didn't spent all of your time listening to the lying right wing media.
Hey you fucking illiterate asshole, Dominion has not filed ANY lawsuits you stupid fuck. Threatening to and then running like a bitch like you when told to bring it. Hey dumbfuck, you best apologize to everybody Republican here for being an uneducated illiterate piece of shit. Apologize to you? Go fuck yourself asshole. And tell fag boy faun to do the same. Now STFU bitch.

So you didn't read any of the links, because they proved you wrong. Is this really the hill you want to die on FuckBoi????

Continuing to double down and repeat lies seems to be your only strategy. That an a complete denial of reality.

Your total irrelevance to any further discussion grows with every post. Pretty soon you Trump Cult clowns will be treated like Dale Smith. With laughter and derision every time you post. You're pretty much there now.
No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

Makes perfect sense. After all:
  • It's not like the left will ever ask Joe a hard relevant question!
  • Asking Joe hard questions just drains him of whatever little strength and mental faculty he has left to deal with the easy stuff.
Joe needs all the help he can get. Best we only ask Joe the easy questions written down for us on the supplied cue cards.
No More Hard Questions:
Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings (
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings.
The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot into the press room. Lucian was even accosted and harassed at one point by the vicious reporter-activists in the room.
It was clear during the Trump years that the media’s goal was to smear President Trump and ignore his successes. They were threatened by any real news outlet. It is not a surprise that today the media is not trusted and despised by a significant segment of the population.
Maybe it’s all the lying?
The Biden regime is not taking any chances with confrontations by real reporters. Earlier this week Biden’s deputy press secretary announced that “conspiracy” organizations will no longer be allowed in the White House… By that, he means conservative outlets.
Like their president, they are not willing or capable of answering difficult questions on their insane policies.

Via Big League Politics:
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.​
Questioning climate science, reporting on election fraud, or exposing flawed COVID science will get you banned and silenced by the elites.

Obviously those handling China Joey Xi can't allow journalists to differ with the aims of this Marxist administration. I wonder how long Peter Doocy will be reporting too.
CNN's Jim Acosta is in seventh heaven, except now he can't hassle the speaker or the president.
Any conservative questions would likely expose something the gaslighting media wants suppressed. These are scary times because this level of censorship quickly leads to persecution to enforce it.
Today Jen Pskai confirmed the destruction of the first 11,000 jobs. How soon before coal miners, and gas and petroleum worker in Pennsylvania and Texas and thown out of their jobs.
Now that Marxists control everything in D.C., by having been either fruadulently elected, infiltrated, or appointed have now otherwise threatened, extorted or bribed politicians including judges at all levels across the country, it won't work out that way.
The question is will American citizens go quietly into the abyss of totalitarian control created by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left or stand up and fight for the Rights and God given Freedom.

PROGS, specifically "Right Wing" were saying last week how Trump (TDS) interferes with media reporting and the Demoncrats don't. I provided him links showing he's a fool, because the O'bummer admin. was guilty, but being the PROG he and those like him are they tucked tail and pretended those links didn't exist.

In Xiden's case we can provide a victim role of which leftists adore, he has dementia and shouldn't be expected to answer questions that aren't staged for him in advance. Same with Kamala, because otherwise she'll just sit there and giggle.
Who got banned?

There's a "no treasonous conspiracy kook liars" rule for press, meaning that OAN and Newsmax will get axed.

Needless to say, that upset the treasonous Trump cult conspiracy kook liars. Just look at this thread. The fascists are all having a meltdown, meaning that good things are happening for democracy.

You're a twisted person, and you project because you're gutless & dishonest too.
No More Hard Questions:
Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings (
27 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings.
The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot into the press room. Lucian was even accosted and harassed at one point by the vicious reporter-activists in the room.
It was clear during the Trump years that the media’s goal was to smear President Trump and ignore his successes. They were threatened by any real news outlet. It is not a surprise that today the media is not trusted and despised by a significant segment of the population.
Maybe it’s all the lying?
The Biden regime is not taking any chances with confrontations by real reporters. Earlier this week Biden’s deputy press secretary announced that “conspiracy” organizations will no longer be allowed in the White House… By that, he means conservative outlets.
Like their president, they are not willing or capable of answering difficult questions on their insane policies.

Via Big League Politics:
President Joe Biden’s press team may move to restrict the briefings held at the White House to liberal mainstream media outlets, if language from the new President’s deputy press secretary if more than just talk.​
Questioning climate science, reporting on election fraud, or exposing flawed COVID science will get you banned and silenced by the elites.

Obviously those handling China Joey Xi can't allow journalists to differ with the aims of this Marxist administration. I wonder how long Peter Doocy will be reporting too.
CNN's Jim Acosta is in seventh heaven, except now he can't hassle the speaker or the president.
Any conservative questions would likely expose something the gaslighting media wants suppressed. These are scary times because this level of censorship quickly leads to persecution to enforce it.
Today Jen Pskai confirmed the destruction of the first 11,000 jobs. How soon before coal miners, and gas and petroleum worker in Pennsylvania and Texas and thown out of their jobs.
Now that Marxists control everything in D.C., by having been either fruadulently elected, infiltrated, or appointed have now otherwise threatened, extorted or bribed politicians including judges at all levels across the country, it won't work out that way.
The question is will American citizens go quietly into the abyss of totalitarian control created by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left or stand up and fight for the Rights and God given Freedom.

I'm sure CNN and MSNBC will be outraged, the way fox was when Jim the Accoster had his white house pass pulled.
Who got their press pass pulled?
NO ONE?!?!?!
Is it necessary that every comment you guys make is preceded by a lie?

Do you Nazis simply not know how to read?

The Reich is "considering," they have not implemented it yet. They are gauging reaction.

Read Gateway Pundit.

Read NSDAP is testing the waters.

View attachment 449459

You Trump worshipers are really stupid.
Yeah, it would be stupid to worship any living human being. Hence, there's maybe a handful of people like that scattered around in various places. At least they're not teaching school kids to sing songs about how they're going to help him and stuff. That would be bad.
No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

Makes perfect sense. After all:
  • It's not like the left will ever ask Joe a hard relevant question!
  • Asking Joe hard questions just drains him of whatever little strength and mental faculty he has left to deal with the easy stuff.
Joe needs all the help he can get. Best we only ask Joe the easy questions written down for us on the supplied cue cards.

At least Joe is answering questions. Trump used press conference to attack and berate members of the press who questioned his policies and didn't slaver praise over him for his wrong-headed and dangerous policies.

He stopped participating in press conferences after the courts refused to uphold his stripping of Jim Accosta of his press pass, because reporters refused to give him any softball questions, and expected him to explain his decisions.
No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

Makes perfect sense. After all:
  • It's not like the left will ever ask Joe a hard relevant question!
  • Asking Joe hard questions just drains him of whatever little strength and mental faculty he has left to deal with the easy stuff.
Joe needs all the help he can get. Best we only ask Joe the easy questions written down for us on the supplied cue cards.

At least Joe is answering questions. Trump used press conference to attack and berate members of the press who questioned his policies and didn't slaver praise over him for his wrong-headed and dangerous policies.

He stopped participating in press conferences after the courts refused to uphold his stripping of Jim Accosta of his press pass, because reporters refused to give him any softball questions, and expected him to explain his decisions.
Trump answered more questions in 10 minutes than Biden has answered since he was inaugurated. The fact that he gave a number of reporters a well-deserved tongue lashing proves nothing.
Last edited:
No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

Makes perfect sense. After all:
  • It's not like the left will ever ask Joe a hard relevant question!
  • Asking Joe hard questions just drains him of whatever little strength and mental faculty he has left to deal with the easy stuff.
Joe needs all the help he can get. Best we only ask Joe the easy questions written down for us on the supplied cue cards.

At least Joe is answering questions. Trump used press conference to attack and berate members of the press who questioned his policies and didn't slaver praise over him for his wrong-headed and dangerous policies.

He stopped participating in press conferences after the courts refused to uphold his stripping of Jim Accosta of his press pass, because reporters refused to give him any softball questions, and expected him to explain his decisions.

What are the types of questions has Joey Xi answered?
No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

Makes perfect sense. After all:
  • It's not like the left will ever ask Joe a hard relevant question!
  • Asking Joe hard questions just drains him of whatever little strength and mental faculty he has left to deal with the easy stuff.
Joe needs all the help he can get. Best we only ask Joe the easy questions written down for us on the supplied cue cards.

At least Joe is answering questions. Trump used press conference to attack and berate members of the press who questioned his policies and didn't slaver praise over him for his wrong-headed and dangerous policies.

He stopped participating in press conferences after the courts refused to uphold his stripping of Jim Accosta of his press pass, because reporters refused to give him any softball questions, and expected him to explain his decisions.
Oh, is THAT what you thought happened?
No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

Makes perfect sense. After all:
  • It's not like the left will ever ask Joe a hard relevant question!
  • Asking Joe hard questions just drains him of whatever little strength and mental faculty he has left to deal with the easy stuff.
Joe needs all the help he can get. Best we only ask Joe the easy questions written down for us on the supplied cue cards.

At least Joe is answering questions. Trump used press conference to attack and berate members of the press who questioned his policies and didn't slaver praise over him for his wrong-headed and dangerous policies.

He stopped participating in press conferences after the courts refused to uphold his stripping of Jim Accosta of his press pass, because reporters refused to give him any softball questions, and expected him to explain his decisions.
Oh, is THAT what you thought happened?
Correction: she doesn't think.

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