Biden: Vote for Me and I’ll Stop My Leftist Violence

It is Trump fanning the flames
Trump sows division to motivate his shrinking base. Most sane Americans are sick of his brand of shithole politics. It is why Trump’s poll numbers are hemorrhaging. Sorry, Dotard Don but the more you stroke the flames of division the more people see you for the corrupt little man you are.

The blob is doing nothing about the violence now....except hoping for more.

Is this what you envisioned when you voted to "Make America Great"? Probably not.
He has offered help. Your Dimwinger leaders of those cities and states have refused.

You own your Dimwinger riots.

Meanwhile back in reality, both the mayor of Kenosha and the governor of Wisconsin have asked the blob not to ooze into Kenosha at this time. Yet there he goes into Kenosha.

If a mid-level manager is obviously incapable of handling a situation in their department, at some point, upper management will step in because they are responsible for the company as a whole. These Democratic mayors would be fired if they were mid-level management.

Thanks for admitting the blob is responsible. Nearly all blob supporters have completely avoided pinning all of this discord on El Blob-O. Good to see you bucking the trend. Thanks.

I guess you missed the bigger point. A CEO would have already fired the mid-level managers and gone in and fixed the problem or hired somebody that could. Trump has tried to help, but the incompetent mayors don't listen and unfortunately he can't just fire them.

Again, thanks for confirming the blob is ultimately responsible. Most conservatives have gone out of their way to absolve El Blob-O of any responsibility. You, my friend, are different in hanging the blame for the Trump Virus where it belongs...on Trump himself.
give it up.

Your attempt to blame Trump for Dimwingers refusing his help is pathetic.

It won't work on anyone with a working brain, which is why you bought into it.

DBA said Trump was "upper management" So he's ultimately responsible.

The blob is responsible for what happens on his watch.
I also said that his hands were tied.

And why do you think that is? Could it be that he refuses to work with the Mayors and Governors? Like today, he's going to Kenosha, WI....where both the mayor and the governor have asked him to not come right now.

But let me guess...poor trump is just a victim. Right?
Yep, that’s what he’s saying these days.
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Vote for me or their be riots and violence. Donald Trump. That's what he says. Ironic to say the least since he's the one in charge now.

Trump isn't in charge of the cities Dimwingers are running, Dummy.

Neither is Biden that doesn't stop Trump from trying to tie Biden for a HYPOTHETICAL riot when he's in charge so tying Trump to real ones is fair game.
Yep, that’s what he’s saying these days.
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Vote for me or their be riots and violence. Donald Trump. That's what he says. Ironic to say the least since he's the one in charge now.

Trump isn't in charge of the cities Dimwingers are running, Dummy.

Neither is Biden that doesn't stop Trump from trying to tie Biden for a HYPOTHETICAL riot when he's in charge so tying Trump to real ones is fair game.

Biden has been funding bail for these criminals, and has yet to actually condemn them.
It is Trump fanning the flames

No dipshit, it is the scumbag assholes in the streets that are 100% responsible for their own actions.
no, biden is responsible, see thread title.

The assholes doing the violence are responsible. Were Obama and Biden responsible for the riots Ferguson or Baltimore?

Biden blaming Trump is horseshit. Even retarded Dims don't believe that crap.
trump has the biggest pulpit. and he uses it to troll 24/7/365.
It is Trump fanning the flames
Trump would send in troops as soon as the mayor or governor asks for help, but the democrats are too stupid to see how the riots are hurting their chances in November.

Rather than acknowledging the grievance of the protestors and calling for calm, Trump mocks the protests and calls for police to bust heads.

If they'd stop robbing liquor stores......
The assholes doing the violence are responsible. Were Obama and Biden responsible for the riots Ferguson or Baltimore?

Biden blaming Trump is horseshit. Even retarded Dims don't believe that crap.
just shows a complete lack of dignity. but again, we already knew that.
It is Trump fanning the flames

No dipshit, it is the scumbag assholes in the streets that are 100% responsible for their own actions.
no, biden is responsible, see thread title.

The assholes doing the violence are responsible. Were Obama and Biden responsible for the riots Ferguson or Baltimore?

Biden blaming Trump is horseshit. Even retarded Dims don't believe that crap.
trump has the biggest pulpit. and he uses it to troll 24/7/365.

So did Obama and Biden. So yeah, I guess they're responsible for Ferguson and Baltimore. Got it. :thup:
It is Trump fanning the flames
Yes, anyone who disagrees with you Leftard Fascists does incite you to violence.
Trump needs unrest so he can promise to save us.

Much of the violence is a direct response to his rhetoric

We're you saying for the last 5-6 months that the riots were myth and it was all peaceful protesting?

Now the Dems dropped new talking points because the riots were hurting them in the polls and you also just so happen to change your tune?

Who do you work for? The DNC?

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