Biden to withhold funds if not vaxxed?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

The administration is not kidding around anymore, and this is a very good opening swing of the hammer. From the Washington Post:

The effort could apply to institutions as varied as long-term-care facilities, cruise ships and universities, potentially impacting millions of Americans, according to the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations. The conversations are in the early phases and no firm decisions have been made, the people said. One outside lawyer in touch with the Biden administration on the issue is recommending that the president use federal powers sparingly.
The reporter is a dick. The "news media" on this one is a bigger dick. But the gist is....IF Biden was not considering this...dickhead would not have put it out there.
From Fox News.

The plan could target institutions such as long-term-care facilities, cruise ships, and universities, hoping to reach many of the 90 million Americans who are eligible for the vaccine but have not yet received it.

One area the plan could focus on is restricting access to federal funds such as Medicare in a bid to persuade nursing homes and long-term-care facilities to require that their employees get vaccinated, the Post reported

While no decisions have been finalized on the plan, at least one outside lawyer in contact with the Biden administration has urged restraint in using federal powers.

The move could trigger backlash among some Americans, including in GOP strongholds that have high rates of vaccine hesitancy.

The plan is being weighed amid a spike in COVID-19 cases largely driven by the delta variant, which experts have warned is more easily transmittable than the original strain. The rolling seven-day average of new infections has risen to 95,000 as of Thursday, causing some experts to call on the federal government to use more of its powers.

They want to get this war REALLY going? Do it and see.
America is no longer America.

And all it took was putting another crackpot leftwing democrat back in the WH.

Of course, millions believe he wasn't exactly VOTED in.

That makes Biddum a hostile takeover of the country. Pretty funny then how the Left are now crying how "democracy" was ruined by Trump! The ultimate gaslighting.

TRUMP THE DICTATOR! Who at least respected individual rights and liberty.
Think of it like this:

Your kid is not taking his medicine so you say "no tv privilege's for you until you take it". The only real difference is that this kid not taking his medication could possibly kill someone else in the family.
Think of it like this:

Your kid is not taking his medicine so you say "no tv privilege's for you until you take it". The only real difference is that this kid not taking his medication could possibly kill someone else in the family.
Or, like this:
If you're dependent on government "funds", they have you by the balls. Do you as you're told or do without.
Think of it like this:

Your kid is not taking his medicine so you say "no tv privilege's for you until you take it". The only real difference is that this kid not taking his medication could possibly kill someone else in the family.
WTF??? I am NOT a child. I refuse to take the vax. Why am I being threatened with force when you know damn well they are not taking these EXTREME measures with the influx of illegals entering. If they were so damn fucking worried about covid, that is where they would start the threats, don/t you think? No shot, no entry. Yet...they are being bussed everywhere in the states but if I and others who are citizens REFUSE...we don't get medical help or SS or whatever? WTF is wrong with this picture and why do you not see it???
Think of it like this:

Your kid is not taking his medicine so you say "no tv privilege's for you until you take it". The only real difference is that this kid not taking his medication could possibly kill someone else in the family.
Really? They could kill many in entire towns too, those border crossers.
Think of it like this:

Your kid is not taking his medicine so you say "no tv privilege's for you until you take it". The only real difference is that this kid not taking his medication could possibly kill someone else in the family.
Take my medicine? TAKE MY MEDICINE? The non FDA approved poison nobody knows what the fuck is in it medicine? Would you give your kid a medicine some quack on the corner told you to make them take, or they will shoot your kid? SAME THING.
From Fox News.

The plan could target institutions such as long-term-care facilities, cruise ships, and universities, hoping to reach many of the 90 million Americans who are eligible for the vaccine but have not yet received it.

One area the plan could focus on is restricting access to federal funds such as Medicare in a bid to persuade nursing homes and long-term-care facilities to require that their employees get vaccinated, the Post reported

While no decisions have been finalized on the plan, at least one outside lawyer in contact with the Biden administration has urged restraint in using federal powers.

The move could trigger backlash among some Americans, including in GOP strongholds that have high rates of vaccine hesitancy.

The plan is being weighed amid a spike in COVID-19 cases largely driven by the delta variant, which experts have warned is more easily transmittable than the original strain. The rolling seven-day average of new infections has risen to 95,000 as of Thursday, causing some experts to call on the federal government to use more of its powers.

They want to get this war REALLY going? Do it and see.
who determines if the healthcare facility has persuaded enough?

i just want this to be an example of what to expect in the future with universial healthcare. The Govt will cut it off if you don’t do what they want.
666. Mark of the beast.

the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Would you give your kid a medicine some quack on the corner told you to make them take, or they will shoot your kid? SAME THING.
Well first of all the vax wasnt created by a quack. Youre being a little dramatic with the shooting thing. Taking away funds for non compliance isnt the same as shooting someone.
Well first of all the vax wasnt created by a quack. Youre being a little dramatic with the shooting thing. Taking away funds for non compliance isnt the same as shooting someone.
what authority does xiden have to take away medicare payments?

remember when he and barry tried that with obamacare and got it struck down by the scotus?

why are dems always attacking old folks homes and their medicare anyway? first sexual predator and dem superstar Cuomo sets up the “gold standard” with his death camps for the elderly…now this…
Take my medicine? TAKE MY MEDICINE? The non FDA approved poison nobody knows what the fuck is in it medicine? Would you give your kid a medicine some quack on the corner told you to make them take, or they will shoot your kid? SAME THING.

Have you gone full liberal with your use of misinformation?

I respect your right not to take the vaccine, but why are you lying about it?
Have you gone full liberal with your use of misinformation?

I respect your right not to take the vaccine, but why are you lying about it?
Exactly. There are legitimate reasons to not take the vaccine. No need to make shit up. Unless you're trying to scare other people into not talking it was well.

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